Won't be playing WoW that much anymore.

<3 wuv u . and i dont mind these posts frankly . better than half the other threads here.
How are these people trolling or putting you down?

It's not trolling because nobody here is trying to get you mad and they are simply pointing out a fact: nobody gives a fuck.

It's not putting you down because it's not personal.

People making these threads need to get over themselves and face the fact nobody gives a fuck what you do.

I mean really, every single person might as well make their own thread and you'll see every subforum spammed with it.

INB4 I'm mean or trolling.

seems to be the general consensus that if you disagree with someone you must be trolling, saying your ownopinions are being taking as trolling nowa days.
seems to be the general consensus that if you disagree with someone you must be trolling, saying your ownopinions are being taking as trolling nowa days.

it's not really trolling, no. It's just redundant to repeatedly bump a thread that you think shouldn't exist to begin with. You're incessantly whining about the whole thing while keeping it in the top 5 of the first page. Congratulations, you've effectively become the primary factor contributing to your problem.

Why don't you go around insisting 7 of the other "useless" topics on page 1 get closed as well?

Some of the people around here with a similar issue with these threads act as if some magical source of information is going to trickle down, containing the answer to life it's self, along with something to do with the F2P bracket; But we're going to miss it because of threads like this "cluttering up" a sub-forum that would otherwise be mostly composed of garbage anyway.

Let him "garner all the attention he wants". In the mean time all the important information you could possibly need concerning the F2P bracket can be found in the stickies and in the F2P guide section. Twink info's got pretty much everything covered, you aren't going to miss anything just because Swordman423 wants to say goodbye to random users #132-956 .

So in case you missed the point, yet again (tldr):

-You are not a troll
-You simply have a problem with threads, that in your opinion, shouldn't be made.
-You keep bumping these threads, keeping them on the first page, just so you can tell everyone you're opinion, that these threads shouldn't be made.
-If you stop bumping these threads, they will fall off the first page. Crisis Averted. Didn't have to call FEMA, the President, or a Forum Moderator.

Dry your eyes children, and move on to twinkinfo's next abomination, which, if the past is any indication, will be here approximately anytime between now and tomorrow.
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I just wanted people to look at this and then let it go to 2nd page, no one had to post a thing, but my threads always get trolled for some reason.

Some of your hate maybe because of my Iquit thread but I really don't care what people thinks/thought of it and you shouldn't on here either tbh. I meant every word I said in it and I'm sure you have as well, now you may realize why so many people don't like this forum. So what if neon wants to only logs on once a week or every other and decided to say so so people would know? I used to log on every single day and now that I log on once a week I can tell you people definitely care in bgs so all you saying "nobody cares" can stfu, kthx.

Neon just read the sig and enjoy your break(s) :) Everything does srsly get more enjoyable around here when you leave it so run! Run and don't look back.

Edit to those people arguing: If you don't care that he'll be on only once a week why post in here? If you care about a "pointless cluttering thread" why don't you post to get some likes on the other 12/20 pointless threads on the front page? If you are reporting those for being spam then why not do so the same here? If you aren't posting or paying attention to those spam threads why must you post and argue in this thread?
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Nah guys attention whores always announce and promote what game they're moving on to as a last ditch effort to find out who their loyal friends are by whom follows them.

Neon, good to know things are going well. My mind is at ease knowing you didn't fall in a downward spiral of drunken self-loathing, and there's a constructive reasoning behind your absence.

Cheers mate! May your days of leisure come with short queues, even matchups, and pedigree pugs.
I have a busy work schedule and currently going to college, probably only going to get on once a week, I am basically doing alot of stuff everyday, thats why you have not seen much of me as of lately.

I miss seeing your faces in battlegrounds, :p

Great idea. All the best.

I use to login WOW to escape RL... but now I'm login RL to escape WOW (primarly the madness of the 20-24 bracket).

Ironically there are a lot of similarities with the 20-24 BG bracket and RL....
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As already pointed out, I really do think these threads are getting a little crazy. I mean I respect your decision and all to leave or take an extended break but I don't really think threads need to be made in order to announce it. These threads usually end up getting trolled/reported and finally locked. If you choose to go, then take care of yourself, or if you're like me, you'll probably be more active after midterms.
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bye neon :(

I won't have fun I am busy all of the time, just posting for people who might wonder why I don't play as much.

Being busy is good, but make sure you squeeze in some fun too!

twink info wizard

I'm totally stealing this if I ever get a title on here.

I will admit that I used to be a big troll in the past, but I changed that, get off my jock

every troll evar said:
I'm not a troll!

something something The Boy Who Cried Wolf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

People might still expect you to be trolling for a little while, don't let that stop you from being positive and constructive!
As already pointed out, I really do think these threads are getting a little crazy. I mean I respect your decision and all to leave or take an extended break but I don't really think threads need to be made in order to announce it. These threads usually end up getting trolled/reported and finally locked. If you choose to go, then take care of yourself, or if you're like me, you'll probably be more active after midterms.

wuuvv you and meeesssss you
An entire thread, full of people complaining about the thread lmao. Just let it die. You do see how you're working against yourselves don't you? I mean, isn't it obvious?
The point of this thread was that I would not be playing as much, not that I was going to quit WoW completely.

I would like this thread locked, because everyone has probably seen it by now.

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