WTB lvl 39 Ret Paladin Guide

Chatner2k said:
I've been rated by most as the best ret paladin for 39s and I'll be righting up a guide soon enough.



I'm pretty sure your being sarcastic. At least, I hope so.
I understand both sides of the arguments going, but why not get 2 pair of gloves and enchant them separately? I have both 15 Str and 15 Hit. I switch them out depending on the situation.

If horde are severely lacking on twinks in WSG then I use 15 Str. It doesn't matter in a poorly geared pug that I hit them more. They're all gonna lose anyways.

If we're playing against a really well geared WSG that know's what they're doing then I switch in 15 hit.

It's all situationally dependent as well.

P.S. I wouldn't even think about stepping in arena without being hit capped. That's just my opinion.
and why is it ok to miss in an undergeared PuG?

losing 2,5% dmg/hit to gain 15str...you must be kidding.
Bansil said:
and why is it ok to miss in an undergeared PuG?

losing 2,5% dmg/hit to gain 15str...you must be kidding.

don't get me wrong, i'm one of those players that wants to pwn people and have the best gear in my reach, but you have to understand some people like to play the game for fun. i don't see what's wrong with having two gloves with different enchants, 1 for pwning face, 1 for bigger numbers.
Wow, you guys honestly believe that if you're not totally hit capped your swings will be:

miss > hit> miss > hit > crit > miss > miss > miss

don't you?

ok check this out. The gear that I have + hit on is

gloves +15 hit

Boots +10 hit

LotV +5 hit

Stained Shadowcraft shoulders +7 hit

That brings my hit to ta total of 37. I'm over hit capped in other words. If I remove the +15 hit from the gloves and wear my other pair with 15 Str then my hit rating falls to 22, or 3.69%.

In a poorly geared pug I'm still hitting very frequently. If I miss one HoJ against someone with 1500HP it's not the end of the world.

To each their own though I guess. It appears only Druiddroid can see that I'm coming from a fun perspective and not a smash everything stroke my epeen perspective.
Shroomo said:
To each their own though I guess. It appears only Druiddroid can see that I'm coming from a fun perspective and not a smash everything stroke my epeen perspective.

this has nothing to do with epeen rating. hitcap is utility. besides this hitting your target is the best dmg boost until stylecap.

switching out hit to gain 30AP to gain ~2dps is stretching your EPEEN.

especially when missing a HoJ on a fleeing FC with sprint boots and no possibilty to get back on his heels.
um i got a 39 ret if u wanna check her out for some reference/ideas on gear -talent setups.

ahmghai - akama guild- is clearly awesome
Shroomo said:
Wow, you guys honestly believe that if you're not totally hit capped your swings will be:

miss > hit> miss > hit > crit > miss > miss > miss

don't you?

ok check this out. The gear that I have + hit on is

gloves +15 hit

Boots +10 hit

LotV +5 hit

Stained Shadowcraft shoulders +7 hit

That brings my hit to ta total of 37. I'm over hit capped in other words. If I remove the +15 hit from the gloves and wear my other pair with 15 Str then my hit rating falls to 22, or 3.69%.

In a poorly geared pug I'm still hitting very frequently. If I miss one HoJ against someone with 1500HP it's not the end of the world.

To each their own though I guess. It appears only Druiddroid can see that I'm coming from a fun perspective and not a smash everything stroke my epeen perspective.

I totally missed this post. I've got to disagree with you. You're not coming from the "fun" perspective. You're coming from the "zomg I has to get large nnumberz and pwn noobs" perspective. I really don't know how many times I have to say this... This was supposed to be a paladin guide on twink forums. Not a guide where you list sub-optimal enchants and gear because you think they'll be funtime. You seem to be confusing with what I'm suggesting and what you've said. I'm not looking to stroke my epeen but rather gear a paladin to be as efficient as possible.

-Edit- What Bansil said.
Well tbh both are about stroking your epeen. Twinking, in a general sense, is stroking your epeen. You're looking for ways to improve your performance of pwning people.

Besides none of this matters anyways seeing as 3.1 will be changing half of this guide. Not to mention that there are subtle differences between BGs and Arenas and this guide doesn't distinguish between either. People's play styles are different.

List everything viable and let the end user make the decision on how they wish to gear.


Ret Paladins have 3 necklaces that are viable in this bracket. Darkmoon Pendant, Sentinel's Medallion, and Medal of Courage. What is the correct choice?

Answer: All of them. One person may want to stack AP. Another may want to stack AGI more for crit. And still a 3rd person may want a balanced gear piece. It's all on how the end user wishes to play their toon.

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