US Who is the most iconic tink?

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Niini / Pwntage Twins.

Edit: I know they're are better skilled choices, but these seemed to be the best players with a nice attitude.
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My vote goes to Notna! I've seen him a long time ago and was inspired. Second i'de say Pizza and curley Because there is hardly an active twink around who doesnt know those names even a little. They got the popular vote.
Bro how the fuck am I carried by a patch. I play at the top of rogue when i'm not lagging. Anyone that says that is dumb and an excuse for my play in early LK. See me in MoP when i'm not lagging I outshine anyone when i'm not over 5000 ms.
ur stupid.
They've been mentioned already, but I have to say Brumble, Ent and Dayman are the probably the most iconic in my opinion. Nobody will come close to doing what they did in games, I've seen many games where they entered losing games and single-handed turned the game in their team's favor. Masters of arena as well, these guys were top notch players.

Honorable mentions - Pizza, as much as I disagree with almost every aspect of his play and game personality. When people think 19s, they think Pizza and co, so you can't deny him being a bracket icon. Keekers, though not sure if anyone here remembers him. I've played 19s, 29s and 39s with Zeiren as well, and I would mention him here. He excels at every class he plays in every bracket I've seen him in and is an asset to every team when he's not following in Pizza's footsteps and farming graveyards or afk'ing games.
I would say Kozi wins this thread. Close seconds would be zeno, DA, phauren
Yes Furi. You probably know who he is. He is one of those less obvious choices. He is known as a tryhard. And I do not mean this in a derogatory manner. He often puts his whole heart into every game and because of it can be quite a nuisance. Whenever we see another twink acting in this manner, we call them Furi 2.0, or wonder if he's Furi's alt. I believe he also played for browntown's guild for a while. :).

Besides that he is a decent rogue, with a very recognizable name that often plays solo for the alliance. Because of this, I think this lonewolf deserves to be called an iconic twink(although no where near the most iconic of all twinks).

Lol? Furi was always with Authorized Personnel/Lethal Synergy...
Bro how the fuck am I carried by a patch. I play at the top of rogue when i'm not lagging. Anyone that says that is dumb and an excuse for my play in early LK. See me in MoP when i'm not lagging I outshine anyone when i'm not over 5000 ms.

umm no sorry just no i can think of a handful of rogues who are better than you by alot

Mini ( was actually really impressed with this guy dont know who he is but hes damn good)
umm no sorry just no i can think of a handful of rogues who are better than you by alot

Mini ( was actually really impressed with this guy dont know who he is but hes damn good)

I think Satin is pretty good too
Dirtyautcion is just a mouthpiece. Not much there.

Atax lost to me 1v1 on rogues and got me down to 90% I'm absolutely not a "top" rogue. Yes he is great on hunter don't get me wrong.

Curley is an average twink who just tries too damn hard, in fact rogues with lag have an advantage if they know what they are doing, ask pepper. Curley's premade record explains why he is nothing more than a dedicated young guy aiming for approval from everyone. If he started his own guild, didn't get trolled nonstop in vent and stopped talking trash he would probably be taken seriously and would actually be known for being good.

Phauren is just completely lost and has no fathom of playing objectively. It seems whatever he does in WSG has no reasoning behind it whatsoever.

Pizza is a good hunter surrounded by people who back him up as he ruins activity in whichever bracket he pleases.

Sheep was a very unique twinker and had more skill than nearly everyone who was mentioned besides Brumble. As an elusive gnome he knew that CC meant more than damage charts which it seems most people these days really focus on, specifically non-blizzard scoreboards.

Saxxon is good for sure but has nothing on Rural. Saxx doesn't do things by the books and is never ridiculed for doing so. He's better known for the arena side of things than wsg imo.

Popularity doesn't make someone "good" hence why most of you don't even know rural who is by far the best rogue US to queue since wotlk.

Users of this site tend to make decent players appear to be amazingly skilled if they have a "F*ck you" attitude and have buddies to back them up.

Salt will always be one of the best twinks. He could always step in to any scenario and end up on top. Whether it being bombing a solo return in his glass cannon set or locking down heals on CC. Keep in mind he pulled off these amazing plays in actual premades. He however was part of a trio of female undead rogues: Salt, Pepper, and Deaddra.

Pepper had crazy lag and with it would be physically untouchable. I remember him fcing on a 1200 hp rogue and lagging through walls constantly to the point where ally would come over and talk trash.

Deaddra was a machine gun that was dwing shadowfangs, one with crusader since the day they became "one hand" weapons. These three along with Vegansown would rock the ToF and not only shit on random baddies, but also do ridiculous stuff like throw games to bad 10s just for the "lol factor". Going in to every premade with bags full of dust and glue, these guys were not only amazingly skilled but were also just plain hilarious. Through those guys, other all star twinkers were made with the Mayhem guild tag: HealBot, Quara, Kidneypopper, Peepeepopper, Ibehealin, Delusions, and dozens more. Having many girls invited to the guild simply so everyone could make fun of dumb shit they would say, the guild was amazing to be in. Mayhem was competitive, skilled but more importantly there was always something to lighten the mood in vent, most of the time that something being drunk females in vent being fools.

Painaid is a true example that practice makes perfect.

Seruka (Meganfox) was always crazy at jumps.

Reetoo would be that ridiculous gnome to one shot FCs.

Oswald was more of a preacher than a player. His words were always so mature and so true. Once I was practically afk eating hotpockets in a wsg and afterwards he said I was trash. When I told him I was practically afk eating hot pockets he told me that every second you spend in wsg should be taken seriously because that's when others judge you the most. Not performing well as a lack of focus simply is the definition of being bad.

Spacedgoats would ruin everyone's day every time he entered wsg on his fully buffed dranei hunter.

Jak and savedbyelves were a gy farming nightelf hunter and healbot duo that would ruin queue times. A less skilled version of this duo was made popular by Pizza and Kancer in cata and instead of everyone annoyed at the fact that they ruined queues, they actually gained followers in doing so.

Eliot is THE male BE Pally of the bracket. His looks and his unique name help him stand out along with his awesome mentality.

Purj is simply a baller shammy. I really miss seeing the name as I soar throught he air from his thunder punt.

Satin is a good guy at heart for sure and is always very nice. It's very funny to see him roll mid and rape the damage charts for a few minutes. Kind of like Skyline.

Fly is a horrible wsg rogue for sure. Again, I'm not good or anything and completely steamrolled him 1v1.

Silin will always be one of the best leaders in 19s, if people listened to her, her side would actually win not a problem. It would be in WTs best interest to follow her instead of Pizza.

Das is a mechanic behind the keyboard. Its awesome to see him pull off these crazy maneuvers while fcing, or demolish damage or healing no matter what spec he plays. Truly mastered his shammy.

Jinna was always very iconic to me as well simply because he and I built his guild and his pally "Gpally" together back in 2008 on vinidi on burning blade. The day Sfang's droprate was nerfed a sfang hit Burning Blade's AH for 1000g. I told him it was a ridiculous price (me being used to the 250g they were) and he told me that it would probably be the last one to be seen for a long time. I took his word and bought it. just to see them rise to 5k gold by the end of the weekend.

Dropdeadfred from Hakkar would queue on his fem ud rogue in BC gear and still carry his side throughout wotlk until veng didn't get any more pops.

Colmac is the #1 twink ever to live. i was once shield bashed by him before he was even "heysus"

Sidni for having "of the horde" on Laycee and Sid before anyone else in the bracket had it on one 19.

Drayner is known as building amazing lego cities and then demolishing them as quickly as possible just to create an even better city the next time. He would do this with guilds, twinks and would be responsible for most vengeance players moving to ruin.

Just wanted to talk about a few players who were mentioned in this thread and many players who were not mentioned. This was not a hate post or anything, just what I have noticed having played with almost all of the players who were mentioned in this thread. At the end of the day all that matters is that popularity is not a substitution for skill and threads like these along with other "best of 19s" threads should always be taken with as little grain of salt as you see fit.

I truly had fun getting some ideas down and I won't be responding to any quotes aimed towards this post (reason being I just entered this drama-packed thread to add my 2copper and head out)

Cheers all, truly been fun reading everyone's responses!

PS: Lilcassidy (rogue) is embarrassingly bad.
Meed obv

Fly is a horrible wsg rogue for sure. Again, I'm not good or anything and completely steamrolled him 1v1.

dayman is 100x better than you in every aspect of this game, especially wsg where u claim hes horrible, just an fyi
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