Tf u mean u see lots of 5/5 Aurora? Buy them all, I will pay handsomely for a pair.
I know I have a pair of 4/5 or 5/4 quick blades. Not what you're after, but it's been months and I havent seen a single pair of blood woven bracers on any of my 5-10 auction houses I check
I’ve found more 5/4 Or 4/5 Aurora than I have Quickblade, I have one 5/5 equipped on my warlock, and another on an AH that was going for too much so I didn’t bother!
Like you, I have a few 4/5’s (Quickblade) spread across a few realms but am yet to find a 5/5
To confirm, can it be Royal Bands and Bloodwoven Bracer to have 5/5 or just the one type?