WTB lvl 39 Ret Paladin Guide

Conrose said:
I know for fact that damaging seals and Judgements are now based on AP.

There was alot of pressure coming from the Paladin community to make this sorta change because of the large variation between the much more lopsided iLevels distribution required to allow Retadins to compete with Warriors since for the longest time a Warrior could squeeze much more damage out of DPS plate than Retadins could, in fact, I believe during BC the best Retadin DPS sets came from Arenas even.

hehe, i remember the days when raiding ret pallies were rocking s4 gloves for the bonus
Something I've been thinking about doing on my Ret Paladin is trading out Pursuit of Justice in exchange for Eye for an Eye.

I was crit for over 800 damage by a Rogue yesterday, I feel that the 160 damage return would be far more beneficial, as I can't recall a single time I've ever been disarmed in PvP.
Storebrandd said:
Something I've been thinking about doing on my Ret Paladin is trading out Pursuit of Justice in exchange for Eye for an Eye.

I was crit for over 800 damage by a Rogue yesterday, I feel that the 160 damage return would be far more beneficial, as I can't recall a single time I've ever been disarmed in PvP.

pursuit of justice is one of the most OP talents in the game. i would definately not give it up.

just for an idea of how good it is, i specced my 39 holy/FC paladin 12 points into ret just for the speed increase.
I agree with Druiddroid. The main reason I put points into there is the speed increase. I believe with the Judgement of Just or whatever it's called (the red hammer one :p ) it slows your opponent down to normal walk speed no matter what pots or CDs they're on but keeps you at the faster walk speed meaning they can't get away from you (or catch up if you're in hot water) ;) Always a good thing in PvP.
My 39 Ret Pally Incstun

I have just about everything you could want for a ret pally. Currently not displaying BoA shoudlers since another toon has them. Also I switch between 3 different chest pieces.

Gelkis Marauder Chain

Archon Chestpiece

Robes of the Lich

Also I'm currently working on getting the BoA axe and putting 25 agility on it. I'd also like to replace my bracers with "of the Bear" version.

All in all self buffed wearing the dress I have 760AP and 26% crit currently. Once I get the BoA axe I expect my crit to go up further while bringing my AP down slightly (I can spare a little lol). Plus I thought the name was pretty creative for a Paladin XD

"I can't recall a single time I've ever been disarmed in PvP"



what is the point on swapping those 3 chests? Im just curious.
People with 15 Strength to gloves make my head hurt.
Situation said:
People with 15 Strength to gloves make my head hurt.

yeah, they hit your head pretty hard.

max AP/stam might not be the most efficient way of DPSing, but for those looking for big numbers it's not a bad enchant. also considering how good ret paladins are anyways, it's not like it will make much of a difference.

what is the point on swapping those 3 chests? Im just curious

Meh none really. I'm the kind of person that likes to get as much gear as possible. I usually run around with the dress more just for the crit but meh, I like to switch it up from time to time.

People with 15 Strength to gloves make my head hurt.

yeah, they hit your head pretty hard.

max AP/stam might not be the most efficient way of DPSing, but for those looking for big numbers it's not a bad enchant. also considering how good ret paladins are anyways, it's not like it will make much of a difference anyways.

Well said, Druiddroid. I do have another pair of gloves with +15 hit on them that I wear for arena, but with the Shadowmaster BoA shouders and the other +hit enchants I have it brings my hit rating to 22, plenty good enough to run around WSG with imo.
Druiddroid said:
yeah, they hit your head pretty hard.

max AP/stam might not be the most efficient way of DPSing, but for those looking for big numbers it's not a bad enchant. also considering how good ret paladins are anyways, it's not like it will make much of a difference.

If you really don't understand why not getting hit capped will make a major difference then there really isn't much more to say.

People looking for big numbers are what give paladins an even worse fotm name then we already have. Actually, feel free to keep using it. Not only does it provide me with lots of lolol's but it makes it easier than it already is to embarrass the wanna-be's.
Situation said:
If you really don't understand why not getting hit capped will make a major difference then there really isn't much more to say.

People looking for big numbers are what give paladins an even worse fotm name then we already have. Actually, feel free to keep using it. Not only does it provide me with lots of lolol's but it makes it easier than it already is to embarrass the wanna-be's.

yep, it makes quite a difference.

actually, it really doesn't. sure, you'll be hitting more, and laughing at them, but they're playing the game. they're the ones having fun and not striving for perfection. they're the ones lol'ing IRL when they see big numbers. as untactful as it may seem, i am still jealous of those that play for fun rather than perfection : /

anyways, point is, whoever is having more fun wins.
Druiddroid said:
yep, it makes quite a difference.

actually, it really doesn't. sure, you'll be hitting more, and laughing at them, but they're playing the game. they're the ones having fun and not striving for perfection. they're the ones lol'ing IRL when they see big numbers. as untactful as it may seem, i am still jealous of those that play for fun rather than perfection : /

anyways, point is, whoever is having more fun wins.

Wow, we weren't talking about game enjoyment at all. This is a twink site, twink forums, and more specifically a Ret Paladin Guide. Sure they might be enjoying themselves (more power too them) but that really isn't what this is about. Twinks by definition are about gear perfection. Why would you suggest anything else? Capping hit is the best way to enchant and gear. It just is.

So you can take this thread off-topic all you want but in the end it doesn't change the fact that hit capping is more important than the random big number and is the best way to improve not only your dps but utility.
Situation said:
Wow, we weren't talking about game enjoyment at all. This is a twink site, twink forums, and more specifically a Ret Paladin Guide. Sure they might be enjoying themselves (more power too them) but that really isn't what this is about.

actually it is what it is all about. WoW is a video game. it is played for entertainment, also known as 'fun'.

it's all subjective.

some people like to see big numbers. this is fun for them. they would like 15 strength better.

some people like to pwn as many people as they can. this is fun for them. they would like 15 hit rating better.

whatever your way of having fun is probably different from my way of having fun. both enchants are viable. it just depends what your style of fun is.

another example off the top of my head: there are people that are out there asking about level 10 casters. granted, they are rare, but i mean if people are considering level 10s, it's pretty obvious that being able to cause the most carnage isn't always what is in everyone's best interest.
Druiddroid said:
actually it is what it is all about. WoW is a video game. it is played for entertainment, also known as 'fun'.

it's all subjective.

some people like to see big numbers. this is fun for them. they would like 15 strength better.

some people like to pwn as many people as they can. this is fun for them. they would like 15 hit rating better.

whatever your way of having fun is probably different from my way of having fun. both enchants are viable. it just depends what your style of fun is.

another example off the top of my head: there are people that are out there asking about level 10 casters. granted, they are rare, but i mean if people are considering level 10s, it's pretty obvious that being able to cause the most carnage isn't always what is in everyone's best interest.

Again your missing the point. Sure they'll have fun with their 15 strength enchant. But this thread is about correctly and most efficiently gearing a paladin. Now unless you want to argue that 15str is more viable than 15 hit I suggest try not to lead newcomers astray.

I think your idea of "viable" is a little off. Everything is viable. It's just a matter to what degree it is. 15 hit is the most viable enchant offered to a pally at 39. I'm sure I could dig up the math somewhere if you really wanted. So in a paladin guide, on a twink site, forgive me if want to give the best information possible.

As for your example, it really doesn't prove your point. Sure they want to make level 10 mages, that in itself is fine. But I bet you when they come to pwndepot or here and make a thread entitled "Level 10 Mage Guide" they don't list subpar enchants or gear, do they? No, they don't. Character may not cause the most carnage but the gear they choose will allow that character to play at the highest level it can.
I've been rated by most as the best ret paladin for 39s and I'll be righting up a guide soon enough.


Situation said:
Again your missing the point. Sure they'll have fun with their 15 strength enchant. But this thread is about correctly and most efficiently gearing a paladin. Now unless you want to argue that 15str is more viable than 15 hit I suggest try not to lead newcomers astray.

I think your idea of "viable" is a little off. Everything is viable. It's just a matter to what degree it is. 15 hit is the most viable enchant offered to a pally at 39. I'm sure I could dig up the math somewhere if you really wanted. So in a paladin guide, on a twink site, forgive me if want to give the best information possible.

As for your example, it really doesn't prove your point. Sure they want to make level 10 mages, that in itself is fine. But I bet you when they come to pwndepot or here and make a thread entitled "Level 10 Mage Guide" they don't list subpar enchants or gear, do they? No, they don't. Character may not cause the most carnage but the gear they choose will allow that character to play at the highest level it can.

fair enough, however i still think that if someone wants to put 15 strength to gloves it's not a bad enchant.

fun > efficiency :p

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