i am fucking godly in the gulch, i make plays every single game im in, the best players in the community have always known me, the votes for people who didnt know me are people purposely doing it to rustle my jimmies, the fact alone is that i got 100+ posts on a thread about me that says something about my popularity right there starting to think your a backstabbing bitch are you jealous of my prestige fggt
I dont know if you understand this but going into mid and fighting is not making plays in each game . as far as the 100+ posts in this thread, you are a spammer neon close to 50% of the posts in these thread are from you alone talking shit. I agree that people voted the option "who is neon" to rustel your jimmies, but that only because of how you have been acting lately and people want to see a reaction from you. You talk about your popularity, but not all popularity is good popularity. Take for example Duo and Gucciglad, they were both disliked but at the same time popular on the forums for spamming and shit talking a lot. Change your ways Neon or you will be known like these guys who had their few months of fame.
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