Lmk when you sell the SP one and the price. Thanks.
Just curious, I remember back in TBC that even getting to 1K to Respec was a massive pain, how TF are people coming up with 7K for these?
Our guild (on Herod - Alliance) will be selling the Sapphiron shoulder enchants for the foreseeable future. We are currently charging 6k for the AP enchant and 3k for the other ones. This week we have:
-Fortitude of the Scourge3k SOLD
- Resilience of the Scourge (Healing) 3k
Gold only. Prices are negotiable. PM if interested for battle tag.
UPDATE 1/8: Both sold. We'll be raiding tomorrow so I should have more enchants soon.
UPDATE 1/10: New enchants up.
hey, interested in the ap enchant. Still available?
Currently we only have the Healing one. We raid on Saturdays so I'll let you know if we get one.
In-game gold only?
I'm interested in the AP one if you get it this weekend, or possible stam armor.
Interested in stamina one, please let me know
got an AP available?