WTB lvl 39 Ret Paladin Guide


Hope some skilled level 39 ret could write something down, gear, speccs, glyphs, the whole kit.

Cant find any good info anywhere, so I really hope anyone could help!

Greetings and thanks in advance,


I wrote a guide on 39 warriors under user submitted guides. Gear should be mainly the same on a ret pally.
I've got perfect gear on my pally. I'll link to my armory tomorrow or Monday (I'm 95% through 39), so I won't link until then. :p I would do it tonight, but I won't get a chance to play tonight and I'll inform you of what the best glyphs are too. After around a week or so, I might wrote a proper guide writing on what I think about dealing with certain specs and stuff.
Dont go all agi like i see many of these other twinks doing. Agi doesnt boost judges at all and does less overall for boosting even what agi does effect, compared to str. Str will buff everything. So only take agi as a side stat. Focus on stam and str.

Kaniera, on Argent Dawn is my latest 39 (i have 6), keep in mind she is new and doesnt have her trinkets yet. And yeah the BoA items for shoulders and weap are obviously superior to what she has, and you could replace the legs with the leggards of the vault, and i still havent found a good 9/9 bear boot set yet (alliance have a quest for their boots). However everything else is the best item for the slot, horde side.

If you go alli, you cant get that sweet chest. A 12/12 bear green is never bad, dont use that dam cloth chest i see some with. I cant help but laugh at these pallies with cloth and leather as i crit em for 700+ on an auto attack, that should never happen to a pally. As alliance you can also get the bonebiter axe from the SM quest if you dont have BoA item access. Also if you are horde, the axe i have is for higher command procs and judges as well as nutty burst, but you can also get the X'caliboar from the rare spawn in RFD which has about 3-5% mroe white dps (once you factor in the final actual damage you do with ap factored in) but it does less on command procs and a tiny bit less on judges so overall its nearly the same, but again if you are alli, just get a bonebiter. And of course a pendulum of doom is just nutty but its too rare to worry about.
BorisBlade said:
Dont go all agi like i see many of these other twinks doing. Agi doesnt boost judges at all and does less overall for boosting even what agi does effect, compared to str. Str will buff everything. So only take agi as a side stat. Focus on stam and str.

Kaniera, on Argent Dawn is my latest 39 (i have 6), keep in mind she is new and doesnt have her trinkets yet. And yeah the BoA items for shoulders and weap are obviously superior to what she has, and you could replace the legs with the leggards of the vault, and i still havent found a good 9/9 bear boot set yet (alliance have a quest for their boots). However everything else is the best item for the slot, horde side.

If you go alli, you cant get that sweet chest. A 12/12 bear green is never bad, dont use that dam cloth chest i see some with. I cant help but laugh at these pallies with cloth and leather as i crit em for 700+ on an auto attack, that should never happen to a pally. As alliance you can also get the bonebiter axe from the SM quest if you dont have BoA item access. Also if you are horde, the axe i have is for higher command procs and judges as well as nutty burst, but you can also get the X'caliboar from the rare spawn in RFD which has about 3-5% mroe white dps (once you factor in the final actual damage you do with ap factored in) but it does less on command procs and a tiny bit less on judges so overall its nearly the same, but again if you are alli, just get a bonebiter. And of course a pendulum of doom is just nutty but its too rare to worry about.


1 Agi = .078% crit

12.82 Agi = 1% crit

1 Agi = .073% dodge

13.7 Agi = 1% dodge

1 Agi = 2 armor

37.94 Agi = 1% mitigation


1 Str = .15 dps

6.7 Str = 1 dps

1 dps = ~3.7 max range damage (BoA Axe)

Personal Setup:


HP: 2807, Mana: 1640


Weapon: 276-335 (363 w/ BoM, 403 w/ Vengeance)

M Crit: 34.1%

S Crit: 27.16%

AP: 583


1402 Armor (27.4%)

Dodge: 12%

Heavier Strength Set-

+8 Str on Helm (-8 Agi)

+20 AP Bracers (-6 Agi, -6 Stam)

+32 AP Gloves, 7 stam, 69 Armor (-20 AP, -1.68% Crit)

AP to Agi-

+48 AP = 3.58 DPS (~13.32 max range damage)

+.55% mitigation

+10 HP

[-14 Agi, -14 Crit Rating]

-2.78% Crit (-1.68% Spell)

-1% Dodge

As you can see, it's not a fair trade.

The AP conversion on abilities is minimal. I tested my damage w/ and w/o BoM (85 AP) on which seems to be the typical margin between an AP/Str set and an Agi set. The damage difference was noticable but wasn't huge. The problem with stacking AP is the formula in which abilities use. For exorcism it only takes 15% damage from your AP, and the formula for judgment of command only takes 16% AP, and 200 AP only makes about a 15 damage difference on your seal. You're not gaining much at all other than the white damage (1/30th more damage on your swing isn't all too much...).

To sum it up, agility is better than strength as a primary stat; therefore chant for agility and crit rating. As you can see our abilities take in a very small amount of AP into their formulas. Also remember that PvP is about burst. You may crit for 60 more damage on whites but I'll crit 10% more. Simply not worth it.

BTW, NEVER change out ANY gear/chants that give you crit rating. It raises both your melee crit and spell crit (which will be more important with the exorcism change come 3.1). Yes, wear the dress.
Vircy said:

1 Agi = .078% crit

12.82 Agi = 1% crit

1 Agi = .073% dodge

13.7 Agi = 1% dodge

1 Agi = 2 armor

37.94 Agi = 1% mitigation


1 Str = .15 dps

6.7 Str = 1 dps

1 dps = ~3.7 max range damage (BoA Axe)

Personal Setup:


HP: 2807, Mana: 1640


Weapon: 276-335 (363 w/ BoM, 403 w/ Vengeance)

M Crit: 34.1%

S Crit: 27.16%

AP: 583


1402 Armor (27.4%)

Dodge: 12%

Heavier Strength Set-

+8 Str on Helm (-8 Agi)

+20 AP Bracers (-6 Agi, -6 Stam)

+32 AP Gloves, 7 stam, 69 Armor (-20 AP, -1.68% Crit)

AP to Agi-

+48 AP = 3.58 DPS (~13.32 max range damage)

+.55% mitigation

+10 HP

[-14 Agi, -14 Crit Rating]

-2.78% Crit (-1.68% Spell)

-1% Dodge

As you can see, it's not a fair trade.

The AP conversion on abilities is minimal. I tested my damage w/ and w/o BoM (85 AP) on which seems to be the typical margin between an AP/Str set and an Agi set. The damage difference was noticable but wasn't huge. The problem with stacking AP is the formula in which abilities use. For exorcism it only takes 15% damage from your AP, and the formula for judgment of command only takes 16% AP, and 200 AP only makes about a 15 damage difference on your seal. You're not gaining much at all other than the white damage (1/30th more damage on your swing isn't all too much...).

To sum it up, agility is better than strength as a primary stat; therefore chant for agility and crit rating. As you can see our abilities take in a very small amount of AP into their formulas. Also remember that PvP is about burst. You may crit for 60 more damage on whites but I'll crit 10% more. Simply not worth it.

BTW, NEVER change out ANY gear/chants that give you crit rating. It raises both your melee crit and spell crit (which will be more important with the exorcism change come 3.1). Yes, wear the dress.

agi doesnt make your spells crit more, so the "AP doesnt help anything but white swings" argument is bunk.
Powerglove said:
agi doesnt make your spells crit more, so the "AP doesnt help anything but white swings" argument is bunk.
Huh? What are you talking about? Judgments and seals take melee crit %, crit rating affects both spell/melee. Go ahead and test having more AP and not, the damage isn't all too noticable (not saying it makes NO difference)
To BorisBlade,

For either faction there is actually no 12/12 of the Bear mail chest that you can get in case you were thinking you could get that for some reason.

Also, Robes of the Lich crit rating of 1.68% @ 39 applies for both melee attacks and spells. This would benefit a paladin greatly because all of their damage comes from these two forms of attacks.

Also, armor for twinks does not make nearly as much of a difference as crit rating or stats. As pallys gain from stamina and intellect as well. So what you think of the white damages impact on armor percentages is really a non factor.
nickequick said:
to borisblade,

for either faction there is actually no 12/12 of the bear mail chest that you can get in case you were thinking you could get that for some reason.

Also, robes of the lich crit rating of 1.68% @ 39 applies for both melee attacks and spells. This would benefit a paladin greatly because their all of their damage comes from both forms of attacks.

Also, armor for twinks does not make nearly as much of a difference as crit rating or stats. As pallys gain from stamina and intellect as well. So what you think of the white damage is sort of a non factor.
qftmft :D
Conrose said:
I think that was a change that came with the wrath Patch... though I'm certain that Holy Shock still runs on spell crit chance for Shockadins to know in higher brackets.

i just remember a ret pally friend telling me a while back that blizzard needed to make all ret pally abilities based on melee stats, didnt know they actually did that
I know for fact that damaging seals and Judgements are now based on AP.

There was alot of pressure coming from the Paladin community to make this sorta change because of the large variation between the much more lopsided iLevels distribution required to allow Retadins to compete with Warriors since for the longest time a Warrior could squeeze much more damage out of DPS plate than Retadins could, in fact, I believe during BC the best Retadin DPS sets came from Arenas even.
Great to see the thread got so many replies, keep posting your opinions, gear, speccs, etc etc!

Got much info out of here so far, so thanks everyone!

Melee crit has affected judgments at least since summer of 2007, when I made my paly twink. Her gear was pretty bad compared to today's standards, but I geared her for crit primarily, since it was the only stat that affected both judgements and melee swings. The change to make judgements also based off of AP was recent, as of 3.0 I believe. Until then, you had to use spell power if you wanted judgements to have any oomph to them without a crit.

I don't know about exorcise though, since it never really mattered in pvp before (except when fighting warlocks).

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