Is a freshly made guild on Draenor horde, with most of it's members being from the 19 bracket we're looking to make this one our new home. The reason why we decided to take the step onto the 24 bracket was very simple: it's active, we like being able to queue for battlegrounds at any given time of the week and getting games.

While we do enjoy the casual week play we strive to make the bracket a more competitive place with arenas and hopefully premades, which we believe will be possible as the bracket has great potential being so active as mentioned already.

Our guild contains a solid group of quality players who have been playing for years and we plan to keep the standard of quality players high in the guild. If you think you're good and want to have some fun group queuing and being able to play competitively, come join us.

We offer:

  • [*=left]Quality players
    [*=left]Group queueing and winning a lot.
    [*=left]Arena / Wargames
    [*=left]Hopefully to come future premades

We require:

  • [*=left] Social behavior.
    [*=left]Able to accept constructive criticism.
    [*=left]Skype installed, having a mircophone is preferable.
    [*=left]Objective play and field awareness in battlegrounds.

Guild rules:

  • [*=left] We do not support pointless graveyard farming i.e: farming honorable kills while holding the flag.
    [*=left]Crossing the graveyard to kill the EFC and or containing a team or key players in competitive games is allowed.


Having read the information above and still being interested in joining, fill out a application form and send to Angelbiatch/Johannalova in a PM and he will get back to you quick as possilbe.

Sending an application will not guarantee you an invite into the guild, neither will we consider players who show up without having talked to any of our officers:

Tabdotab - johladouille#2691

Application form:

How old are you?

Where do you come from?

Why do you play twinks?

How long have you been playing in the 20-24 bracket?

Why are you applying for [FONT=Arial]WTB HOTSHOT PILOTS[/FONT]?

Would anyone recommend you? If yes, who?

Screenshot of your UI:
( imgur.com )

Armory link of your twink:

If you have any futher questions feel free to ask here or in-game.​


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Seems a very professional guild,

good luck and welcome to the bracket, glad to have y'all!

Slack :D
Decent guild, probably the most active Horde one at the moment. Atleast the ones i face in BGs. Recomended if you're horde.
Wish you the best of luck, we here at Gurubashi Surf Club hope we can launch premades up soon!
We offer:

  • [*=left]Quality players
We require:

  • [*=left] Social behavior.
    [*=left]Able to accept constructive criticism.
    [*=left]Skype installed, having a mircophone is preferable.
    [*=left]Objective play and field awareness in battlegrounds.

Guild rules:

  • [*=left] We do not support pointless graveyard farming i.e: farming honorable kills while holding the flag.
    [*=left]Crossing the graveyard to kill the EFC and or containing a team or key players in competitive games is allowed.

Application form:

How old are you?

Where do you come from?

Why do you play twinks?

How long have you been playing in the 20-24 bracket?

Why are you applying for [FONT=Arial]WTB HOTSHOT PILOTS[/FONT]?

Would anyone recommend you? If yes, who?

Screenshot of your UI:
( imgur.com )

Armory link of your twink:


this all sounded very promising... then i looked @ your roster Massakra @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft made all that typing seem pointless :(
Would be fun to have my horde 24s in a active guild but I will pass since I've already been flamed as bad by a player who already are in the guild or will join soon. I do not wish to play together with that kind of ppl. Would be fun to face you guys tho sometime. Best of luck.
stubs, nicozy, massakra, and it's on draenor... this guild looks more fun than having a vasectomy performed by stevie wonder, using a chop stick.
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stubs, nicozy, massakra, and it's on draenor... this guild looks more fun than having a vasectomy performed by stevie wonder, using a chop stick.

Atleast Stevie Wonder knows what he's doing!
We've already recieved the first applications, I will try get back to those who sent in their apply later today.

Nicozy @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft
taking donations for planeticket add my real id nicozy#2666 eu world.

Sorry to disapoint you, but we do not fund: migrates , faction or race changes.

Wish you the best of luck, we here at Gurubashi Surf Club hope we can launch premades up soon!

Thanks you!

this all sounded very promising... then i looked @ your roster Massakra @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft made all that typing seem pointless

I agree that Massakra can be a werry loud person at times. We'll do our best to keep the guild a social place as we have no interest in guild drama / chaos.

Would be fun to have my horde 24s in a active guild but I will pass since I've already been flamed as bad by a player who already are in the guild or will join soon. I do not wish to play together with that kind of ppl. Would be fun to face you guys tho sometime. Best of luck.

I understand that this guild is not ment foreveryone, and sadly i can't really do anything about the inconvenience you've might of had with some of our members. As it most likely has happend before the guild was formed.

Good luck with the guild! Phone <3 looking forward to the premades^

Although you think that i'm the 'Guild master' , I'm not.
I'm just a officer doing most the recruiting work.

Hopefully we'll be able to get the first GSC vs. WTB premade going soon =] .
Still need more apply guys our team premade is ready as soon as vianco back from music festival and we can premade.

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