US Why does <Stuck at Graveyard> lose so much?

Plus a WW monk wrecking shit deep in the trenches! In a ranged battle you can find me up front
Good players in <Stuck at Graveyard>:
  • Sketchbag <3
  • Paige
Bad players in <Stuck at Graveyard>:
  • Everyone (mostly Recluse and Nocontest)

Honestly Recluse, if you wanna prove how good of a ww you are...come 1v1 my 29 ww. And i don't care if you use your felforged gear.
Looks like I struck a nerve with the weakest link talk. More on that later.

And before <Stuck at Graveyard> posts screenshots of the WSG they just won:

All English speaking and geared players.


Mostly non-English speaking players. Hunters weren't geared at all.

Truly a 6v10.
You're not doing a very good job of not acting obsessed, are you? You quite literally are trying to build a portfolio of screenshots as proof that you won a random Bg in WoW in the 20-29 bracket. I mean, what am I missing here? You're so awkward, you actually logged into xpoff right after losing to a guild group today just to CYA and try to beat someone to posting about it, hahaha. You're super cool, Swagg. I guess having a WoW screenshots folder full of a bunch of 29 twinks you stalk is better than having screenshots folder of cuck pr0n, amirite?!?
You're not doing a very good job of not acting obsessed, are you? You quite literally are trying to build a portfolio of screenshots as proof that you won a random Bg in WoW in the 20-29 bracket. I mean, what am I missing here? You're so awkward, you actually logged into xpoff right after losing to a guild group today just to CYA and try to beat someone to posting about it, hahaha. You're super cool, Swagg. I guess having a WoW screenshots folder full of a bunch of 29 twinks you stalk is better than having screenshots folder of cuck pr0n, amirite?!?
Did I make someone angry again?
Good players in <Stuck at Graveyard>:
  • Sketchbag <3
  • Paige
Bad players in <Stuck at Graveyard>:
  • Everyone (mostly Recluse and Nocontest)

Honestly Recluse, if you wanna prove how good of a ww you are...come 1v1 my 29 ww. And i don't care if you use your felforged gear.
Paige needs to learn how to not get faked so easily and how to use his mouse to turn. He's a C+ player.
BG highlight:
Simo, Rush, a dwarf surv, and a warlock getting their asses whooped one right after the other near Dun Baldar South.

- PB

Dosen't matter how much you die or get ganked, what matter in the end is winning the bg

And the fact most players keep coming and die to let ya'll stay focused on killing players instead of capping IBT which were defended by only 4 players lol. Sacrifice need to be made in oder to win!
I think my chances of beating this bum from <Stuck at Graveyard> are pretty high:

I respect the fact that you defend your bum guild, even if you sound like you're having an identity crisis while doing so. I'll be sure to kill you first in BGs whenever I see you.
wow ur a very big man for calling us "bums". i dont even twink much anymore but if I hop on I'll add u and have the whole twink community watch me kick ur ass.
Sadly because of the timezone I'm in I hardly get to see any of big guild names and players. But from time to time I'm lucky enough to land in a <Stuck at Graveyard> bg and I must say more often than not I come away with a Crate of Battlefield Goods. ;)
Thanks guys, keep up the good work.:)
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You have denounced others who play survival hunters, and refuse to play one yourself in instanced PvP.

Contrary to the OP's thoughts, this guild wins more than they lose. They do this primarily by playing fotm classes, this is well established and accepted by most people here.

Do you think it's hypocritical to be commending this guild on their "good work" when their success is attributed to the op classes that they choose to play? What would your opinion be of this guild if you played against, rather than with them? Do you lack the empathy required to put yourself in the opposition's shoes, just like the members of the guild themselves?
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You have denounced others who play survival hunters, and refuse to play one yourself in instanced PvP.

Contrary to the OP's thoughts, this guild wins more than they lose. They do this primarily by playing fotm classes, this is well established and accepted by most people here.

Do you think it's hypocritical to be commending this guild on their "good work" when their success is attributed to the op classes that they choose to play? What would your opinion be of this guild if you played against, rather than with them? Do you lack the empathy required to put yourself in the opposition's shoes, just like the members of the guild themselves?
Hey Pixel, you r correct in my view on Surv Huntards and twinks. But the few times I bump into these guys due to my timezone - I have to be honest it's not fotm pre-mades. Maybe they run fotm's during their peak bg times, I don't know, but when I bump into them they have a mix of all classes. I usually bump into a Marks Hunter that can out-dps a Surv Hunter, a Windwalker that's up there in the dps department and a cheeky Rogue. Hardly ever do I see a Surv Huntard from that guild.
If I'm on my Misty, I'll follow and heal em', if I'm on my Warrior I'll charge in and take the hits.
They know how to play the game unlike a lot of the Ally I see when I'm on.
So from my perspective, from what I've seen of them they are a fine outfit and should be commended. But maybe I just don't see the full picture if that's what ur alluding to?

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