*Who is the #1 Hunter? (EU included)*

top gun of hunter class ?

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Alpha and Omega
It has been a good six months since the last poll of this type. Much has occurred in Azeroth, with new twinkers arrived, old twinkers passed away, and Pandaria upon us. With recent change, ascendant powers now populate the gultch and vie for control of the coveted #1 hunter title. This poll's purpose is to ascertain the top gun of the hunter class. Much research has gone in to our choices today, and my committee and I have selected the ten most relevant choices. As the limit is 10, please do not become offended if your little twinky is not included, as 10 is a most limiting number. Please read up on each option so that you may become an educated individual before voting. Good luck and may your candidate win!

Agonist: Killahunter has dropped off a bit in MoP, having partially given up on his hunter in favor of a similarly-named balance druid. We can’t completely hold it against him, however, as being overpowered becomes an addiction over time. Agonist does still play his hunter, and it must be recognized that his druid only comes out when the heavy artillery is needed.

Bakked: Not much is known about Bakked. I am not even sure of his race. What is known is that he is a friend of Satin and Hailsatin, or it’s possible that he is Hailsatin on another toon. That is unlikely, however, as Hailsatin plays OP classes, which hunter definitely isn’t. This guy gets props for starting up on hunter after it became dogshit.

Behstan: Behstan’s activity has dropped off a bit since hunters got nerfed in MoP, but he is included in this poll by virtue of being LSFTW’s mainstay hunter for a very long time. He led LSFTW’s dps in multiple premade wins, and has consistently shown his dedication while pugging in the gulch. Behstan is definitely one of the most iconic horde hunters.

Discover: Discover has lost some of his flair in MoP, with other classes being more commonly utilized for flag carrying. Common no more are the speed pots, the worgen sprints, and the hanging out on horde roof with the flag. In a similar vein to Agonist, it is believed (but yet unconfirmed) that Discover has also made a balance druid to maintain overpoweredness in this new expansion.

Fancy: If there is one hunter who has upped his game in MoP, it is Fancy, aka Shockhunter. Back in Cata, it was noted that he moves around like a ‘lost dog’, with his constant jumping around in the gulch without any real destination. Come MoP, it has been noted that Fancy has taken to spamming serpent sting instead of his space bar, so his damage has gone way up. He actually does real well on the damage charts these days.

Hass: Hass is a bit over the hill. He did participate in the Sunday WSG pugmades organized by Tombrady and Slyddur, but spec’d in to some awful spec and was irrelevant to the games. It must additionally be admitted that Hass was only narrowly admitted to the poll over a hunter named Wutulookinat, who is known for yelling ‘WTF Y DIDN’T U CAP’ when his FC is kiting. Take this for what it’s worth.

Hurrx: A thorough skimming of the EU ‘best of 19’ thread showed Hurrx (Hurrxqt?) to be the real deal when it comes to hunters. Following Europe’s recent grilling of Shamrock’s pvp video, it has become apparent that they are all glads over there, so this guy is probably pretty amazing.

Justinbieber: Sergeant JB just recently surfaced on Bleeding Hollow (A). Wasting no time, he has torn it up in the gulch, consistently topping damage and KB’s while minimizing his deaths. Even if he doesn’t win this poll, he would give Bakked a real run for his money in a ‘best newcomer hunter’ poll.

Pizza: While he hasn’t really been that active in 19s lately, Pizza deserves a mention in this poll for being such an iconic twink throughout the years. Even his detractors and adversaries often admit to his astounding hunter and leadership skills in the gulch.

Tellefella: Tellefella is easily the hardest worker in this poll. He and his girlfriend Bagelzqt are commonly seen working in tandem in the gulch, bringing home the flag and menacing enemy flag carriers. Tellefella does not let himself be limited by the hunter class, utilizing consumables such as speed pots to up his game. Telle is like a hero of the working man – he lacks the glitz and glamour of a Pizza or Fancy, but puts in the grunt work to get the job done.
19s will be even more dead in another 6 months, gotta strike while the getting's good
I have to give my Union vote to Fancy. He has really defined what it means to be an MoP hunter.
Just wondering dory why would you put up Pizzas name twice. Hes Justinbeiber.

Oh and thx dory but discover is obviously better.
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Best hunter EU in mop is Tnakra foh sure, although tesco has been playing pretty swell as well on his hunter. Hurrx is also a solid choice.
Keep it US only Dori if u are only going to include one EU guy is what Id say. None the less I enjoy this thread.

I will admit, the 1 EU option is a cheap ploy on my part to increase thread activity without actually knowing much about the EU players.
Might as well change this thread from "Who Is The #1 Hunter" to "Who Is The #1 Boomkin" because half those hunters up there now play their alternative classes, heh. J/K thoguh, I went with Disco on this one. I like him for any pug/premade.
ADD Smedlock from Retal and Drdeals (THATS ME :D) I'm the best let the people decide!!!!!!!
Just wondering dory why would you put up Pizzas name twice. Hes Justinbeiber.

Oh and thx dory but discover is obviously better.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Pretty sure they're the same person.

Also Dory why do you make these pointless polls all the time? You know it always ends the same way, and your lukewarm passive-aggressive insulting of the people that aren't Pizza isn't funny and will never be funny. Your Pizza nut-hugging infatuation could pass for a script for the sequel to Brokeback Mountain.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Pretty sure they're the same person.

Also Dory why do you make these pointless polls all the time? You know it always ends the same way, and your lukewarm passive-aggressive insulting of the people that aren't Pizza isn't funny and will never be funny. Your Pizza nut-hugging infatuation could pass for a script for the sequel to Brokeback Mountain.

This thread has been positive up until your post, which I have reported for harassment. Please stop trolling.
This thread has been positive up until your post, which I have reported for harassment. Please stop trolling.

Good thing you have a WT moderator on your side eh? Anyone with 3rd grade-level reading comprehension can see how "positive" your polls are. You take tepid shots at anyone who isn't Pizza on your lists and think you're just the most clever guy.
Good thing you have a WT moderator on your side eh? Anyone with 3rd grade-level reading comprehension can see how "positive" your polls are. You take tepid shots at anyone who isn't Pizza on your lists and think you're just the most clever guy.

I suggest that you stop posting in this thread before you get banned. I won't be answering these brazenly off-topic posts again.
I suggest that you stop posting in this thread before you get banned. I won't be answering these brazenly off-topic posts again.

I voted for Discover. Best currently active hunter in the bracket, with Agonist or Fancy a close second tie. I have a right to voice my opinion on a poll in which I am participating.
the obvious choice is Hass. other than that, Justinbieber is indeed Pizza. A. only a faggot as colossal as pizza would name a hunter justinbieber and B. just yesterday both he and Dory afkd within the first 1 minute of a bg, when he was just about to die. what other hunter in the bracket pulls a /afk as quickly as that other than pizza?
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