Worth twinking now or even in Cata?


Hello and thank you to anyone who may take interest in my post, I have just a few simple questions to throw out to the current twinking community that I would greatly appreciate answered by at least one reputable member of the site here.

First of all an introduction is in order since this is my first post here, my name is Mike and I was pretty heavy into twinking in TBC but have since just been focusing mostly on my mains and leveling/raiding etc in Wrath. I have since deleted my old twinks as they weren't very well geared to start with and that I felt I had no time to play them and my mains and maintain a normal life outside of the game ( I have two children now a newborn Lily and a two year old Kira), but I remember how much fun I had while playing my twink Rogue and Hunter ( I did very well despite my lack of Shadowfang and Fishing gear as well as an AGM) and have been starting to think about getting back into it.

So my most simple question is, is it worth getting back into it this late in the expansion or should I wait and see what happens in Cata? If I were to make a twink now I would most likely stick with it and now that you can turn off XP and with the introduction of BoA gear I wouldn't have too many problems acquiring the gear that I need to compete at higher levels.

My second question is, what will happen in your opinion(s) in Cataclysm as far as twinking is concerned? Will it still be around, and will I be able to get ques if I turn off XP (My mains reside on US - Arthas - Ruin which is lucky for me since it seems to be booming with twinks now).

So thank you again for any interest you may show in my post, and also as I said I'm looking for a reputable member of the forums to answer my questions and give advice not that no one else is valid but someone in the game who has seen expansions come and go will help me make my decission as they can better predict what may happen after Cata drops.

Thanks again.

well iv been playing wow and doing twinks for about 2 years and i think this next expantion twinking is going to rise like never before with the introduction of merged battlegroups the amount of twinks will greatly increase giveing us more noobs to kill but i suggest you start now and get all the gear thats going to grandfathered in cata there are lots of guides about that can help you :)

- Rámbó
Rámbó said:
well iv been playing wow and doing twinks for about 2 years and i think this next expantion twinking is going to rise like never before with the introduction of merged battlegroups the amount of twinks will greatly increase giveing us more noobs to kill but i suggest you start now and get all the gear thats going to grandfathered in cata there are lots of guides about that can help you :)

- Rámbó

What is going to be grandfathered into Cata? I thought blizzard stopped grandfathering things once they did the spiteful 3.1 nerf that too away all these twink items.
Just as Rambo said, Twinking will probably flourish more than ever come cata, with the combined battle-groups we will be lucky to not see a new face everytime we que up. This is of course once the excitement of getting to 85 wears off. I do personally suggest you try out the twink bracket before cata comes out, cause theres alot of changes that is going to happen to us. That way you gain the experience before the rush of everyone else.

As to if its going to be a waste of time. Maybe were taking alot of hits and I can deff see alot of Old School twinks saying screw this. But twinks will never die there will always be people who want to twink out there character and play some games. But I wish you the best of Luck in your decision.
I really don't want to be rude, but I am getting very sick of seeing threads like this. Is it worth twinking? Who the hell knows. It is -worth- playing WoW at all? Only the person playing can be the judge of that. With every new patch/xpac/item, there will be a ton of outcry from any of the random players who either can't do it, don't have access to it, or don't want to put in the time to do so. These are what we call changes. They are going to happen whether you like it or not so the best thing that you can do is embrace them. Do you really think that Blizz gives two sh*ts about what we do at lvl 19? No, not at all. All they care about is that we don't become too powerful in order to hinder levelers from getting to endgame.

All that being said: my opinion? Yes, it will totally be worth twinking now AND in Cata. Why? Because twinking is fun. We did pre-bc, we did it in bc, we did it in wrath, and we'll keep doing it now because regardless of what limitations are put into play, there's new stuff for us to do, and getting stuff done on a 19 is way cooler than getting stuff done on an 85. 85 with fishing tourney won? Pfft. 19 with fishing tourney won? Holy f*ck, that's cool.

Everything in this game is all in the eye of the beholder. If you want to twink, go nuts. If you want end game, have at it. If you want to create a melee warlock with a shadowfang (heh), be my guest. The point is, don't make this out to be a bigger deal than it is. Enjoy it and play hard, or gtfo so the rest of us can.
Twerk said:
I really don't want to be rude, but I am getting very sick of seeing threads like this. Is it worth twinking? Who the hell knows. It is -worth- playing WoW at all? Only the person playing can be the judge of that. With every new patch/xpac/item, there will be a ton of outcry from any of the random players who either can't do it, don't have access to it, or don't want to put in the time to do so. These are what we call changes. They are going to happen whether you like it or not so the best thing that you can do is embrace them. Do you really think that Blizz gives two sh*ts about what we do at lvl 19? No, not at all. All they care about is that we don't become too powerful in order to hinder levelers from getting to endgame.

All that being said: my opinion? Yes, it will totally be worth twinking now AND in Cata. Why? Because twinking is fun. We did pre-bc, we did it in bc, we did it in wrath, and we'll keep doing it now because regardless of what limitations are put into play, there's new stuff for us to do, and getting stuff done on a 19 is way cooler than getting stuff done on an 85. 85 with fishing tourney won? Pfft. 19 with fishing tourney won? Holy f*ck, that's cool.

Everything in this game is all in the eye of the beholder. If you want to twink, go nuts. If you want end game, have at it. If you want to create a melee warlock with a shadowfang (heh), be my guest. The point is, don't make this out to be a bigger deal than it is. Enjoy it and play hard, or gtfo so the rest of us can.

Couldn't agree more with that post. But I think what Mike is saying is that since he has been away from twinking for a while, is it still worth his while to make a twink. My opinion: Yes! Twinking (to me) is the best aspect of the game and I will never stop. If you plan to have any twink at all in Cata, make it now. Lots of items are being grandfathered and changed and we don't know for sure if what is BiS now will be BiS in Cata. Starting the twink in Cata could leave you behind a lot of others gear-wise.
Twerk said:
I really don't want to be rude, but I am getting very sick of seeing threads like this. Is it worth twinking? Who the hell knows. It is -worth- playing WoW at all? Only the person playing can be the judge of that. With every new patch/xpac/item, there will be a ton of outcry from any of the random players who either can't do it, don't have access to it, or don't want to put in the time to do so. These are what we call changes. They are going to happen whether you like it or not so the best thing that you can do is embrace them. Do you really think that Blizz gives two sh*ts about what we do at lvl 19? No, not at all. All they care about is that we don't become too powerful in order to hinder levelers from getting to endgame.

All that being said: my opinion? Yes, it will totally be worth twinking now AND in Cata. Why? Because twinking is fun. We did pre-bc, we did it in bc, we did it in wrath, and we'll keep doing it now because regardless of what limitations are put into play, there's new stuff for us to do, and getting stuff done on a 19 is way cooler than getting stuff done on an 85. 85 with fishing tourney won? Pfft. 19 with fishing tourney won? Holy f*ck, that's cool.

Everything in this game is all in the eye of the beholder. If you want to twink, go nuts. If you want end game, have at it. If you want to create a melee warlock with a shadowfang (heh), be my guest. The point is, don't make this out to be a bigger deal than it is. Enjoy it and play hard, or gtfo so the rest of us can.

Well you've missed what I was saying, I know twinking is EXTREMELY fun back in vanilla even til now, I mean getting amazing low level gear and going and melting faces what can't be fun about it? My question was, is there a big enough group to make it worth my while I don't want to spend all this time perfecting a twink only to end up with 30-45min que times whenever I feel like playing it because then it would just seem like a waste of time to me.

Also about Cata my question was mainly regarding whether or not people would be sticking with it or if they were making too many changes etc, after looking through the Cata talent trees and seeing some of the low level changes I have to agree with the first reply to my post in saying it will absolutely launch twinking into a height it has not yet seen i.e. Dual Wielding level 19 shamans as well as every class will have it's flavor spell by level 10 making 19 WSG that much better and it will bring another level of skill to the game at lower levels.

Thank you everyone for your replies I did value all of your responses to the highest degree.


Now I have to decide what to roll and try to form or find a good twink guild that is active on Arthas, if anyone has any details on that I would be ears wide open for it :D
Khanodruid said:
Couldn't agree more with that post. But I think what Mike is saying is that since he has been away from twinking for a while, is it still worth his while to make a twink. My opinion: Yes! Twinking (to me) is the best aspect of the game and I will never stop. If you plan to have any twink at all in Cata, make it now. Lots of items are being grandfathered and changed and we don't know for sure if what is BiS now will be BiS in Cata. Starting the twink in Cata could leave you behind a lot of others gear-wise.

Khanodruid, is there a list or something that has what gear changes have happend so far and what I might want to pick up now and not wait for? Thanks for your help.
With the experience on and off changes you will have to be in Ruin to get pops until Cataclysm is released. It's not worth it to spend $25 to transfer to Ruin if you're not already there due to Cataclysm coming out in the near future.

You should get your twinks geared and ready for the expansion before Cataclysm comes out so you can jump into the action right off the bat. Take a look at Level 19 Cataclysm Gear - The Only Post You Need on Twinksource if you're not quite sure what gear you'll need.
Pizza said:
With the experience on and off changes you will have to be in Ruin to get pops until Cataclysm is released. It's not worth it to spend $25 to transfer to Ruin if you're not already there due to Cataclysm coming out in the near future.

You should get your twinks geared and ready for the expansion before Cataclysm comes out so you can jump into the action right off the bat. Take a look at Level 19 Cataclysm Gear - The Only Post You Need on Twinksource if you're not quite sure what gear you'll need.

Thanks Pizza, and yes I am currently on Ruin on Arthas. I've decided to take the plunge just trying to think what I want to make now, also have a good friend who's going to roll with me.
Regarding your first question: Right now queue times aren't exactly what you probably remember them as. From what I've seen (been in Ruin since the migration) queues always pop around 5pm, maybe a bit later, and go fairly late into the night. Weekends and rare weekdays you will get that random lunch time pop but don't expect them. These are definitely a lot fewer queues than what they were, but they are actually better than what I first suspected what might happen post 3.2, but consistent queuers play a WSG almost every day.

Second: Yes, Cata will bring a newfound vitality to all brackets. For basically all brackets, there is only one battlegroup with XP Off battlegrounds and Cata will combine them so that there are fewer battlegroups, meaning more twinks in each battlegroup - probably enough to get XP Off pops.

And your third: As Pizza posted, you definitely should get as much gear as you can now so that you don't have to spend time getting old items during Cata.
It will be a very different game, the gear differences will be hard to get use to and the taking away of SP will be dreadful. If you really want to twink do it now and get agm before cata because I heard there was a daily for AGM - Johneffer
Johneffer said:
It will be a very different game, the gear differences will be hard to get use to and the taking away of SP will be dreadful. If you really want to twink do it now and get agm before cata because I heard there was a daily for AGM - Johneffer

I'm pretty sure it's a daily in the area but not for the AGM.

Thanks again for the valuable posts and for everyone being respectful, I have decided to play a Druid and am currently leveling and gearing for Resto but will also build a FC set, Feral AP set (for level 8 Cat in Cata) and a Balance set. I feel like a Druid will best suit me as I will be able to enjoy all aspects of 19 WSG just by simply switching out spec and gear. I found Kore's 19 Druid guide and have found it extremely useful as well as watching Painaid's Druid videos.
I heard arenas are getting removed and only available lvl 70+, ( remember seeing a SS somewhere).

Most brackets thrive on arena alone, (here in EU before the 39 community grew arena was the source of survival), with this removed i dont see twinking surviving the initial impact of cataclysm. I expect a few months down the line when content has been cleared; ppl may want to start smacking glowy stuff on weapons again.

Who knows? guess we will have to wait for cata.
I still think twinking as a whole will grow ten-fold once Cata hits simply because of the merged bg's ... the vast majority of twinks can never get into BG's, but this is opening up the playing field dramatically.

It may take a few weeks/months for it to hit home (due to most levelling mains/alts to 85) but then I think we'll see an explosion of new twinks, ready to pwned by the hardcore twinks out there :p

Good times ahead.
Detroit said:
I still think twinking as a whole will grow ten-fold once Cata hits simply because of the merged bg's ... the vast majority of twinks can never get into BG's, but this is opening up the playing field dramatically.

It may take a few weeks/months for it to hit home (due to most levelling mains/alts to 85) but then I think we'll see an explosion of new twinks, ready to pwned by the hardcore twinks out there :p

Good times ahead.

This unfortunately being countered by the removal of arenas. *sad panda*
Kushington said:
Well you've missed what I was saying, I know twinking is EXTREMELY fun back in vanilla even til now, I mean getting amazing low level gear and going and melting faces what can't be fun about it? My question was, is there a big enough group to make it worth my while I don't want to spend all this time perfecting a twink only to end up with 30-45min que times whenever I feel like playing it because then it would just seem like a waste of time to me.

Also about Cata my question was mainly regarding whether or not people would be sticking with it or if they were making too many changes etc, after looking through the Cata talent trees and seeing some of the low level changes I have to agree with the first reply to my post in saying it will absolutely launch twinking into a height it has not yet seen i.e. Dual Wielding level 19 shamans as well as every class will have it's flavor spell by level 10 making 19 WSG that much better and it will bring another level of skill to the game at lower levels.

Thank you everyone for your replies I did value all of your responses to the highest degree.


Now I have to decide what to roll and try to form or find a good twink guild that is active on Arthas, if anyone has any details on that I would be ears wide open for it :D

I believe you're right and I'm sorry if I did miss your point. I definitely jumped to conclusions and just read the part about "Is it worth twinking, etc etc" and that questions kind of drives me nuts. I apologize.

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