Would you pay 1k gold to enter xp lock bg's`?

Undergeared players have been a problem over the last few months, so do you think that raising the fee to stop xp lock would help? ideally i would like to see a rise in the fee and a minimum gear requirement. I just think it is annoying that bizz segregated us from normal bg's to stop us for pawning the nubs and now the nubs are ruining our bracket.

I'm sure nothing will get done but its nice to rant.
1k gold isnt a lot...
Now I dont play the bracket nor do I sympathize for it normally but what about the f2p? 1k is impossible to get as a freebie so there would be riots from them I believe
Nyquil-cheap said:
Now I dont play the bracket nor do I sympathize for it normally but what about the f2p? 1k is impossible to get as a freebie so there would be riots from them I believe

Hm, true, they should make it so it's only for 1-19, but that's probably not gonna happen.
I would pay it, of course I would, but I wouldn't recommend it. It seems excessive and I think it would cause more problems than it would solve. If the amount were to be changed then I think something closer to 300 would be more appropriate. It's enough to be a commitment, but little enough to be negligible if you do enjoy your twinks.
This is stupid. How many scrubs have BOAs but the rest of Gear is awful. Just because they might have a main doesn't mean they can be more geared. This mitt just stop the f2p garbage.
Nyquil-cheap said:
Now I dont play the bracket nor do I sympathize for it normally but what about the f2p? 1k is impossible to get as a freebie so there would be riots from them I believe

F2P players at level 20 get put in the xp-off bracket by default and thus no gold is required. They would rejoice if the price was increased.

Orebrb said:
They would never make such a small amount of the game for 6% of the players cost 1k. But yes i would because i run Frostweave on my server 100g a stack "umad?"

Twinking may be a small percentage of the game but there are players other than twinks that take advantage of xp-off option. I ran into a guy the other day lvl 73 and he was turning of his XP after he got a dungeon pop because he wanted to level solely by pvp.
I'd see 100g as more reasonable than 1000g. You would get rid of f2p completely and majorly cut down on the clueless scrubs.
Anyone under 1k hp I don't heal, have watched several afk after the first 5 mins of a bg after they have been killed a few times.

Its a waste of my time, could put my heals on better players, plus some are dead before I can even get a heal off.

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