Whos winning WSG now

Horde, and queue times are pretty even now.

Generally the side with more 24s, or druids win
Uh, I'm probably not the one to ask. Its about 99% win on Horde, 50-60% win on alliance.
Lately for me, Horde wins early in the morning and late at night, alliance wins most games in the middle of the day.

Tons of horde premades on at night though.
If you're going to play a Druid, tbh don't bother coming back. Or a warrior.

With all due respect, I wouldn't go so far as to say that.

Feral Druids and Arms Warriors are pretty balanced in my opinion. Fun to play against.
Feral isn't balanced

Let me re-phrase that.

As a hunter of my level of competence, I haven't found them to be too difficult to contend with, at least not enough to label them as broken or over powered.

I still don't think it's worthy of discouraging players based on the classes they choose. It's not fair to criticize anyone for alterations of the classes they play that are up to Blizzard and not the player. Good or bad.
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I find the team playing solid obj, having a good composure of high dps classes, and between 2 and 4 healers will win. Can't have too many healers because there won't be any dps and can't have too low of dps classes or too few healers. As far as faction goes, I see horde winning more but I only play horde really.
Last couple weeks:

- Horde has twice as much healers as ally (around 4 per bg)
- Horde has cut down on AP premades and 24 premades (somewhat)
- With pugging on ally you will win around 40% (with just 1 undergeared priest it went up to 65%.. It really helps when you know atleast 2/10 ppl in your group know how to play.. And yes ally pugs are that bad)
- In a previous thread I said specific times horde wins or loses and it was pretty clear however now it's honestly whenever the 24 ally come out or when people get bored of facerolling on horde come to ally.. That's really the only time ally gets above 50%
Let me re-phrase that.

As a hunter of my level of competence, I haven't found them to be too difficult to contend with, at least not enough to label them as broken or over powered.

I still don't think it's worthy of discouraging players based on the classes they choose. It's not fair to criticize anyone for alterations of the classes they play that are up to Blizzard and not the player. Good or bad.

Just because one class can counter them i.e. hunter, doesn't mean they're not OP. As a matter of fact, a good feral druid should always beat a hunter.

EDIT: About w/l. As Lil said, like 40% win for ally, but as soon as you choose to queue with one or two others (especially a healer) you'll pretty much win anything.

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