WTS Signatures

You guys think Daman should wear this sig I made? :D


Using my Dad's computer atm much better connection. Working on other sigs too.
Haha, that signature is pretty cool. Good job making it.
Eliot said:
Haha, that signature is pretty cool. Good job making it.

Haha thanks, didn't have to use as many frames as I thought, but still was quite a few trying to make the mini-pics fade out smoothly.
Eliot I could eventually make a sig for you too? Pretty much the same sig as you got now, but make the water in the text actually move? :)
wow great job on my sig man, i also like how you made it move! Looks great thanks.
neverseen said:
wow great job on my sig man, i also like how you made it move! Looks great thanks.

Um, is it just me with my bad connection, or does the slide-text freeze up here and there on your sig? If so I'm going to have to fix that, but shouldn't be too hard.


I refreshed the page and it's fine now. But anyone else have that problem?
Hey the text on his signature isn't freezing up for me. I'm happy with my current signature, however if you're bored and want something to do feel free to give it a shot!
What do you use to make them?
Yea it's just my connection.

Switched back to laptop to give him his comp back. For some reason everytime I go to open Noggit, or Photoshop on this comp it gives me a message that says "Adobe Photoshop is not responding". So it looks like I'll have to wait 'til he's off to get back on... which will be in about 1 and a half, to 2 hours. In the mean time, how about people that want sigs help me compile more info on what to add.
Eliot said:
A great thread to check for ideas is this http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/10-19-bracket/7288-twink-banner-thingies.html

Props to Doctorfred.

I could do that kind of stuff... but nobody has given me any Screenshots or anything of their characters. I'm pretty much stuck working with what I can find.

Screenshots would be helpful... he used them in every picture he made. I don't necessarily know the size restrictions for sigs either. Maybe if someone could find me the Height/Width dimensions?
PureCraft said:
I could do that kind of stuff... but nobody has given me any Screenshots or anything of their characters. I'm pretty much stuck working with what I can find.

Screenshots would be helpful... he used them in every picture he made. I don't necessarily know the size restrictions for sigs either. Maybe if someone could find me the Height/Width dimensions?

8. Signature Restrictions

While their are no specific restrictions, they must be reasonably sized. If a signature exceeds the natural width of the forum area provided, it will be edited. For signatures that are too "tall" we will ask you to make it more friendly. Links or images of offensive material will be deleted without warning.

Quoted from the TwinkInfo Code of Conduct.
Eliot said:
Quoted from the TwinkInfo Code of Conduct.

Daman is saying that he is having problems with using my banner as a sig, due to it's size is 600x100 instead of 500x100
Stabbedurazz said:
Yea vort, for my sig do you think you could do the screen u got already along with my name in cool font across the top, i might provide u with a new screen if u havent started yet actually, with the midsummer shit :)

I haven't started it, and yea it'd be better off if everyone would send me screenies for their sigs as well.

Go ahead and gimme the Midsummer one :p

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