Who do you like (or don't like seeing in BGs) 20-24 Edition!


Since the thread in the F2P forum is a reasonable success, I thought we could bring something similar to this section as well. P2Ps are fewer and far between in this bracket (for obvious reasons ^_^) but there are some shining stars in all the sludge that are a real pain, challenging or all around just fun to face (or have on your team!).

So... who do you like fighting or seeing on the BG list. Or if you want to take it the other direction...:confused: Try to keep it fluffy and positive though!

Keep the 'peening and trolling to a reasonable level. I'll get the ball rolling...

I like PuGing (for the most part), so my list consists of people I've generally seen solo queuing.
Logicßomb: He's pretty memorable. He has great situational awareness, plays objectively, does excellent burst and doesn't waiver when it comes to healing teammates. He's a solid player to face or play with.

Hëìdì: Plays a handful of characters, but I like fighting the Rogue most. He does what Rogues do best ^_^... gank unsuspecting folks. Especially your FC. I enjoy trying to peel or out scroll him. Always a fun time.

Sluggs: Another objective player, who takes advantage of re-stealth opportunities to boot. He's a 24 Rogue, so there isn't much to say. I just hope RNG doesn't screw me as I chant the Jaws music. Dun-dun dun-dun DUN-DUN...

Weisenheimer: Probably the only Priest I've ever sat back and said, "huh he seems to be in the right spot at the right time... a lot." He seems to have pretty good awareness, does take care of his teammates and has never been an ass in chat. Props.

Dradform: Resto druid... what can you say. Slippery, good healer and knows the jumps. He'll drag you all over *insert faction* base in your attempt (sometimes fruitless) to return the flag. BRB getting a snack while I wait for 4 stacks.

Wangmuncher: If he stays he can be quite a handful. Burst, CC (and re-CC!) and an interrupt, kinda have it all. I have never seen him mid-derping to boot. Excellent objective player.

I'll add Shlau to the list because he is the first person in a long time I had to laugh at. I join a game and see a Shaman running all over the base with the flag. Up the tunnel, on the tunnel, back into base. Loop 'de loop. I actually scrolled over the name a few times just to check the server. My team was complaining as they were being herded. Full on capslock spam. I enjoyed it.

Share and care guys.

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None, by themselves a 24 is hardly troublesome, it's when they group up in big packs.
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Just cause the f2ps could have a decent convo about this doesn't mean 24s can... You should know this sally. Sooner or later it will turn into guilds vs guilds or gems vs no gems and just be 100% trolling

or some arrogant f2p will come along to continue her " i hate 24s" crusade and get reported. :)
On my 24 rogue (I haven't been on WoW much the past week), I don't really keep track of names, but there's a few 24 FCs out there who can heal who give me a hard time bursting them down, even with interrupts, that seem to play often. Elune's 24s seems to be good at screwing me over when I'm the only one on D, so I am forced to run off until we can get more guys. >_>

There's a F2P that I look out for. I can beat him but he's better than the average and could probably widdle me down hard if I don't play top notch, called Reflexz. Since I have F2Ps myself on Moon Guard's alliance, Reflexz and most of Moon Guard's players are very awesome, but the only one I really have to be wary of is him out of the F2Ps on that server.

There's a -few- other common names I see in the BGs that can give me some trouble, but I don't memorize them.

Who would I like to see in a BG? Ilyamerica (24 rogue). I never premade in large groups, so I usually end up grouping by myself or with one other person and I usually group up with him/her. Very topnotch player indeed.

I know there's a few other players that are regulars that I'd love to see but due to my inability to memorize the names of players I don't really know too well, I can't list them.

Either way, seeing someone I don't want to see or love to see makes the games very fun and interesting.
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Just cause the f2ps could have a decent convo about this doesn't mean 24s can... You should know this sally. Sooner or later it will turn into guilds vs guilds or gems vs no gems and just be 100% trolling

Derailment, trolling and the like happens because, honestly, people like you post. I wrote something. I asked others to do the same. If you can't do that, I ask that you don't post here. It's simple.

It would still be on topic though ^-^ And I havent had much problem with 24s since 5.2 so I dont fear 24s anymore.

My list would only be skillful 24s as any 24 can gy farm or emote spam or go 40-0

It's not about fearing 24s or KBs or GY farming. I'm not *afraid* of any of the people I mentionned. I like playing with and against them, because frankly, they play better than most of the bracket. Challenging opponents are fun. But there is no *fear* here.

As I mentionned, keep your trolling for trade.
Back in Cata I didn't really like seeing faith on ally. She was one of the best 24s I have ever encountered, she was just really smart for a 24, something you don't see often.

I also don't like running into honeybadger premades because they just two-shot whoever runs in front of them... oh yeah and the gemming... Other than that not anyone else I can think of atm.
lool I remember doing the same thing Dory did. We used another PC, so while the aliance got farmed my pal just placed the ''Horde FC'' afk.
was hard to get the people to stop attacking him though but thankfully everyone was an english speaker on horde side so it went smoothly.The people in chat(alliances) were all ballistic.

but glad Pizza's back today
Honey Badger, only because he still refuses to play some wargames and continues to be ignorant and says he only plays alliance, when last i checked you can wargames against same faction.
Go to 39s and go horde don't dodge Sanctuary or is 39s to balanced for you Fanboys. Guild full of Glancealots.

Please refrain from trolling and derailing threads.

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If my schedule ever changes I will be there. I hardly have time to cap my conquest points in rateds and arenas.

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