EU Who is the biggest legend eu?

Who is the biggest legend eu?

  • Zuro

  • Zuro

  • Zurogano

  • zuuurogano

  • that shaman zuurogano

  • spc sucks because you guys gy farm

  • how should i know, i play on us.

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Nightykiller , Poledancer , Tricknick , Darro ,

Those are some of the names who i consider to transcend their classes.

I mentioned mostly f2p since back then it was much harder playing and thus prevailing as a f2p.

I'll try and remember more names from those glorius times of the f2p bracket.
Zuro... darling, why? Oh why?

I'm pretty sure that if we all actually decided to be serious about the list 80% of the bracket would write down the same 20ppl, some of them have already been mantioned. What I like the most tho is how many different reasons ppl are known for.
Somort, Alphasky, Poledancer, Maratian, Dancingroot, Mysterios, Lolipop are like f2p signitures. i can call them true legends.
Funny how you left Cripzblood off even though everyone knew em and knew the game was gonna be interesting.
Nightykiller , Poledancer , Tricknick , Darro ,

Those are some of the names who i consider to transcend their classes.

I mentioned mostly f2p since back then it was much harder playing and thus prevailing as a f2p.

I'll try and remember more names from those glorius times of the f2p bracket.
Whats up.
Funny how you left Cripzblood off even though everyone knew em and knew the game was gonna be interesting.

Night elf - male - hunter - eye patched...We did not call these people as legends, we called them something i can not mention here. Just joking :). Cripz was also a cool guy to play with and play against him. I really missed all those old school players. High quality random games...
Yet we still around and others are not. That is what you call a love to a class yo.

Let me guess... Surv too? Just like Cripzblood and Canashot? Quite odd that you went missing during MoP/WoD and now you resurfaced...
Let me guess... Surv too? Just like Cripzblood and Canashot? Quite odd that you went missing during MoP/WoD and now you resurfaced...
Been around without any lengthy breaks.
Only played sv in mop and mm in cata/wod for a short time.
Did 2 arenas on sv in legion to setup keybinds.
Bm to the bone baby.

Btw you forgot Flipz and Doum. Classic. Never Forget.

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