During Legion I met someone who played a 99 paladin and was totally into farming for fun and possible epics. We did a few battlegrounds, he disappeared a few times, and I just went back to gathering and spamming dungeons.
As a 98 I farmed all the Legion BoE epics I have, since there were hardly ever any on the AH. Now I'm playing this character again, and it's the most OP twink I have. But my favorite farming spot has been nerfed to nothing. Anyone have a spot that is still productive? I'd like to go back and get those last few pieces I need. I know they still exist, because I still see 101 epics on the AH.
Character: Ieatsquirrel
Server: Moonguard
As a 98 I farmed all the Legion BoE epics I have, since there were hardly ever any on the AH. Now I'm playing this character again, and it's the most OP twink I have. But my favorite farming spot has been nerfed to nothing. Anyone have a spot that is still productive? I'd like to go back and get those last few pieces I need. I know they still exist, because I still see 101 epics on the AH.
Character: Ieatsquirrel
Server: Moonguard