Would you pay 1k gold to enter xp lock bg's`?

I just ran with a 16 pally with 2.2k hp, others should have over 1k. (Great fc, 3-0 with my sucky heals)
What? Are you talking about they're health? Were talking about gold. I may be missing something tho..,
Many of the F2P's are geared better and have more HP than the 85 who owns a 19 with 4-5 BOAs and the rest of the slots are whites or crappy greens who turned off XP thinking by doing so he was just staying at 19 for awhile. reason they do this is because they are owning in leveling BGs and do not know that when they turn off XP they are now facing twinks.

my 2 F2P's have over 1000hp and do not have a AGM or STV fishing hat...it's not hard, so seeing P2P players with 600-1000hp and missing gear is where the real problem is

last night a F2P 19 alliance priest was the reason the horde lost one, both sides had heals....but he was the extra healer that made a difference. what was sad is that he was F2P and outhealed and out bubbled both our 19 twink healers, cause he actually healed and bubbled players and not self spammed heals playing the LOL you can't kill me or falsely bumping your healing stats.

i catch players all the time in trade at various levels asking for XP off NPC, i whisper them, and thru the convo i have to tell them that there are no regular BGs at 34, 39, 54, etc. at times you catching flaming in trade wanting to know if BGs are bugged or why they aren't getting BG pops.
this is just ****ing retarded what about the twinks that dont have mains? or did we forget about those people? 10-100g should be easy for a 19 to make but 1-10kg wtf are you ppl thinking i swear some of you dont think about EVERYONE just because ur a rich prick doesnt mean everyone else is
purj i love u
If you are looking to go vs "the best" then do premades.

XP locked with undergeared twinks is fine. They learn pretty fast that they need better gear . . . 50% of the time.

Paying 1k G would not encourage new players to join - therefore killing the bracket. (I wonder if ppl would have "glitch" queued if it cost that much :))

I am sure that most of you have levelled toons and paid your 10 g just to test out the bracket before moving on.
Despite the hate on undergeared players, it's because of them that we get more pops, too.

In BC due to the constant bitching of lower level people; about the twinks, resulted in the 'twink killer' patch, which caused many twinks to quit and twinking (on EU atleast) died down pretty hard until people started merging.

Introduction of cata as people started bitching about leveling; caused the 19 skill mechanic to get ****ed and cause more people to quit.

Now you bitch about people in your bgs; and want to raise the exp eliminator fee. As i quoted above; these people are the ones who actually help you get games.

while i do like quality games , i do hate haveing to sit in a +1 hour que to get in a game . truth be told thise "noobs / scubs / low hp / f2p " players is the reason theres warsong games going on daily . You win some you loose some
Honestly? Get Phucked.

It would do no good to the bracket. just costing me gold that I don't have. some of us don't have mains..

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