World pvp? How would you do it?

World pvp, here or another server?

  • World pvp on AP

    Votes: 14 73.7%
  • World pvp on another server

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters


The basic idea is to set up a area on a server, either AP or another depending on support, where the horde and alliance will use as a default zone for world pvp. The idea behind this is to allow pvp, without the need to queue or face many 24's or premades.

If a server hop was to happen, it would be to a low population, PVP server.

Also, where would you be happy to use as the midzone? gurubashi? wetlands? Ideas are welcome.

So what do YOU think?

Edit: to clarify a little bit, the zone would be used as a permanent "BG" type zone, using the home towns in the area as bases, and pvping when you find a member of the other faction with /pvp on, the pvp would mostly be focused in areas like gurubashi, or near key points on the maps with few mobs.

Level 20 would be the likely level, due to already geared and levelled toons.

Areas so far:
Mestuk: zoram strand/ashenvale coast.
Stamm: Flat plains near ratchet.
Kochist: city of gilneas (highly out of the way on alliance unless SFK summoning stone is used)

Ideas so far:
Addon for zones and communication (markers on map + horde/ally counter perhaps)

Just took a quick go at a map for the zoram strand area
Picture uploading is buggy on my computer so the link to the image is here
I have screenshots of each point, if ZS is chosen as the area, i will upload them on a seperate thread for this matter.

A rough area for the barrens, plenty of space, trees and hills for LoS, lots of mobs, but nothing that will kill a 20 easily GY is relatively nearby.
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honestly id rather do it an an actual world pvp server it would make things easier and it would keep it more real. Honestly i think there should be a realm hop to a pvp server that has barely any members and little or no 85s, it would make things feel more authentic and make the whole thing easier. Once this is done we continue what we did on aerie peak only now we can do world pvp anytime we want with no setbacks and we wont have to wait long queue times to get some honor
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Ive had an idea for some time now for wpvp but it would only work if there would be an addon for it.

The idea is pretty simple and its kinda like AB. Selecting a few spots in a zone wich could be assigned as bases and i was thinking with the help of an addon wich communicate with other people who use the addon and contains some sort of timer for capping the assigned locations like taking a base in ab.

I dunno if this would be possible to create an addon for, i don't really have much knolledge of creating addons. Maby someone with knolledge could tell me if this would be possible or not :)
If we were to do this (looks like most support is for AP so far) what level range would you want to do it with? 10, 14, 19 or 20?
i think the whole concept is exactly why we're all here twinking. i think youd find very few if any that are here for the achieves, they just help pass the time. ive been saying this for months though and it seemed majority of folks said a pvp server would never work. on a non pvp server when you see anything flagged pvp you just think you must attack it. on a pvp server it doesnt happen as much because you see it more often. but a low populated pvp server it might just have a fighting chance then you could get a raid together of ten or more and go to "name your enemy town" horde could come to goldshire or ??? and t
let the fun begin.. PVP Server is definitely the answer, but getting peoeple to start over is the key
Just outside Ratchet. There is a huge open plain down there. We could even set up a AV set up where you have to kill a certain person to win.

We'd have to move a decent ways away from the actual town, otherwise we could be spotted by 85's.
Gilneas City-

One of the best zones as it is very large with various cities and yet zero npc.

It would also have easy transportation for both sides as there is a summoning stone at SFK so you could always run up and get more friends.
I'm also interested in knowing, what type of pvp would you like it to be? Objective based? (like having to get to a point and placing a tiny blue/green ragdoll). Capture and hold? or FFA killing? interesting in what you guys want.
My vote is FFA killing. I also like the Gilneas City location. But ugh, rerolling. :p It will be difficult to get people to roll another toon on a different. I think AP would be the best bet. Shame it isnt a pvp sever though. Id love to gank me some xp-onners.
i think the whole concept is exactly why we're all here twinking. i think youd find very few if any that are here for the achieves, they just help pass the time. ive been saying this for months though and it seemed majority of folks said a pvp server would never work. on a non pvp server when you see anything flagged pvp you just think you must attack it. on a pvp server it doesnt happen as much because you see it more often. but a low populated pvp server it might just have a fighting chance then you could get a raid together of ten or more and go to "name your enemy town" horde could come to goldshire or ??? and t
let the fun begin.. PVP Server is definitely the answer, but getting peoeple to start over is the key

i absolutely agree with you PVP sever is the answer people dont wanna start because they might already have their boas, but since in pvp servers you can do PVP anytime you want all you have to do is get to level 5, make a raid with 10 people or so, go to the horde town, gank them all, then spawn trap them its fairly simple and at level 5 its 3 honor a kill btw so you can farm the whole day and get decent honor before level 10.Plus you don't have to worry about queue times premades or those pesky level 24s and if we choose the server wisley there might be little or no 85s in it at all
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from what i am saying the comments say PVP server but the poll says AP just vote for the pvp server its the better option
Nobody wants to move to a PvP server where our events can be camped by DK's and random 85s.

If you really want world pvp just wait for gw2 like everyone else.
Why would we switch servers for PvP events? Lets do another hellfire event-it looked really fun from Vulcanos vid.

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