Why I Twink


I just wanted to share the philosophy that I have about twinking, well, since the beginning. When I first started this game I witnessed (much as now) twinks farming gy, and generally griefing other players in the battlegrounds. I decided to make a twink that would help fight back against that, thus my first twink was born. Healadinn was an Alli Pally FC, as a FC I could help control the flow of the game and play for the objectives, in hopes of expediting the games. I have always viewed my twinks as the proverbial knights in shining armor, and felt it was my responsibility to play objectively and ALWAYS put farmers / griefers in their place. I take flag carrying quite seriously (just ask the people that play with me), and my philosophy is get in, 3 cap, and demoralize the other team through our aggressive and expedient victories. I feel that if more people played this way, PvP in general would be more enjoyable for all. I do not buy into the whole "We twink to pwnzorz lowbie undergeared scrubs" mentality, in fact when I DO kill these people in the course of the game I feel a little guilty and hope that I have not just ruined the PvP experience for this person. I TRY to answer questions whenever possible, and educate our undergeared brethren in hopes that they will listen and return to be an asset to our team rather than a burden.

If this all sounds lame to you then you most likely are exactly the kind of person I twink to counter =D

I'd like to hear what other people have to say, why do you twink?
I feel the same way Beef and I guess this is why I still play WoW. I like helping people; I may not know everything and I am not geared to the teeth, but I like helping others any way I can and making sure that BGs go forward so we can get in, out, and get honor faster since we are only staying for a few minutes in a BG compared to 15 mins sitting at 2/0 with the flag farming a GY or being farmed ourselves.

Well I was talked into make a twink way back in vanilla, so I made a warlock. We never really camped/ganked we just played wsg and ran the flag. My bro played a prot paladin, my friend played a hunter, and like I said i played lock. After that I didn't play a twink again until recently. I originally planned to only play for a week or so, but then i fell in love with this bracket. So I guess I twink for the love of the bracket.

p.s. check your msgs when ya get a chance beef
I twink because I log on to do battle.. not to grind gear with slightly better stats every few months. I've twinked at higher lvl's before, mostly because i preferr AV over WSG, AB or EotS. In AV you can take on alot of different roles, defence, recap, sneaky sh*t, hunter killer, full offense etc. If i got bored of one thing, i could always do something else. This F2P is kinda hurting from some classes getting alot of core tools early, while others hardly have essential tools at hand. (hamstring, lolcoil)
<Disclaimer I'm normaly the pwnz0r farming lowbies>

I only twink 'cuz I was always excited to feel the power of killing lowbies who are on your same level like you etc. just like HW > D2 Geared Newb both level 60 but 1 has so much gear advantage <3.

But yea you killed like every aspect of Camping i liked trolling, pissing people off and PAHAHAH YOU NEWBS get camped. :D
I don't "twink" (crappy gear, no hat, don't really care about high-end buffs, blabla). I'm just at the point where the game isn't worth $15 a month (to me), but I still enjoy playing.
I twink because my 85 3v3/2v2 partners are only active a few days a week. Twinking gives me something to do, and premading/doing wargames with the community of Aerie Peaks is a lot more fun then flying around in circles in SW. >:D
Chanka said:
I twink because my 85 3v3/2v2 partners are only active a few days a week. Twinking gives me something to do, and premading/doing wargames with the community of Aerie Peaks is a lot more fun then flying around in circles in SW. >:D

that's actually a pretty common reason [i think]. pre-patch/expansion twinking due to the majority of fresh content being consumed.
Cant put my finger on why but going back and twinking these lvl 20 chars has put me through a lot of the Cataclysm leveling content that has just been awesome. Silverpine Forest is an incredible quest zone now, thats all I can say. Azshara is great as well.
I originally started twinking because queue times at level 60 were anywhere between 15 minutes (on a good day) to a full day of wait time. The 29 bracket queues were near instant in comparison back then.

I twink now for a combination of nostalgia, not having to gear up, and the enjoyment of making due with less. Gearing is close to the grind of gearing an 85 these days and the queues are faster as an 85, so that leaves the other reasons.
I've twinked for several years now. My first was a 29 undead priest "Fatherpadre". Then I moved into the 60 bracket with Drstrong. Even made a 70.

My 60 was my main for over a year. All BiS except for T3 ( -1 Blizzard). All I wanted was to do all 60 raiding again. BGs were an added bonus in my mind. Bracket was active, and fun. I used to be the type of twink that the OP mentioned. I would go after objectives in AV, and usually ignore lowbies passing by unless they engaged me. THEN, Blizz ruined Twink Qs, and Qs @ 60 were on hold for MONTHS. Then Blizz chopped up the bracket. Then Blizz force upgraded all Vanilla accounts to BC without mentioning to the customer before hand. Lots of veteran 60s accidentally dinged, some on their way to SHUT OFF their XP. And Blizz told them to go fly a kite, despite them having the capability to reverse accidentally leveling due to some genious developers @ Blizz.

After all that twink hating done by blizz I got word that there are people that don't even pay to twink, and they got their own bracket.

So, Now I twink 24. I've got all my former 60 twink friends with me.

you cant make a 24 with a trial account sorry D:

you must have posted this by mistake in a wrong section the 20-29 section is the place to post 24 stuff :D
though most p2p 20s i met comply by f2p restrcitions so we are the same as them

but for those who dont

sorry you ll have to ask the moderators the answers to that sir

have a nice day :)
I initially started twinking with a lot of friends back near the start of wotlk. I made the 39 that I still have. It was me (arms then), a rogue, healadin (or resto druid), and a friend who either played a priest or ret. We started off to just lol at others and roll over em. When the brackets died for a while, after the xp off stuff was incorporated, they all lvl'd on and I stayed at 39. Now I try to be more helpful with people, but can tend to be a douche still depending on the individual. I do it now because I (somewhat) enjoy the gearing process, and enjoy seeing what I'm able to do.

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