Why this bracket is exceptional


All I ever hear from level 20's is that the 20-29 bracket is garbage, trash etc... Yet, no one can come up with any reasons why. Well, here is your chance. For each problem or FACT(not opinion) that you all believe why this bracket is such "garbage" either I or a 20-29 supporter, as opposed to detractor, will react with a positive as why this bracket is not "garbage" or is better than it has been in the past.
Please stay on topic of the GAME and the GAME ONLY. Although spirited discussion is encouraged.
Thank you very much.

It's simple. Everyone go vet! :)

Edit: I will clarify.

I have no bias towards 29s, with the exception of BMs and Ferals. But at level 20 as vet, you have 3 opportunities. The ability to duel 19s in wPvP, with minor advantage, and the ability to face off against 29s while scaled, with minor disadvantage. And free play after sub ends ofc.

And IMO, 20 is just an amazingly balanced number. I've never been one to role the odds. Except 91.
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-The addition of several BGs
- Access to more goodies (MOP being added to battlechest)
-Addition of monks to starter edition accounts I guess? WWs and MWs are awesome
-New models
All I ever hear from level 20's is that the 20-29 bracket is garbage, trash etc... Yet, no one can come up with any reasons why. Well, here is your chance. For each problem or FACT(not opinion) that you all believe why this bracket is such "garbage" either I or a 20-29 supporter, as opposed to detractor, will react with a positive as why this bracket is not "garbage" or is better than it has been in the past.
Please stay on topic of the GAME and the GAME ONLY. Although spirited discussion is encouraged.
Thank you very much.


The opinion that 20-29 is garbage and trash usually comes from those who play 19 as they consider competitive play more enjoyable than relaxed/casual play..

For those not interested in organised games/competition, the 20-29 bracket is great because it's relaxed and casual .. No pressure, not many ego's and plenty more activity than other brackets.

The obvious downside to 20-29 is there will always be the problem of imbalanced games, due to the diversity of the level ranges and people running premades in a pug-heavy environment, sometimes that can be torment. Can you flip that around into a positive?
It's obviously a person's opinion whether the bracket is trash or not, and they're allowed to have that opinion and preach it on TI if they want to. As a f2p, I would say that this bracket is trash, because for me it is. As a person playing from EU, the time I can queue is not peak time of pops. So after waiting 40 mins in queue, I get in a bg that's onesided, the team with less jajas and more 29s pretty much wins.

With how much of a gap there is between F2P and vets/29s, one player can't make the difference, and even if they make a great play, most of the time it won't make a difference to the result of the game. I don't have a problem with 29s or vets. It's just the number of braindead players that join with no idea of objectives, this includes f2ps, vets and 29s.

So imo, this bracket is trash because of how noncompetitive it is.

If you do have a way of turning that to an upside, I would like to hear it. I'd like to keep my f2p acc clean, so going vet or 29 isn't an option.
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So far
8 good
2 negative
2 opinions....
Looks like the trash talkers are losing. 8-2
I never said I would twist or turn any negatives into positives. I stated that I would "react with a positive".
Roboartist, Brov and Kilda all gave excellent examples of why this bracket is so awesome right now in 6.2!

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rofl this is so funny, this is all your OPINION. the fact u say that extra bgs are 'positives' is ur OPINION, it can be argued that because of the added bgs, it's slows down queue times. It's down to your viewpoint and there is no fact.
In reference of Lankypuss' post concerning the garbage comment being an opinion. To an extent you are correct. However, you should have facts to back up these opinions. Of which he gave one. In EU, during non peak times queue times are too long for him. Only play during peak times, if you can. I agree, long queues suck.

Back to opinion vs fact. You don't simple say I don't like red. Well, because... It's red... You have a reason you do not like red. It's too bright, it reminds you of blood, bedrooms walls are red and you dislike them, who knows. But you have some reason. That is all we are asking for.
Your reason why you think the 20-29 bracket is "garbage".
And then our little lovely band of 20-29 lovers will give the reasons why we think 20-29 and WoW is not garbage.

Still 8-2...

Now, now. No need to turn this on it's back, OP. There are no fallacies here, just preference. I figured this was going to be a motivational thread, not a "2 to 1, we win you lose" thread.
Tell ya what...
I will even up the ante... We can do a ratio of 2:1 vs garbage reasons.

Downsides so far are (2)
Long queues(only on off peak and on EU) scraping bottom of the barrel on this one.

Upside. (8)
Too damn numerous to list..

Please stay on topic...

Tell ya what...
I will even up the ante... We can do a ratio of 2:1 vs garbage reasons.

Downsides so far are (2)
Long queues(only on off peak and on EU) scraping bottom of the barrel on this one.

Upside. (8)
Too damn numerous to list..

Please stay on topic...


make a correction, let's do it in a opinion vs fact way. since you did want facts after all.
so far 100% opinions, 0% facts.
Now, now. No need to turn this on it's back, OP. There are no fallacies here, just preference. I figured this was going to be a motivational thread, not a "2 to 1, we win you lose" thread.

I am hoping it to be a motivational thread.
I WANT it be one. But as you can see we have a difficult time staying on topic.
Perhaps you could delete posts 8-15 for me. And we could get this train back on track.
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I am hoping it to be a motivational thread.
I WANT it be one. But as you can see we have a difficult time staying on topic.
Perhaps you could delete posts 8-15 for me. And we could get this train back on track.

no u didnt, u wanted thread where u can give ur opnion, and tell other ppl wut u thinks are facts and wut are opnions.
I am hoping it to be a motivational thread.
I WANT it be one. But as you can see we have a difficult time staying on topic.
Perhaps you could delete posts 8-15 for me. And we could get this train back on track.

Don't even know if I should... It seems as though you are trying to come out on top with this. Similar to the "lock this thread so I have the last laugh" requests I get from time to time.
[MENTION=14809]Lankypuss[/MENTION] I will delete your name calling though.

Back on topic, and please, no elitist remarks.
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I honestly didn't think it was possible that [MENTION=13421]Allybeboba[/MENTION] was making a constructive thread integrating the opinions of the community! aaaaaand its gone, like why would you make this a competition, everyones opinion is something different.

Now, ill try to get this thread back on track, and hopefully Ally doesn't continue to make this a way to "disprove" why some people believe this bracket is unenjoyable.

I personally have strayed away from the 20-29 bracket because of quite a bit of reasons. Some of these reasons include: bad players, influx of 29s, lack of motivation and incentive, the lack of competition, the use of mounts, imbalance, lack of community outreach, lack of competitive guilds, WSG being a joke, AV being a joke, Rapido, brewmasters, shadow priests, feral druids, and most importantly, i've seen about 30 friends leave the bracket who I had played with for a long time, thats what I feel like is the biggest. Its a collection of lots of small, and big things which I find bad for the bracket, which stack up and makes other players leave, drawing me away.
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29 BM monks, 29 ferals and 29 spriests make the bracket garbage (in that order). Without those, a vet account would seem much less of a necessity. Those 29's are a type of player who will always exist unfortunately. They are not at all interested in a sporting match, will cheat when they can and probably lie about using godmode in single player games. They're pathetic, reinforcing a gamer stereotype.

Can I counter my own point?

Jane, you ignorant slut. One of the most enjoyable moments currently in 20 bg's is when a group manages to break a 29 BM's shield and down it. It's like an elite world boss and as long as you have them playing on both sides it can be fun.

Jane responds: sure, but how often do you get an even team? It's a competitive match, and one side having a 'world boss' renders the match garbage.

so yeah, my sentiments are with Jane. Balance issues due to the above mentioned classes along with long queue times make this bracket, which I still play, worse than it's been since starters were a thing. It's just what it is though, and Blizzard seems to be making it increasingly clear that twinking on an unpaid account is neither encouraged nor supported, just allowed.
I disagree with your assertion that this bracket is better than it has ever been. In cata there was a much tighter knit and centralized community as shown by how organized wpvp and arenas were more common. The class mechanics were more interesting and fun in my opinion. The only two bad parts of cata were hunters, which were easily banned or limited by gear in organized play, and 24s which were from my experience terrible players (probably because they didn't feel that they had to try) and unless it was a premade they had a minimal affect on the outcome of the game. Neither of these two problems went away, and the hunter one arguably because worse, as hunters became bms and ferals while 24s because 29s.

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