I think this bracket is trash, but sometimes enjoyable.
Why is it Trash :
Number 1 factor, Blizzard and it's "Balance".
2. There are 3 types of accounts involved, F2P, Vet, 29s. Each of them has their play-style, and diversity.
3. It is a fact, that F2Ps don't use enchants, and it is going to be harder for them to win the game. But that's the true challenge, being in the lowest "level" of the community and prevailing!
Actually, the low level brackets, that use enchanting are pretty much "Boring" in my OPINION, and by FACT!
The FACT is, the use of enchants leads to a much more Burst-Based game, which gets really boring. This issue however, is not to be seen when you play as a F2P.
Lets take into consideration the 10v10s going on between F2Ps / Vets / 29s . We can all see the difference between The F2P and the others. F2P leads into more interesting and fun to play games. F2P doesn't offer you a BURST-BASED game, it offers challenge, and strategy, and skill. I myself can tell, i felt the difference between F2P and VET wargames.
This bracket is sometimes awesome!
-When you win against 8 p2ps. And you win a game, as a F2P... oh! This is the best feeling, ever. And if you lose, you have time to think what you did wrong and right. And take notes for the next time. To be honest, the other brackets do no offer this. For instance, if you play 19s, you will be against different comps , at an equal "level". The "level" difference is the thing that makes this bracket competitive for me!