K i just read this whole damn thing and missed the AGM chest in the proccess.
your talking about 500 hp rogues, 500 hp rogues probably dont know this site excists so this isnt going to of much use towards educating the masses of "badleys"
I have to say in the most part i agree with what you're saying,
i had a 19 rogue before the exp off, twas fun, twas an enjoyable way to spend an evening.
When the exp cap came about i didnt know about this site either (i wasnt a 500hp badley though, i just worked stuff out on my own)
so instead of xfering i lvled where i sat at 60 at 7/8 bloodfang for months waiting for the dog damn belt to drop which is why if you armoury oneflight youll se ehes 69, but thats another point.
The main point is i had a twink, but i didnt xfer simply due to ignorance, but i still know not to mid farm and GY camp because im not a moron, after 4.0.1 merge i heard queues were up, and youll be glad to know i made a 19 rogue...
i went to 1 bg saw it was stupidly op and deleted it, same story with a holy pally.
so now im on a warrior, basicaly peircing whole is a massive middle finger to and FC, or any step rogue who for some reason thinks he can oneshot our FC with 26 odd hp (hes prolly got about 500)
and before some smart arse replys with "cool story bro" maybe a "LOL JK YOUR A BAD" added in for style, im just saying there are alot of people out there who know how to play and how not to play but just becuase they didnt fork up £15 to enjoy it further for whatever reason doesnt make them a freewrathful badiator, just means they they werent there to enjoy it with you, but would have loved ot have been there looking back at it, and by insulting them your pushing alot of people back from agreeing with what your saying just because they fall into the catagory of "didnt play ruin/blackout = badiator"
FIRST POST!eleven!
EDIT: my main is a DK