Why is it

The Alliance has always been better at PvP. This is due to both more adults playing Alliance than Horde, and the fact that Human racials have been grossly overpowered from day one

It's more noticeable in Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley, because they are the larger maps that require more strategy and coordination
tbh be prepared for a lot of frustration on AB weekend. Why? pick any of the following reasons:
- u need 3 groups to pop @ same time (which tbh is least of problems for horde)
- ppl need to not fail on joining/leaving like usual.
on last AB weekend i think that a dozen folks got into felix's ignore list cause they kept failing @ leaving q
if u add the "i-have-to-go" leaving folks in middle of q-ing, you're looking @ numerous reforming
ofc things like this happen in WSG as well, but 5 more folks = more chance for someone to fail
- even with 15/15 AP AB, there will be at least 5 ppl that have no clue what to do in AB (see my former post on topic)
not to mention that I rarely see new, fresh players step up to defend bases, its usually "oldies" who defend

On last AB weekend, nearly @ his end, we got most of ppl on vent and last couple of games were pure enjoyment.
imo, this is the way to go, all can join vent for listening @ least
Also yelli... advising ppl on vent is much easier then typing :D

The Alliance has always been better at PvP. This is due to both more adults playing Alliance than Horde, and the fact that Human racials have been grossly overpowered from day one

It's more noticeable in Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley, because they are the larger maps that require more strategy and coordination

Who told you this fairy tale?
Allys win those 2 BG's more cause of terrain advantage.
In AV its much easier to get horde towers then allys (I won't even mention how easier it is to defend boss due to moat) and in AB allys always get to 1st base quicker then hordies.
in total, when looking @ all BG's, horde wins more BG's then allys (this was confirmed on some MMO post months ago for 85 characters)

However I'll agree on yellow part in your post
I've always wondered myself why this is. I think it's a number of factors that come into play.

  • Gear Choices
I do believe the believe eye-patch is an advantage for the alliance. Not only is it very easy to acquire it also gives hit and is worn by the most played and strongest classes. ( About 80% of Teams consist of Hunter, Rogue, Paladin, Feral, Warrior)
In the contrast to the aforementioned the Horde wears no headgear, the inferior goggles which tie up a profession or are lucky and or dedicated and wear the Lucky Fishing Hat (Under 20%). Some might argue this isn't such a big deal, but ease of access and being hit-capped unintentionally do make a clear advantage. "Experienced" Players know about the gear difference and do tend to roll Alliance for this reason.

This however, does not explain the headless chicken tactic of Horde in AB and the number of 5-cap wins for Alliance.

  • Que Times
My personal reason to almost exclusively play Horde are the queue times. They do however have a negative impact on the performance of the horde teams. When given the choice between waiting for a dungeon queue or almost instant action in PvP. Horde Players might put off gearing final pieces for fast gratification in PvP. Alliance Players however have the choice between dungeon or PvP and have to wait for both making dungeons more desirable. The waiting time can also be used to finish up professions. In AB especially a psychological effect comes into play. I do believe the Alliance players that waited so long are more determined to win, whereas the horde might give up faster, because they didn't invest so much waiting time.

  • Tactics
Alliance has figured out the importance of the Lumber Mill and almost always goes in big. If you don't have a Horde premade don't even bother showing up there you will get rolled. After LM the Zerg will usually go on to farm where they tie up more than half of the horde team which is now spread to thin to hold any other bases. GG.

  • Experience
I have given up pugging AB and so have probably many others. Even with short queues it's a waste of time when your team can't even break out of graveyard. So this leaves new unexperienced players who will never learn how to play AB when 50% of the games they play, they are roflstomped in a 5-cap and the in balanced games they stand a chance, they spread to thin, because thats how the "others" always win. A vicious circle.

I did mention Gear Choices but to be fair the effect can not be that big, when in F2P EU AB is balanced way better. So it has to do with how F2P US works.
Wow, I'm surprised no one has pointed out the simple fact that most hordies don't seem to know what defense means and as soon as they cap one base, they leave to go get another one leaving the previous one undefended. This has happened in every single AB I've been in except for a couple of AP premades i have happened to q into which completely rocked the house.

I'm sure alliance leave bases undefended which I have seen at times but horde seem to do it better, especially at this level.
Wow, I'm surprised no one has pointed out the simple fact that most hordies don't seem to know what defense means and as soon as they cap one base, they leave to go get another one leaving the previous one undefended. This has happened in every single AB I've been in except for a couple of AP premades i have happened to q into which completely rocked the house.

I'm sure alliance leave bases undefended which I have seen at times but horde seem to do it better, especially at this level.

this is just wrong, as are all of these other arbitrary reasons that people keep posting in this thread. alliance and horde players have equal problems with defending nodes. and while we're on the subject, it's not always a good idea to defend your nodes in AB. there are many situations where it's objectively correct to abandon nodes in favor of others. it's just as annoying to see people mindlessly spamming about defending nodes as it is to have nodes be ninja'd because they are unguarded. activision added the bonus honor for defending for a reason. it works pretty well as a reward for defending correctly.

as i posted earlier in the thread, the disparity in horde AB vs WSG performance is due to is gear and levels. it's something that i noticed from day 1 when playing in this bracket, because i always played much more AB than WSG. the two possible reasons for this that i can think of off the top of my head are:

1. the better-geared and more intelligent horde players are specifically only queuing for WSG, because they are both more experienced in that BG and because they feel they can contribute more to the outcome of the game in the smaller, more objective-based battleground. the extra 24s are probably queuing for it instead of AB both for this reason and because it is much easier to farm the GY or camp middle in WSG than it is in AB.

2. AB usually only pops on horde when there is an overflow of players from the usual # queuing - this is due to not everyone queuing AB, because it takes more players, and also because once there are enough players for a WSG, it will immediately pop, meaning that there needs to be an extra overflow in order for AB to pop. my guess would be that during these times of overflow players on horde, many of these extra players are the "noobs" and younger kids who have terrible gear and absolutely no idea what they're doing, since these kind of people tend to go online to game at the same times of the day.

like i said, these are the 2 hypotheses that jump out at me at a first glance. if anybody has any other ideas, shoot
Mostly everything has been said. I'll just add that hunters do very well in open terraine. Also there's not many classes that can reasonable defend a base against shadowmelding cappers.
I solo queue more often than not and whenever I accept an AB pop it is usually preceded by an 'aww fuck it, why not. Maybe this time will be different.' Rarely, especially recently, have I found that to be the case. Perhaps it is some form of minor karmic retribution for my being an evil 24.
This is a load of cow poo to be honest, I started wow nearly 5 weeks ago, Horde nearly always have at least 2 lvl 24's,
They win nearly 70% of WG and 60% of AB. This information is coming from doing battle grounds for like 6-7 hours a day everyday for the past few weeks.
ON TOP OF THAT due to them having the stronger char's they nearly always end up at alliance GY and farm until the last 2-3 minutes then cap in WG.
In AB I haven't really seen the 'farming' until yesterday and today a few just live at alliance revive spot due to them having countless 24's but then it is harder to farm honour in ab.
When alliance have the majority of 24's most just want to cap asap and start afresh battle ground.
When i first started battle grounds i heard some say 'lets farm' and some object, now i know why they cry what they cry :)
I post this due to having being farmed today 8/9 battle grounds. It's fun up to a certain point but alliance never do the following when being camped,
1. Log off and let the game end due to not enough players.
2. Go afk untill the the opposition retires in there flags and cap.
I guess the moral of what I am saying is sooner or later most will join horde, and sooner or later neither team (90%) of the time will want to cap fast against a weaker squad and wait till the minutes have counted down.
IMO alliance has the melee/hunter advantage and horde has the caster advantage, except shield of the stockades. i think giving both factions that single quest would do much to balance out the bracket. I like DW, both my fury warrior and enh shaman are alliance for the sole reason of having eyepatch, (well, and dual AGM human is pretty damn sexy)

Remember you impatient noob days. Wait 45 sec for BG, or wait 10 minutes for a dungeon to pop in which you MIGHT get a piece of BiS gear. Which, btw, you don't know what that means.

Good players roll whatever they have fun with. If I wanted to win all the time I would roll alliance survival hunter. Unfortunately, bad f2p outnumber good f2p by about 3:1. (random guess, don't quote meh)
This is coming from experience on playing both horde and alliance AB for 3 years now.
Horde has casual players in AB 90% of the time because most likely WSG is too extreme for them, especially in the f2p bracket. However with 1 hour queue times for alliance in AB gives them the edge and more focus to win. With horde (no offense) you just click "enter battleground" and BOOM! Your group is ready in literally 15 secs or so.
omg, its so simple, horde haves less 24´s at AB and even if they have 2or3 at AB they cant do the work of the other 12trials.

and ally 24´s do more AB then WSG.

Horde has less 24s?! You mean less then their avg 5 per bg? Only time I ever see more ally 24s in wsg or AB is in ally premades lol so not quite sure what you're talking about. Also why would ally 24s do AB more then wsg? hmm 10 minute queues or 60 minute queues... which one would i rather do
Got to page 2 and skipped to the end here, so I don't know if someone mentioned it already, but the reason the horde loses more often is due to the alliance advantage regarding what has been termed, since vanilla, the triangle of victory (or just the triangle depending on your realm).

The triangle is made up of the 3 minimum bases needed to win AB. In the alliance's case it is the stables, the lumber mill, and the blacksmith, which form a triangle on your map (hence the name). These 3 bases are optimal for the alliance due to proximity to the ally starting area; this is most noticeable at the LM, where an ally riding at top speed will beat a horde player, going to the same lengths, to the flag by about 2.5 seconds.

This is where the psychological comes in, assuming several others came with the 1st ally to cap the flag, the alliance now holds the top of the hill where as the horde should just be reaching the top; seeing all those allys on top of the hill generally causes the horde to pause for a moment. During said pause, some will decide to fight, and other will decide to run screaming down the hill... The resulting confusion will often result in the horde's 1st big loss of the BG, which in turn leads to people leaving while calling everyone else noobs.

The horde's version of the triangle is supposed to be GM, BS, Farm... However it has often been brought up that this combo is inferior to the alliance's triangle due to the GM being difficult to defend and taking so long to get out of due to being in a depression. By contrast, the LM is the high ground, and as such easier to defend for a variety of reasons... The fact that you can see the whole world from up there, is alone a huge advantage.

It should be noted, the BS can be reached by the horde more quickly than by the alliance, the horde can begin capping the flag as the allies come into casting range. This initial advantage can be nullified at the higher levels if a dk in the group uses path of frost, which gives the alliance a straight run at the bs flag.

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