World PvP event ideas.


Hello to all of you out there! So, after the recent discussion of the US servers needing to pick up the ball and run with it, I browsed through some of my notes of locations for World PvP events: Most of mine wouldn't work, due to the location of where they would be hosted needing hefty run times, but I found one that might work, and I'd like to share it:

I was flying around a few months ago on one of my characters, and decided to walk the entirety of the Redridge Highway, just to see how long it would take. While doing so, I noticed that nobody else was there the entire time I did so. So I got to thinking about using it to host an event.

Recently, looking for notes of places to host World PvP events, I found a note I'd made of the Highway, and decided to make up a (crappy) story about it. I like roleplay in game, but, if that creates an issue with other people, that part can be scrapped.

Event name: The battle for Redridge Mountains.

[B]The story behind it(subject to change, or be deleted if too much of an issue is created over a Roleplay World PvP event) :[/B] With the incursion of the Iron Horde through the portal in Blasted Lands, and the destruction of Nethargarde Keep, the forces of Stormwind have been withdrawn from Lakeshire and the surrounding areas, leaving a light guard unit as the only thing to defend the zone.

A young, charismatic Horde (insert class, race, and sex here), has noticed the large movement of troops through the Swamp of Sorrows, and has decided to make a name for themselves. Gathering a small group of people to their side, they have started to march up the little used Redridge Highway, in to the Burning Steppes, in order to come through the back door of Redridge.

A civilian that was in Bogpaddle as the Horde passed noticed what was going on, and hopped on the next Gryphon out of Bogpaddle, heading to Lakeshire to warn of the caravan they had seen. With such a light guard presence in Lakeshire, civilians and travelers are asked to aid in the defense of the town. The old, drunken warrior. The hotshot Priest who arrived recently to deal with a disease outbreak. The young pickpocketing Rogue that steals peoples fishing holes during the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza.

Realm ideas: Aerie Peak.

[B]Time: [/B]No clue.

Date: No clue.

P2P's available for grouping: Myself.

This is open to discussion, of course. Anyone that has constructive criticism, advice to offer, or that just wants to tell me that I'm a fucking retard scrub scum that needs 2 l2p, I would be happy to hear from. I would love to hear other peoples ideas for this.

Other locations would be great as well! I'd like a story behind why a person chose that spot, but hey, that's just me and my need to have a reason for things.
Love the idea of WPvP and Redridge would be a nice backdrop. Could even have the Horde maybe take control of that ;plateau just above town, where the gnolls are, to use as a base. I'm in if my play time allows, I'll dust off one of my old AP hordies. :)
These are cool, hard to setup but cool. I was messing around outside Zul-Aman the other day, it was a blast. There are 4 towers and a "main keep". Lots of LoS and jump spots to stay out of melee trouble. FP is shared for alliance and horde, might be a good one.

I love the RP story, it makes it feel more epic. This looks cool.
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Timing is everything. My schedule is really limited. if i can do it - i will.
Thanks for putting this together TacoDude. Love the RPvP. Flesh out how to incorporate that into the actual game - or be clear that its just a backdrop.
I'm thinking Mists of Pandaria personally. Its' a cool zone a lot of F2Ps have not seen and that might drum up some interest as well. There are small islands that have limited mobs, and I'm thinking that maybe some gated areas might be the same. How about something where each faction has to get someone all the way up the Endless Staircase? We can compete based on times!

I can definitely contribute a P2P for grouping and filming like last time. I'm down for another ZG event or something similar too.
I'm thinking Mists of Pandaria personally. Its' a cool zone a lot of F2Ps have not seen and that might drum up some interest as well. There are small islands that have limited mobs, and I'm thinking that maybe some gated areas might be the same. How about something where each faction has to get someone all the way up the Endless Staircase? We can compete based on times!

I can definitely contribute a P2P for grouping and filming like last time. I'm down for another ZG event or something similar too.
The perfect place in pandaland is in the Heartlands in Valley of Four Winds

Near, pretty and close to Halfhill
tldr sorry man

The post isn't that long at all, but whatever floats your goat.

Thank you everyone for replying, I wasn't really expecting much from this post. If anyone wants, they can PM me ideas for the storyline/roleplay parts.

P.S., If anyone wants me to add their ideas to the main post, I would gladly do it.
I would ask that you consider whether you would want this to be just a grand melee (a chance for people to kill each other) or having a specific objective. Push the other team back past a certain point? Get a key figure from point A to point B without dying? Hold a certain spot for a certain length of time? Lots of different possibilities!
I would ask that you consider whether you would want this to be just a grand melee (a chance for people to kill each other) or having a specific objective. Push the other team back past a certain point? Get a key figure from point A to point B without dying? Hold a certain spot for a certain length of time? Lots of different possibilities!

Actually, the correct answer would be "Yes", to all of those.

I'll go in to more detail later, when I feel like typing for lengths of time.
Hello to all of you out there! So, after the recent discussion of the US servers needing to pick up the ball and run with it, I browsed through some of my notes of locations for World PvP events: Most of mine wouldn't work, due to the location of where they would be hosted needing hefty run times, but I found one that might work, and I'd like to share it:

I was flying around a few months ago on one of my characters, and decided to walk the entirety of the Redridge Highway, just to see how long it would take. While doing so, I noticed that nobody else was there the entire time I did so. So I got to thinking about using it to host an event.

Recently, looking for notes of places to host World PvP events, I found a note I'd made of the Highway, and decided to make up a (crappy) story about it. I like roleplay in game, but, if that creates an issue with other people, that part can be scrapped.

Event name: The battle for Redridge Mountains.

[B]The story behind it(subject to change, or be deleted if too much of an issue is created over a Roleplay World PvP event) :[/B] With the incursion of the Iron Horde through the portal in Blasted Lands, and the destruction of Nethargarde Keep, the forces of Stormwind have been withdrawn from Lakeshire and the surrounding areas, leaving a light guard unit as the only thing to defend the zone.

A young, charismatic Horde (insert class, race, and sex here), has noticed the large movement of troops through the Swamp of Sorrows, and has decided to make a name for themselves. Gathering a small group of people to their side, they have started to march up the little used Redridge Highway, in to the Burning Steppes, in order to come through the back door of Redridge.

A civilian that was in Bogpaddle as the Horde passed noticed what was going on, and hopped on the next Gryphon out of Bogpaddle, heading to Lakeshire to warn of the caravan they had seen. With such a light guard presence in Lakeshire, civilians and travelers are asked to aid in the defense of the town. The old, drunken warrior. The hotshot Priest who arrived recently to deal with a disease outbreak. The young pickpocketing Rogue that steals peoples fishing holes during the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza.

Realm ideas: Aerie Peak.

[B]Time: [/B]No clue.

Date: No clue.

P2P's available for grouping: Myself.

This is open to discussion, of course. Anyone that has constructive criticism, advice to offer, or that just wants to tell me that I'm a fucking retard scrub scum that needs 2 l2p, I would be happy to hear from. I would love to hear other peoples ideas for this.

Other locations would be great as well! I'd like a story behind why a person chose that spot, but hey, that's just me and my need to have a reason for things.
Ill help with invites. Who is your p2p on AP?
I would ask that you consider whether you would want this to be just a grand melee (a chance for people to kill each other) or having a specific objective. Push the other team back past a certain point? Get a key figure from point A to point B without dying? Hold a certain spot for a certain length of time? Lots of different possibilities!
I did enjoy my last one with Kochi. I forgot the location, but it was more like "storming the keep" while the other team defends it. Im sure you were there that day.
I did enjoy my last one with Kochi. I forgot the location, but it was more like "storming the keep" while the other team defends it. Im sure you were there that day.

I believe you're referring to our event in Caer Darrow in Western Plaguelands. I remember that well, we ran alternating Storm The Castle scenarios. Turnout was huge. I probably still have screenshots somewhere. :)

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