Wuvz needs your Ideas!

Hola amigos!

Wuv is making another movie, it's gonna b Wuv does Level 19. He needs your brains...er ideas to make it good.

Here is what Wuv is planning so far:

1. More terrible pvp action.

2. A song- Wuv is going to sing to you in this one!

3. Romance! - Wuv will have a love intrest with a storyline.

But Wuv is missing one thing...

In every movie, Wuv does something big in the game, such as:

Level 1- 2agms and furbolg pouch

Level 5- Solo explore to Shatterspear Village

Level 10- 450 Fishing

Level 15- World Explorer

So...what does Wuv do that is big in game for Level 19? Halup Wuvz!? I dunnoz?!!

Thanks, soon I will be singing to you like an ogre bird...:)

I am asknig each person to:'

1. Write an Idea of someting cool to achieve in game.

2. Link a youtube video of a song I should use. (Songs about Ogres and Love most welcome :)

You are so weird.

But I kind of like it.
Stabbedurazz said:
cant wait :) but you could of done it getting ur fishing hat seeing it took you a lot of work but its a little late for that hahaha

I would put that in the video, but Twinkytoes runs the guild with me and fished for over 2 years with no hat and I wouldn't do that to Nickers. :) /pat

Thanks Juicy, u gonna come make a twink in guild to play wif me?
I say you come home from work already, and please nothing big in your next movie, no titles PLEASE!
Lol, we should do a world PVE thing on our twinks, would be perfect for your video!
i say go on an epic adventure to Candy Island.
Wuv123 said:
I would put that in the video, but Twinkytoes runs the guild with me and fished for over 2 years with no hat and I wouldn't do that to Nickers. :) /pat

Thanks Juicy, u gonna come make a twink in guild to play wif me?

As soon as I'm done getting the BOA's for my rogue, I might be interested. Rogues are all I know though, who's your current A team rogue?
Juicy said:
As soon as I'm done getting the BOA's for my rogue, I might be interested. Rogues are all I know though, who's your current A team rogue?

Frittos, who just quit rogue out of massive frustration after trying to play one in premades and getting sick of fighting D team full of Druids-Shaman-Hunters who could simply run away and kite rogues. He rerolled to Spellhance Shaman :> We would love to have a brutal rogue of your caliber :)
Wuv, If you have the patience, You could quite possibly aim to getting diplomat and ambassador.
master of warsong gulch.

BiS gear.

close up + slomo "owned" clips ei. epic fake jumps
Murk said:
master of warsong gulch.

BiS gear.

close up + slomo "owned" clips ei. epic fake jumps

Hey Murk!

Will take into consideration, I am working on the gear right now for a maximum stamina set, when I am done I will have 2014 hp in tauren form with no buffs, that will be epic for me to finish.

I need music guys help!
No more grindy titles k?

Off-topic, hoping for internet back between tonight and Sunday :D

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