Would you pay 1k gold to enter xp lock bg's`?

Pfft, your phonebook, isnt ur style you win some and you win some? Anyhow I agree, dont bash on the people that gets bg popping EU. My theory is this: People join with bad gear, get wtfowned, and gear up eventually (the theory might be complete bs). But yes, I rather get stomped with noobs all day then not get pops at all. I hated it before when I waited forever sitting in quiet places in wow being tabbed out, tab in jump and keep hearing after the wsg sound, I like this alot more.

Also, imo full twink group vs full twink group doesnt always mean 25 min of pure epicness. Just try to have some fun on ur free time instead of flaming all day (Yes, I flame some at times admittedly), instead of wasting it all day on flaming others ;)
No doubt. (10 characters)
I don't hav 1 toon above lvl 70. However I have farmEd up the cash for a travelers tundra mount 2 choppers,and about 00k more in gems and novelty items. So the no mains excuse is getting old. However I see many noobish players with sbit gear with boas and/or bis chants. I don't think all scrubs are mainless or godless whch wld make this idea work.
threesets said:
I don't hav 1 toon above lvl 70. However I have farmEd up the cash for a travelers tundra mount 2 choppers,and about 00k more in gems and novelty items. So the no mains excuse is getting old. However I see many noobish players with sbit gear with boas and/or bis chants. I don't think all scrubs are mainless or godless whch wld make this idea work.

No dude. Just no.

Not everyone is hardcore in MMO grinding. Not everyone cares enough for the carrot on a stick approach. I'm not paying 1k per to lock an alt, just to have fun in bg's against actual twinks- instead of those sad ass excuses that rock normal bg's because they can't cut it against players of equal gear/enchant level.

It's nice that you farmed. Great even, if that's what YOU enjoy doing. I don`t enjoy doing it. I find it boring and tiresome.

WoW is a video game, not a job. I have no interest in farming x amount of mats for x amount of hours a day.

I thought I was doing good when I hit 6k gold. Then i blew it all on gems and enchants- which aren`t top of the line. I still do good enough (hardly die) and have much fun doing so. Some people, like myself, locked later and learned through experience. I`ve met people in my bg`s who were farming honor to get the gear they needed for a specific bracket. (i.e 60`s and 70`s). So regardless, you`re going to get people with bad gear in there. If you don't like your team, freely /afk. I do it when I get bad team members. it's only a 15 minute wait. I'm not forking out 1K-10K to lock exp on any alts I wish to make for twinking.

This kind of childish, elitist shit (as outlined in a few posts- Namely Op's and Walt's) makes me wanna bitch slap someone.
brah i didn't farm one thing outside of org... What i did do was farm the ah, get to know rarity of shit, buy guilds, sell em...not that hard.
I'm rocking 600 gold :p I can't farm AH on WoW. I'm way too new to know what sells best, what to buy, etc etc. I even have auctioneer and I find that doesn't even help. Maybe once I learn WoW I can farm Ah, but right now, It'd be a needle in a haystack trying to get the best things that sell.

I've played quite a few MMO's and my motto is, if I make less than 100 gold profit, it's not even worth it. :p

Though I will say, Blood Elf Bandit Masks sell for mint on most servers Horde side... (500-1000 gold). Just a pain trying to farm them.
examinerEU said:
In BC due to the constant bitching of lower level people; about the twinks, resulted in the 'twink killer' patch, which caused many twinks to quit and twinking (on EU atleast) died down pretty hard until people started merging.

Introduction of cata as people started bitching about leveling; caused the 19 skill mechanic to get ****ed and cause more people to quit.

Now you bitch about people in your bgs; and want to raise the exp eliminator fee. As i quoted above; these people are the ones who actually help you get games.


/thanks for adding a voice of reason to this otherwise ridiculous thread.
sid knows his shit for being "new" anyway im sure all u "LOL i hit gold cap 5 times" kiddys can afford 10k and good for ****ing you! i dnt wanna wait 60mins to get a "good" game with all super pro epeen twinks thats what premades r for pugs can be whatever the **** they wanna be dont bitch pugs r pugs get over it

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