Hello there Youb and HB,
First off, what you are doing is awesome!
Why do i deserve the VIP pack : I joined this bracket a month ago, and got my druid funded(FC) on Horde side. But i want to play more classes, like Priest / Sham / Mw Monk. But that's not my "#1" reason.
When i joined, i had some of my friends come with me, because i was so hyped for the TC. We were going to practise and participate but some of us were mostly focused on IRL etc. We will be ready for the next TC, but as for now, most of us have stopped playing 20s, and focused on 19s. I of course like the bracket's state, and i guess we will be ready for the next Twink Cup (If there is going to be one, which i guess will).
I want to experience different classes/specs in this bracket, so i could very well study how much damage/healing/resistance a class/spec has. And funding my friends would help towards this, helping me do my maths on damage. But i will mostly focus on strategies but the numbers are important!
I already know/have an idea who most people are here, and i'd like to have my friends funded. I am a fan of 10v10s and always like communication while doing them, and i as well will get to know more people.
I hope this will in it, as i will be ready.... for the next TWINK CUP!
/Have a nice daii!