All of you 19s, 29s,etc, why u had to choose this bracket? u are enough to all join in one bracket that isnt full of f2ps and make it active.
I feel u guys trying to take away bracket that was born of ashes cuz of F2Ps.

F2P made this bracket so active and now to have to play agaisnt 24-20 p2p premades all afternoon&night its just god awful.

I mean its great to have quality players joining, but quality players premading and with better enchants etc its just impossible to counter.
Having do deal with aggramar, hyjal, destromath premades was already hard, now with this... i think 20-24 bracket is going in same direction 19s, 29s etc gone.

Now dont get me wrong, u have same right as f2p to play in this bracket, and ofc this isnt F2P bracket.
But why choose this bracket? F2P community was already so big and active.

Damn i miss the old times :(
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All of you 19s, 29s,etc, why u had to choose this bracket? u are enough to all join in one bracket that isnt full of f2ps and make it active.
I feel u guys trying to take away bracket that was born of ashes cuz of F2Ps.

F2P made this bracket so active and now to have to play agaisnt 24-20 p2p premades all afternoon&night its just god awful.

I mean its great to have quality players joining, but quality players premading and with better enchants etc its just impossible to counter.
Having do deal with aggramar, hyjal, destromath premades was already hard, now with this... i think 20-24 bracket is going in same direction 19s, 29s etc gone.

Now dont get me wrong, u have same right as f2p to play in this bracket, and ofc this isnt F2P bracket.
But why choose this bracket? F2P community was already so big and active.

Damn i miss the old times :(

first off p2p have more right than f2ps to play 20-24 as p2p'er are the people keeping this game running.. secondly this is the closet bracket that pops to 19s.
first off p2p have more right than f2ps to play 20-24 as p2p'er are the people keeping this game running.. secondly this is the closet bracket that pops to 19s.

Just saying F2P where here first, and if it wasnt F2P u guys would still be farming or getting farmed in the 19s bracket.
If u Twinks from various brackets all joined in the 19-15bracket bracket like u did in 20-24bracket u would have similar pops.

Tbh we have same right, normally if u pay it would be to playing at end game cuz this brackets was made for pvp experience while lvling.
Blizzard created game for f2p and p2p.
Now why would p2ps ignore all the work blizzard had putting into end game, and came to bracket that blizz doesnt really cares about.
Theres no RBGs or Arenas here, JUST A LOW SKILL CAP, is this why u choosed to twink in the 19s or 24s?
Just saying F2P where here first, and if it wasnt F2P u guys would still be farming or getting farmed in the 19s bracket.
If u Twinks from various brackets all joined in the 19-15bracket bracket like u did in 20-24bracket u would have similar pops.

Tbh we have same right, normally if u pay it would be to playing at end game cuz this brackets was made for pvp experience while lvling.
Blizzard created game for f2p and p2p.
Now why would p2ps ignore all the work blizzard had putting into end game, and came to bracket that blizz doesnt really cares about.
Theres no RBGs or Arenas here, JUST A LOW SKILL CAP, is this why u choosed to twink in the 19s or 24s?

You have some aggressive and unrealistic views. ill leave it at that.
Just saying F2P where here first, and if it wasnt F2P u guys would still be farming or getting farmed in the 19s bracket.
If u Twinks from various brackets all joined in the 19-15bracket bracket like u did in 20-24bracket u would have similar pops.

Tbh we have same right, normally if u pay it would be to playing at end game cuz this brackets was made for pvp experience while lvling.
Blizzard created game for f2p and p2p.
Now why would p2ps ignore all the work blizzard had putting into end game, and came to bracket that blizz doesnt really cares about.
Theres no RBGs or Arenas here, JUST A LOW SKILL CAP, is this why u choosed to twink in the 19s or 24s?

I pay my month sub like every P2P, if i want to farm lowbies i will.
Just saying F2P where here first, and if it wasnt F2P u guys would still be farming or getting farmed in the 19s bracket.
If u Twinks from various brackets all joined in the 19-15bracket bracket like u did in 20-24bracket u would have similar pops.

Tbh we have same right, normally if u pay it would be to playing at end game cuz this brackets was made for pvp experience while lvling.
Blizzard created game for f2p and p2p.
Now why would p2ps ignore all the work blizzard had putting into end game, and came to bracket that blizz doesnt really cares about.
Theres no RBGs or Arenas here, JUST A LOW SKILL CAP, is this why u choosed to twink in the 19s or 24s?

hahahah the most retarded thing since reading Trialdruids posts... god
LF a serious anwser, all of you dodging the question.

Why ruin the active bracket f2p build, why dont u guys build ur own active bracket?

I don't know why you're posting all this on a guild thread but okay.
LF a serious anwser, all of you dodging the question.

Why ruin the active bracket f2p build, why dont u guys build ur own active bracket?

What do you even mean? no1 ruins anything and why do you talk like this is "your" bracket its the saddest thing i heard of...
Just saying F2P where here first, and if it wasnt F2P u guys would still be farming or getting farmed in the 19s bracket.
If u Twinks from various brackets all joined in the 19-15bracket bracket like u did in 20-24bracket u would have similar pops.

Tbh we have same right, normally if u pay it would be to playing at end game cuz this brackets was made for pvp experience while lvling.
Blizzard created game for f2p and p2p.
Now why would p2ps ignore all the work blizzard had putting into end game, and came to bracket that blizz doesnt really cares about.
Theres no RBGs or Arenas here, JUST A LOW SKILL CAP, is this why u choosed to twink in the 19s or 24s?
Are you serious? P2P twinks were in the 20-29 bracket before F2Ps even existed.

Even if F2Ps have the same right to play this bracket they (you) are in no position to tell twinks from other brackets who choose to make 24s to leave and move on to another bracket.

There are arenas at lower levels (wargames), and other than that there are several reason why people choose twinking over end game, or in addition to it. Some of them being the fact that less time has to be spent on constantly updating fear, he chance to frequently meet familiar players in the battlegrounds unlike in level 90 random battlegrounds, and the community.
LF a serious anwser, all of you dodging the question.

Why ruin the active bracket f2p build, why dont u guys build ur own active bracket?

1) Take the 24 twinks out of your signature and people might take you seriously.

2) The only reason you play f2p is because the guy who was paying your account, stopped paying..

3) Stop trying to start a flame war inside a recruitment thread.
idc do whatever u guys want.

Ruin this bracket then cry about no queues.

It's so sad to start this within a guild thread, even when you know you play 24's yourself. So who are you trying to troll ?

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