While 29s lay dormant

I will be leveling an 83 Mage for the 80-84 bracket on Laughing Skull. Feel free to join me. I can give you 500g and you can work the AH from there.
For the love of god please tell me you're Alliance. I had a level 80 mage hitting me for 20k back to back ice lances yesterday and I about punched my fucking monitor, I can only imagine what a level 84 mage hits for...
Horde. 83 homie
I dont play my 84 much anymore so I doubt I'll see you, but I look forward to spell reflecting as many Deep Freezes as I possibly can against you
Not sure why anyone would play this bracket. At that point just level to 85 and do something in the current pvp season.
Rateds are a PITA to put together. Just too much waiting around involved. You don't bring average players because losing matters.
You're going to spend enough time to level to 84, why not just go that extra level? I understand if your current server just doesn't have an active pvp population, but there are definitely others that do. For horde, Blackrock and Illidan (though it's full capacity pretty often) are servers where you can log in just about anytime day or night, and can't go 10 minutes without stumbling into a rated BG group of any rating level.

The majority of the time you won't have to deal with putting anything together. However, for someone who talks about quality games at such length, I just don't understand why you would pick 80-84.

It's your choice though, so GLHF.
You're going to spend enough time to level to 84, why not just go that extra level? I understand if your current server just doesn't have an active pvp population, but there are definitely others that do. For horde, Blackrock and Illidan (though it's full capacity pretty often) are servers where you can log in just about anytime day or night, and can't go 10 minutes without stumbling into a rated BG group of any rating level.

The majority of the time you won't have to deal with putting anything together. However, for someone who talks about quality games at such length, I just don't understand why you would pick 80-84.

It's your choice though, so GLHF.

I love it how the guy constantly bitching about/blaming the lack of coordination horde side spends all his time e stocking one of the few people who actually make calls in vent instead of stepping up to the plate and making calls himself.
I love it how the guy constantly bitching about/blaming the lack of ordination horde side spends all his time e stocking one of the few people who actually make calls in vent instead of stepping up to the plate and making calls himself.

Are you angry Franchi?

Maybe I saw a thread and decided to post in it?

BTW, wtf is 'e stocking?'
Where did that come from Fc?

Willy, Laughing Skull has ample premades going on. DetoX is a PvP guild. You still need to wait and wait for such and such to log on for the perfect skill/comp combination. As well, my mains gear is still primarily season 9 because I thought I would be sticking to 29s for the remainder of the year. I was RBGing weekly at 2k+ before 29s started back up in the Spring.
Nah i find it funny

Actually, you're pretty angry.

Please by all means point me ot a thread that nasty made/posted in that you didn't immediately jump on his nuts and disagree with him in.

Disagreeing with him? From what I can tell, we're having a somewhat neutral conversation. But thanks for riding my nuts?

see above.

That doesn't explain what 'e stocking' is. Did you by chance mean to say 'e-stalking?' I can tell you're pretty desperate to keep this thread on topic there, not-angry-Franchi.

Willy, Laughing Skull has ample premades going on. DetoX is a PvP guild. You still need to wait and wait for such and such to log on for the perfect skill/comp combination. As well, my mains gear is still primarily season 9 because I thought I would be sticking to 29s for the remainder of the year. I was RBGing weekly at 2k+ before 29s started back up in the Spring.

Hmmm. I am still sorta curious as to why you prefer the random awfulness of the 80-84 bracket over organized 85 pvp, especially if you have options readily available without starting fresh on a new server. Wouldn't it be worth the wait to setup the right comp for rated BGs, rather than chance getting terrible players in a pug?
Where did that come from Fc?

Listening to Franchi's nonstop bickering with people just gets at me, even after the bracket had been down for a few weeks now he's still just running his mouth full throttle

This bracket is struggling bad atm and it's not just because of school and whatnot, it's shit like this that has made people lose interest, and coming from a guy like me that used to never shut up myself.. that's saying something

If Fcftw can bite his tongue to make this place less of a headache then anybody should be able to, when was the last time anybody seen me rambling about stupid shit? It's been a long time because I have come to realize (even if it took me a while) that it's just pointless and does no good

How many times have you and me gone at it over the years Sam? countless... but you and me squashed that a while ago I just don't understand why other people can't do the same and just let it go

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