Where Did You Get That Hat? A Sunday Fishing Guide


Has Been
Hello! If you have a Lucky Fishing Hat, I'm sure you've had someone ask you where you got it. While I'm happy to respond to such a question, explaining Sunday fishing doesn't seem that easy. Hmm, let me try:

Every Sunday, at 2 PM server time, you go to stranglethorn and fish pools. Cross your fingers and hope you catch a Keefer's Angelfish. You don't need lures or a high fishing level, just fish in the pools. Once you got your fish go to Booty Bay and turn it in.

Okay, that was pretty easy but I had time to think about it, in BGs I don't tend to type, well that good. This guide is mostly about the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza, how to prepare for it and how not to lose your mind to the Keefer's Angelfish curse :O


The Tournament

While most of us are after Lucky Fishing Hat, the fishing tournament does have more to offer us. Most of it is cosmetic but I'm gonna list that stuff here anywho, if nothing else for the completionist in me.

Starting at 2 PM (ending at 4 PM) server time, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person to turn in 40 Speckled Tastyfish before others do will be able to choose one of the following rewards, in order of place. All winners earn Master Angler of Azeroth.

1st - Arcanite Fishing Pole, Hook of the Master Angler, Dread Pirate Ring, Boots of the Bay, and High Test Eternium Fishing Line

2nd - Dread Pirate Ring, Boots of the Bay, and High Test Eternium Fishing Line

3rd - High Test Eternium Fishing Line

Bring your 40 tastyfish to Riggle Bassbait <Fishmaster>, he's right outside of the Booty Bay inn, very hard to miss. You should keep in mind what prize you want in case you win, sitting there and deciding could cost you your place.


Rare Fish

There are three rare fish you can catch, they're caught while fishing pools that contain Speckled Tastyfish! They reward prizes based on the fish you got. Lets get a good look at our #1 suspect here, folks (this is the best photo we got?!):
Keefer's Angelfish is a wanted man... or woman, eh- I can't tell to be honest. This fish is wanted alive, for crimes against twinks everywhere. One hat will be reward per Angelfish!

Keefer's Angelfish - Lucky Fishing Hat, you just won the twink lottery!
Brownell's Blue Striped Racer - Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots, well ain't that a kick in the face?
Dezian Queenfish - High Test Eternium Fishing Line, no doubt a ploy by the Angelfish. "Catch me, catch me if you can muhaha".

To claim your rare catch's prize, turn it into everyone's favorite fishbot, Fishbot 5000! Who doesn't love a fish collecting, fish hat dispensing robot?! Not I- err, I mean uh- I do!


Getting Ready

There's not really much to get ready for. If you don't plan on trying to winning the tournament, then you can just find a nice spot and hangout.

However, I would advise raising your fishing to 100, fishing up a Weather-Beaten Journal, and learning fish finding. It's not necessary but it really helps, and makes things a little bit nicer. Also, it's extremely easy to do!

Usually, what I do is head to Booty Bay, picking up my flight paths on the way. I fish a few pools, wreckage or just pools both can contain what you're after. The wreckage pools seem faster, as they contain more trunks.

The drop rate seems to be unaffected by your fishing level.



A lot of people ask in chat, "Is it hard to get Lucky Fishing Hat?". No, of course not! In fact, it's quite easy. You just need some luck, willpower, and determination. I suggest fishing the full 2 hour duration, this is where determination comes in. I've gotten my hat at the last few minutes, it's never too late to get your hat. If the tournament is still going, keep fishing!

It's important to remember that you don't need a certain level to fish. This was changed awhile back. If you find yourself missing the pool a lot, try moving back more, or try fishing from the side of the pool. If the pools are hard to see, try going into your options menu and changing your settings or your camera angle. This should make things clearer for you.

You may find yourself fishing with someone. It's usually considered polite to let people fish their own pools. This is something that of course is debatable, it varies from player to player. You will have to form your own opinion on your fishing etiquette.


Where to Fish

While some spots may be better than others, fishing is fishing. Sometimes it can be wasteful to change spots in hopes of more pools or less people.

Mostly what I look for in a good spot for fishing is the safety of it. Fishing as a 20 can be quite hazardous and difficult. It's not uncommon for other players to let you die while they fish, it happens. So, I find it best to fish in certain spots. These spots are safe but also lack a lot of mobs, this means less time killing mobs to fish or running for your life.

I will be expanding this section with screenshots in the near future.



Well, that's about it. I'm gonna be adding some screenshots sometime soon, just gotta get out there and take 'em!


Veinte laughs.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny."

4 rare fishes. Theres also the rockhide strongfish.
Looks like an excellent guide so far.

rhaellia said:
Well, that's about it. I'm gonna be adding some screenshots sometime soon.
If you wanted more hat pics, heres one from when mr [MENTION=5377]Soldjah[/MENTION] got his.
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Nice job on the guide rhae! :D The added Pictures makes the guide Way more fun to read.
This hat took me 3 weeks to get, fishing the full time every time. I eventually got it! And I was so happy.
I thought that Blizzard changed the fishing tourney to Pacific time, and therefore the server time that the fishing tourney begins would vary from server to server? Can anyone confirm/deny?

Edit: Really neat idea for a guide btw!
I thought that Blizzard changed the fishing tourney to Pacific time, and therefore the server time that the fishing tourney begins would vary from server to server? Can anyone confirm/deny?

This is true, in the US server-time events are now on Pacific time. The tournament begins at 2pm Pacific - the server time will vary depending on the time zone (For example, it begins at 4pm server on realms running Central time). The in-game calendar should show the correct time.

I would just like to put it out there, for anybody that doesn't know, if you have 2 p2ps, you can fish on whatever realm you choose. This can help big time if you're having a hard time getting ganked on a PvP server. Also helps for winning contests.
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nice thread,

btw you dont need 100 fishing just 1 fishing to fish from pools. nowa days higher fishing level gives a lower chance of fishing junk from open water (i.e not in pools) but your "find fish" is must when LFH fishing, helps you plan your next pool before you've even finished the one your at.
Nice guide. I won't cut holes in my hat.

While some spots may be better than others, fishing is fishing. Sometimes it can be wasteful to change spots in hopes of more pools or less people.

Mostly what I look for in a good spot for fishing is the safety of it. Fishing as a 20 can be quite hazardous and difficult. It's not uncommon for other players to let you die while they fish, it happens. So, I find it best to fish in certain spots. These spots are safe but also lack a lot of mobs, this means less time killing mobs to fish or running for your life.

They say fishermen never tell you where their secrets spots...

But Yojamba Isle is a good place to start. It's easily accessible from Westfall and there are no mobs. Not many pools though (maybe 3-4) and respawn can be slow.

If you are more adventurous, head to the NW section of the whirlpool. No mobs (unless you stray too far south) and good respawn of pools. Horde can travel to Grom'gol, Ally to Fort Livingston.

In terms of etiquette, I like to wait until after a winner has been found to start finishing if there are high levels around. Many will laugh as they pull mobs on to you.

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