World PvP: Tower Defense!


Sheriff Earl
While the BG's were broken, I was quite bored. In this time of darkness, I sought out new fulfillment from 20 pvp. That's when it came to me. Objective World PvP. I decided to try and create my own "Battleground" if you will, to provide some player verse player action, providing honor, and entertainment. I would like to get some folks together to see how fun/viable this actually is.

The Game:

The game will be played in a discrete location, in a tower that is void of NPC's. (some low lvl mobs in contingent areas, nothing to worry about though). Teams will take turns defending this tower. Each team has a designated "King" or "Queen" atop the fortress. The offensive team's goal is to storm the tower and kill the opposing King or Queen. Teams will switch sides after the goal has been completed. The team that completes the objective by slaying the king and capturing the tower in the shortest amount of time wins.

The logistics are simple. Factors such as consumables and team comp's can be dealt with later, for now, I would just like to try and get whoever I can to try and help me with some practice matches. If you're interested in some good, old world PvP, let me know here, so i can keep track and agree on a date to try this out. Thanks!

Practice roster:












Noiczz. I like. I'ld definatly be in for this.
I have a better game. Here's how it works. You go to Thandol Span in the Wetlands (that bridge basically). Basically, the Alliance pick a Queen and a King. The Horde also pick a Queen and a King. You then have to battle across the bridge. There are two ways to win. First, if the King crosses the bridge into the other side (Alliance defend the Wetlands, Horde the Arathi Highlands) then that team loses. Second, if the Queen is killed EVER, then you lose. There are two ways for it to work. Everyone can res over and over again, but obviously if the Queen dies then you lose. The only thing that would change from when I did this at 85, is that one would have to limit the amount of hunters.

Moreover, only people in the two raids should be allowed to play. This lets people communicate (when a Queen is dead and a round is over) etc. This also means people who try to spoil it with hunters and so on won't manage to do so with heals. If it gets rained on by 85s then we can just move to some other area and only tell where we are going on vent.

Another thing to do is 3 team Gurubashi Arena. Basically three different 3's teams jump into the arena and duke it out. It's a lot of fun because you have a bunch of CC and heals and stuff going out.
I could try this out definetly after finals. I can be on my ally ret pally or my horde feral either way.
These are both great ideas and I'd love to be part of this project on either side of the faction fence (timing pending of course).
Why do you guys do cool shit when I can't play? >: /

Sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves. <3
Sounds awesome count me in anytime for any world pvp including hellfire. Going to jump on my 85 right now and fly around Azeroth scouting for cool locations.

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