*Who is the #1 Monk? (EU included)*

Top Monke?

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^ yap
Sneaky gets the feel sorry for vote.

#1 monk isn't even on this list, LSFTW will see him this sunday.
As a mist monk, i had to vote Cogbrew #1 monk. He is the most annoying brewmaster monk i have run into in PuGs, always clashing me, chucking a barrel, and rejoining his FC. I cant count how many times our O has wiped because he peels me, and our DPS run in without heals.
You know, sometimes I hit with the EU option(s), and sometimes I miss. It is part of a poll maker's life. This looks to be a miss, for which I am sorry, but you can blame whichever EU person linked Baloo's armory to prove to Sneaky that he was not the first double shadowfang monk.

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