Wtb premadez

toastage said:
1 hunt no engi games?

edit meh 2bh dc about the nades

Past 29 rules have been no Faps/Sappers/Swifts/Deathray/Chicken.

toastage said:
franchi can fc aedre can play hunt

You would like that. Wouldn't you?

allahkazam said:
so it's basically masta ballerz against The World [H]

Well we wanted to use Skanky since MB already has 4 priests in the guild. He declined so he could play for MB. It will take time to gear up a Priest.
your guild has 5 priests
rubikz said:
your guild has 5 priests

2 that actively play and one that hasn't voiced any interest in premade. Leaving 1. Have u ever seen the other 3 in bg's ever?

I was actually just shy of rolling a priest myself the past few weeks due to the need for dispell in pug games.
one of our priests has no BOA gear, putting him at a ~100 sp disadvantage. half of our 4 priests do not have a mic. none of them have finished professions except brushy, who is an xfer. none of them have an AGM.

my point was that drawing conclusions based on # of priests in a guild roster is dumb
toastage said:
franchi can fc aedre can play hunt

Yeah cause I'm totally like a premade quality fc

You want to have premades, but you want to have premades you are sure of winning?

rubikz said:
one of our priests has no BOA gear, putting him at a ~100 sp disadvantage. half of our 4 priests do not have a mic. none of them have finished professions except brushy, who is an xfer. none of them have an AGM.

my point was that drawing conclusions based on # of priests in a guild roster is dumb

Well that must have been directed to nastay. I hadn't said anything except to give reason for wanting a priest to start gearing up to fill a premade need.

No worries on the proffessions and agm's there will be time to get that done this isn't set up for tomorrow.
Yeah cause I'm totally like a premade quality fc

You want to have premades, but you want to have premades you are sure of winning?


so you're making everyone wait a month just cause you're not competent enough? if any game you're in automatically makes the other side "sure of winning," then why do you join pug games at all?

this isn't some "all the cards on the table" thing where the losers need to delete their chars. i just don't see the point of postponing it if the numbers are already there.
rubikz said:
so you're making everyone wait a month just cause you're not competent enough? if any game you're in automatically makes the other side "sure of winning," then why do you join pug games at all?

this isn't some "all the cards on the table" thing where the losers need to delete their chars. i just don't see the point of postponing it if the numbers are already there.

How is this your decision? I know what gaps I needed filled in the guild prior to doing a 10 man and those are now in process of being filled. A flag carrier isn't one of them I have 2, Franchi's not making anyone wait on anything. A priest however is. I'm thrilled you came over with a team of players you had previously ran with but this is a fairly new guild here used to fill out pug wsg's. If you don't like how I want to get this off the ground you can approach another horde guild to do it. Oh wait....

That said, I doubt it will take a month for the priest to finish up. I'll be in touch with toast.
rubikz said:
your guild has 5 priests

And 1 that is premade quality.

rubikz said:
one of our priests has no BOA gear, putting him at a ~100 sp disadvantage. half of our 4 priests do not have a mic. none of them have finished professions except brushy, who is an xfer. none of them have an AGM.

my point was that drawing conclusions based on # of priests in a guild roster is dumb

What? I draw no "conclusion" other than we would have preferred to use Skanky but he is now rerolling to make another Priest. Thus the hold up on our side.

Franchi said:
Yeah cause I'm totally like a premade quality fc

You want to have premades, but you want to have premades you are sure of winning?



rubikz said:
so you're making everyone wait a month just cause you're not competent enough? if any game you're in automatically makes the other side "sure of winning," then why do you join pug games at all?

What? What do PuGs have to do with premades?

rubikz said:
this isn't some "all the cards on the table" thing where the losers need to delete their chars. i just don't see the point of postponing it if the numbers are already there.

Of course you don't see the point of us putting together a great team. You would prefer if it was half-assed. At least that's what your posts are indicating.

Daydra said:
How is this your decision? I know what gaps I needed filled in the guild prior to doing a 10 man and those are now in process of being filled. A flag carrier isn't one of them I have 2. A priest however is. I'm thrilled you came over with a team of players you had previously ran with but this is a fairly new guild here used to fill out pug wsg's. If you don't like how I want to get this off the ground you can approach another horde guild to do it. Oh wait....

Considering that we only started talking about this yesterday... Slow your roll, Rubikz. No need to blow your load early on a 3 pumper.
so you're making everyone wait a month just cause you're not competent enough? if any game you're in automatically makes the other side "sure of winning," then why do you join pug games at all?

Having me in a pug carrying flags is better than not having a flag carrier, horde only has 2 people willing to make flag carriers, so yes I play an fc, I always have for that very reason.

The requirements for an fc in a pug are, fully geared, not completely retarded, has a pulse and has a mic.

The requirements for a premade played at the lvl that I am sure MB will bring is considerably higher.
Franchi said:
Having me in a pug carrying flags is better than not having a flag carrier, horde only has 2 people willing to make flag carriers, so yes I play an fc, I always have for that very reason.

The requirements for an fc in a pug are, fully geared, not completely retarded, has a pulse and has a mic.

The requirements for a premade played at the lvl that I am sure MB will bring is considerably higher.

Not really man... If you can LOS, call out incs, and take a shit load of damage you're the right person for the job lol.
LOL at this, why are you doomhammers so impatient, <Lost the Batteries> was never anything but a fun dmaw guild for active players, I don't think anyone had premades in mind. Our bracket hasn't premaded in years. You express interest, we say that we need to get 1 or 2 players to have a roster that isn't shit, and you cry?

edit - I told toast that there was interest, but that things needed discussing... Not that we were gonna premade you this week. Actually yesterday was the first I heard it seriously mentioned.

one of our priests has no BOA gear, putting him at a ~100 sp disadvantage. half of our 4 priests do not have a mic. none of them have finished professions except brushy, who is an xfer. none of them have an AGM.

At the moment, I don't have finished professions, or an AGM/DMH. The rest of the priests are inactive or uninterested in premading. I believe we have found a candidate, but we need to get him to 29 and gear him.
allahkazam said:
so what is it that you can't do in a 10v10? are you talking about doing jumps or just the warrior class not good for fcing in a premade or what.

There are numerous small mistakes and a few huge mistakes that I make on a regular basis, in the last 2 nights i have lost games for horde 3 times that I know of, a fc that is ready to bring it on a premade lvl does not have those issues. I am working on getting better but it will be a while before i am ready to fc on a premade lvl, cleaning up my ui has worked wonders, but at the same time adjusting to it and re learning it is slowing my game down atm. Besides as daydra says she has an fc, it's filling out other slots that's taking time at present.

i thought this would be a fun little extra for the bracket but it's becoming super srs just like everything else here :(

And as always i am ready with my serious business link.

Whitest Kids U' Know - Sniper Business - YouTube
Honestly premades are the least healthy thing I can think of for this bracket. Worse than hunters, ret pallies, or GF'd items...
Franchi said:
There are numerous small mistakes and a few huge mistakes that I make on a regular basis, in the last 2 nights i have lost games for horde 3 times that I know of, a fc that is ready to bring it on a premade lvl does not have those issues. I am working on getting better but it will be a while before i am ready to fc on a premade lvl, cleaning up my ui has worked wonders, but at the same time adjusting to it and re learning it is slowing my game down atm. Besides as daydra says she has an fc, it's filling out other slots that's taking time at present.

And as always i am ready with my serious business link.

Whitest Kids U' Know - Sniper Business - YouTube

Daydra said she had 2 FC's. I think she was referring to yourself as one of them. Don't sell yourself short, you have a mic, gear, and a willingness to learn. You'll get premade experience by premading, and if there's room for your own improvement, well, you already are willing to admit your own mistakes, and that's probably the biggest hurdle to get past in order to get better.
allahkazam said:
pretty much this. if one side wins 3-0 the other side isn't going to want to play anymore.

I dont see that being the problem as much as I see the forum bragging, screen shots, and shit talking being a problem lol.
Igotoparties said:
I dont see that being the problem as much as I see the forum bragging, screen shots, and shit talking being a problem lol.

says the AS hunter with /spit macros who talks shit all the time...

...yet disengages into stumps. rofl. lmao. bwahahahahahaha
oknob said:
says the AS hunter with /spit macros who talks shit all the time...

...yet disengages into stumps. rofl. lmao. bwahahahahahaha

I dont spit anymore lol, I got reported for spamming and I got banned for it. Furthermore, one person is not enough to kill a bracket. Even Amy/Kow havent killed the bracket and they've made it a point to do so. One way or the other I dont give a shit if 29's die, but I'm giving my opinion on the topic, take it or leave it.

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