This bracket is very hard for true F2Per's I would know, I was an F2P Trial for 4 years, recently I decided to become a Veteran (level 20) Twink to give me an edge.
If lvl 20 Starter Edition Trials had their own bracket in PvP, noone would pay for WoW anymore lol, unfortunately Blizzard ruins alot of things but $ is the first priority, they have heaps of employees and mouths to feed.
- I would suggest true F2Per's to use the F2Paddon, and try to all bunch up on one server to make your experience more interactive.
- Also enjoy the simplicity of F2P PvE and achievement hunting, if you focus too much on PvP, you'll get frustrated knowing that your weaker stat-wise.
- Also if your a pure F2P, you will die too easily playing damage based/squishy classes like Rogue/Mage etc, so play OP/survivability Classes like Druid/Monk/Pally etc, so you have a chance to survive, the main reason I upgraded my account, was because my F2P Rogue wasn't dishing out respectable burst damage anymore.
- Become a Veteran, only one month of membership gives you access to AH and Enchants/advantages which will make you BiS and alot stronger, and as long as you stay at level 20, your account will be stronger and still playable once the subscription is over, so after 1 month of paying, you can play for free after that, and still have all the advantages, fair trade in my opinion.
- Just make a lvl 20-29 Twink on another account, Twink it out, see how it is, make it Veteran, then keep it strictly for PvP use, this means you can still do PvE on your F2P Main account, but whilst your doing that you have another stronger account with BG/Arena Que's popping in the background if you feel like PvPing.
- Also, if your an F2P, purchase WoW draenor on another account, it comes with a free lvl 90 character boost, use that character to help run you through high end stuff. Or try to get your account linked for extra goodies/collectibles.
Don't forget, as an F2P the game isn't meant to cater for you, you have to cater to it, I remember the most fun thing about being F2P was working your way around things/F2P restrictions/disadvantages. I remember people thinking 'gosh, for a Trial account hes really good', and every Objective/Achievement obtained via an F2P felt 10x better + the simplicity of the gameplay, and the feeling of no pressure whenever you want to/don't want to play, because either way, its not costing you anything
Look at my Signature Link Below this post to see how my Character is doing, It was an F2P Trial for 4 years, I Twinked it out just for 1 month's subscription (2 weeks left), and after my subscription is over, I will probably maintain veteran status forever, unless I feel like using the Auction House to stock up on some Consumables, at first I was reluctant to do so because I was a Trial for so long, but I can gladly say, that I haven't regretted my decision and I would do it again, my Gameplay/PvP experience has been enhanced by subscribing, even if it is only for 1 month, the advantages are too good not to try it.
Conclusion: I think the bracket is ok, compared to the other brackets, the community is good, there's something for everyone, also there is both a F2P and P2P community within our level bracket which makes it diverse.
I come from both sides, I do sympathize for F2P-ers out there, as I used to be one (and still have the spirit of one too), but Veteran is also an advantageous option that you should atleast re-consider before complaining.
I don't want there to be any fights either, I treat a P2P or a F2P like a friend, communities are good because people feel welcome, and in this bracket, your welcome to be P2P or F2P.