Who is the Top Hunter?

Top hunter tiwnk

  • Agonist

    Votes: 8 5.5%
  • Beau

    Votes: 9 6.2%
  • Discover

    Votes: 41 28.1%
  • Erotk

    Votes: 11 7.5%
  • Lolpzlate

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Pizza

    Votes: 30 20.5%
  • Rastaman

    Votes: 20 13.7%
  • Silinrul

    Votes: 6 4.1%
  • Sliquelolz

    Votes: 4 2.7%
  • Sneakier

    Votes: 14 9.6%

  • Total voters


Alpha and Omega
Hunters come and hunters go. Pizza has been the one true constant of the bracket from the beginning of BC, and is highly regarded as a hunter. Is he the true #1 hunter tinke, or has a more recent upstart overtaken him? Or can Rastaman garner enough EU votes to find his way to the top? Let's see.

Tinks, I encourage you to vote based on skill and skill alone, not on popularity.
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What ever sneaky plays he's Top 10 Werld at, seeing his name in wsg is like an auto Loss for the opposing team
I like both play styles from Agonist & Discover, my vote went to Agonist though.
Hunters come and hunters go. Pizza has been the one true constant of the bracket from the beginning of BC, and is highly regarded as a hunter. Is he the true #1 hunter tinke, or has a more recent upstart overtaken him? Or can Rastaman garner enough EU votes to find his way to the top? Let's see.

I didn't see Pizza in this bracket at the beginning of BC so this is news to me. Both characters seemed to pop up at the end of 2008 for WotLK. Some simple research could determine this.
I didn't see Pizza in this bracket at the beginning of BC so this is news to me. Both characters seemed to pop up at the end of 2008 for WotLK. Some simple research could determine this.

Pizza was on Uldum in the Cyclone battlegroup throughout BC.
On the current characters? They didn't even obtain level 10 until late 2008.
The reason I didn't vote for Sliquelolz is because he tries to hard to kill druids that are los from him. Otherwise I would have had picked Sneakier but thats an alias to his rogue, then you have Erotk who is supposed to be the next Pizza, which leads me to my pick: Rastaman. I think he gains enough recognition as a top 2 hunter if not #1, through forum speak and his own game play. Ahm, I wouldn't be surprised if his skill has been just another example of an unorthodox technique derived from end game pvp. Very sharp and keen - giving midfielding hunters a new meaning.
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Armory? I dabbled on Cyclone as well. Curious to see who he was.

It was named Pizza too. Pizza led <Pizza Hut> throughout most of BC, it isn't like some forum detective-worthy secret, lol.
I have seen a great number of hunters since BC thanks to Blizz making the class so OP. I would not rank him in my top 100. Don't get me wrong, he plays a good hunter.

Lets not forget how Deathstone owned him repeatedly 1v1 on a 24 hour old hunter I helped him build back when we had arena. :) skirmishes.

As for what he means to the bracket...he is a prime example of its slide into the toilet. Premades non-existent, slowing pops, GY camping and AFK rampant, thank him for all he has done. Weak minds are impressed easily by things like false records or flashy style.

I don't have a weak mind. Nor do those I choose to spend my time with.

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I can vouch for this, I started playing the game around middle of the BC expansion and I started on Uldum. I remember always seeing a bunch of level 19s with pizza-themed names standing around in the Battlemaster area and I had no idea why at the time.

There's nothing to even vouch for, this guy must have been on the edge of the twinking universe.

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