WSG pop tonight

I personally logged for the night, I have an early morning.
Good Games. I only participated in first game. Waited another hour in Q, was asked to go heal a wargame, and I did. Honestly though, wargames ( if they can get going with more than 2 teams!!!) are an extremely good solution. You basically have two choices. Sit in an insanely long queue (multiple hours w/o a pop is depressing as fuck) and when it finally does pop you may or may not have a competitive game depending on who actually gets in on each faction, OR queue balanced 8v8,9v9, or 10v10 wargames where you KNOW you will have enough healers, enough ranged dps, and not 5 rogues :p Oh and instant pops are amazing. So yeah. My $0.02
It's a false choice between pugs and wargames - wargames can be done in a manner that doesn't kill pugs. The fact that some people used the single first pug in over a month as an excuse to call a wargame right then (hence lengthening the queue further and making another pop very unlikely, although in this case it happened again) is disappointing.

This topic has been beaten to death but somehow always re-appears in any wsg discussion threads.

EDIT: This refers to Textile calling a wargame almost immediately after first PUG (takes awhile to organize obviously). There were wargames later in night after it was obvious pugs were done that were just fine - done in a manner that didn't harm the bracket. The pugs last night were majority players I've never seen before (coming from the perspective of who played nightly for the 6-7 weeks we had nightly pops) so there's clearly demand amongst the new or newly returned players for PUGs. The people from the previous round largely didn't get in games due to perhaps not knowing about them - but there's plenty more people that could have queued to make queues that much faster for most people.
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I won't be home until 9:30-10 tonight but I see posts it's popping I'll hop right in.
It's a false choice between pugs and wargames - wargames can be done in a manner that doesn't kill pugs. The fact that some people used the single first pug in over a month as an excuse to call a wargame right then (hence lengthening the queue further and making another pop very unlikely, although in this case it happened again) is disappointing.

This topic has been beaten to death but somehow always re-appears in any wsg discussion threads.

EDIT: This refers to Textile calling a wargame almost immediately after first PUG (takes awhile to organize obviously). There were wargames later in night after it was obvious pugs were done that were just fine - done in a manner that didn't harm the bracket. The pugs last night were majority players I've never seen before (coming from the perspective of who played nightly for the 6-7 weeks we had nightly pops) so there's clearly demand amongst the new or newly returned players for PUGs. The people from the previous round largely didn't get in games due to perhaps not knowing about them - but there's plenty more people that could have queued to make queues that much faster for most people.

I was the only horde player in queue on my btag and I have a lottttttt of TI twinkers on my tag.... so many that I just had to clean it out 2 nights ago. Very frustrating when it seems as though the people who are complaining about members never being proactive aren't being proactive themselves.

I personally believe that wargames should happen either before our scheduled PUG time or hours after. Heck, even on days that aren't dedicated PUG days. You only need 10 people and I know most BH guilds could easily make this happen.

I've been trying to get the people who complain about under geared or bad players or "too many insert class here" or even those who queue with the desire for high competition "containment" strategies to fulfill their desires in Wargames instead of PUGs. It's nice to see the real stars of the bracket stepping up and doing Wargames when queues aren't popping.

Personally, I had stopped doing 19s competitively back in WOTLK and then recently I was asked to FC for a guild as I was one of the only members left who had a full bis GFd warrior FC. So I did so to make sure premades happened in our community which I wasn't particularly interested in participating in. It was a little fun though, especially how I was able to pull out some of my tricks that people had never seen before. It was also nice winning as a team and becoming the top guild in our premade season / group again. Playing highly competitive 19s is something I've really tried to move on from long ago.

As for Wargames, they are basically xrealm premades without the necessary guild vs guild attitude and the only reason why I would ever participate in Wargames or Premades at all would again be because I'm asked to. It's really not fun for me to play competitive 19s in this day and age which is why I stick to 19s when PUGs are popping or I simply play my other toons which is by far more rewarding and enjoyable. However, I will if it will result in games for other players.

I personally feel as though PUGs should be everybody's main priority right now. The reason behind this is simple. As I've pointed out many times before and as you've confirmed, the majority of players in our PUG WSG games are not these big named TI members. The majority of players are old players returning or new players that somehow decided to queue and got lucky. What we NEED to do is direct these members to our online communities and let them in. We need to talk to them and get them involved and in the loop. We need to do this because they are the only reason why we can get POPs every few months. Sure on days where schools aren't in session, we can get games going, but in the other 6 months where that is not the case, we need these people. If we do this, we will not have a problem getting PUGs very, very frequently.

Unfortunately, my attempts in the past to do so have only succeed in whispers as I've made several posts in /bg chat redirecting players to our Queue Thread and had other TI members bad mouth me or TI and tell these players to not go on TI etc. The repercussions of this sour attitude is earth shattering and really is not cool. We need to focus on getting PUGs constant again as this will provide new twinks in our community, and with new twinks comes more wargames, less queue times, more guilds and more premades. In some cases, this will also bring better twinks who think outside the box and do things differently.

Heck, most of these new members will be better than most of these veteran names we see as I've seen a lot of them playing objectives much better than I've seen most veteran twink names play them.

Just my 2c on the situation. This response is not 100% directed towards MYT but more of a piggy back on what was said in the previous post.
Heck, most of these new members will be better than most of these veteran names we see as I've seen a lot of them playing objectives much better than I've seen most veteran twink names play them.
Shots fired
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Both Factions Queing currently specific warsong gulch, broadcast, tell your random arena partners to que specific warsong gulch!

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