Which Gems are the best for a Level 20 in general?


New Member
Hello there!

As you read from the title, I have no idea on which gems I should be using for my warrior (level 20). I tried to buy a few from the AH, but they always scale down, (I haven't tried the super strong gems, but the ones that give me a reasonable stat, most of the time, will only give me +1)

The same goes for the other classes, if someone can guide me in which strenght/stamina gems I should use, would help me a LOT. (I am aware of the SL gems, and I'll integrate them in my build).

Thanks for the help, in advance :p

- Rosa
Generally you're looking at the gem quality, In particular you're going to be looking at two kinds of gems:

1. SL gems
2. Cata gems

For SL gems, they're all going to be +2 secondary stat. That's not great but the real reason you get them is to empower your Straddling and Revitalizing Jewel Doublets for +Speed and a heal. I forget the exact count but I think it's around ~16 SL gems to Speed cap (+49%) and that's about a 40% heal every 10 seconds IIRC. You can scale that back if you want.

For any remaining sockets, you're choosing between +4 primary stat or various combinations of +2 primary / +2 secondary. For some classes you can buy +primary stat gems for Marks of Honor.

Lastly, if you have a helmet with a Meta gem, the general consensus is the +Crit / +5% Stun resist gem.

Secondary stats have a diminishing return on value and which secondary stats you want depends on class/spec. Like maybe you want +15% haste or +23% haste or mastery or whatever is appropriate. You choose gems once you have your gear (or an approximation thereof) to hit those targets.
Also note,

Main stat gems for str are +3 in world, but scale up to +4 in BGs

Secondaries also lose some value when you enter a BG, since you scale from 20 to 29 are are graded as a 29. You typically lose about 5% from your secondary %s

There is also a 3 stam and +4 crit gem from Hellfire Penninsula, however I don’t love stam these days.
Hello there!

As you read from the title, I have no idea on which gems I should be using for my warrior (level 20). I tried to buy a few from the AH, but they always scale down, (I haven't tried the super strong gems, but the ones that give me a reasonable stat, most of the time, will only give me +1)

The same goes for the other classes, if someone can guide me in which strenght/stamina gems I should use, would help me a LOT. (I am aware of the SL gems, and I'll integrate them in my build).

Thanks for the help, in advance :p

- Rosa
Your main stat gems will come from either TBC or Wrath.
https://www.wowhead.com/item=32193/bold-crimson-spinel , https://www.wowhead.com/item=32196/brilliant-crimson-spinel & https://www.wowhead.com/item=32194/delicate-crimson-spinel From TBC, patterns come from ( AUGH! The stnech! ) Hyjal.
https://www.wowhead.com/item=40111/bold-cardinal-ruby , https://www.wowhead.com/item=40113/brilliant-cardinal-ruby & https://www.wowhead.com/item=40112/delicate-cardinal-ruby form Wrath, all available through JC dailes picked up in Dal. Also from wrath, you'll want to have 1 https://www.wowhead.com/item=49110/nightmare-tear socketed in either Helm or Neck, as you're only allowed ONE.

The SL gems are integral these days too, with the Heal from https://www.wowhead.com/item=173125/revitalizing-jewel-doublet & the speed boost from https://www.wowhead.com/item=173126/straddling-jewel-doublet
being expanded for every additional SL gem you have socketed.
Those are the sub-stat clusters: https://www.wowhead.com/item=173127/deadly-jewel-cluster , https://www.wowhead.com/item=173130/masterful-jewel-cluster , https://www.wowhead.com/item=173128/quick-jewel-cluster & https://www.wowhead.com/item=173129/versatile-jewel-cluster .
Most find that it's not necessary to stack these though, unless you're specifically aiming for the largest boost possible, as top-end DPS is most commonly more desirable than Ludacris-Speed or a full HP heal every 10 sec, though either of these may sound like a thing you want.

Bear in mind: you ONLY get the benefit from the SL gems if you have 1 single one of each on a given piece of equipment. Meaning: you cannot stack 3 Revitalizing gems on your pants, as only 1 will be recognized.

For a true F2P, you can grab gems from the PvP vendors in WIntergrasp, or the Cata PVP vendors in the Capitols, & if/when TBC Timewlaking dungeons return, you can famr up TBC gems from the last boss of every instance.
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Hey, man, I can't thank enough for your guide! I'll definitely use it by tomorrow, and thanks for the react at my Aeonaxx drop too ;P
For lvl 20s the BIS gems are the PVP gems you can purchase at the vendor in Orgrimmar/Stormwind for 1 honor each. They yield you +4 primary stat which is unbeatable by secondary stat nonsense.

To give an example, this is my character:

You can see how my helmet has gems which scale down to 3 agility, those are the epic tbc and wrath gems mentioned above, your second best choice. My other slots have +4 agility on the other hand since those are the pvp gems.
These are the gems in question and you find a full list by clicking on the respective vendors at wowhead:
You can also buy them off the auction house.

The 3 gems on my pants are an absolute must have. Those are the 2 hyperscaling SL gems for movement speed +49% as well as the insane self heal and 1 unique gem you can only equip once which is a +3 to all stats. You should prioritize getting those first as the others pointed out already.

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