What's your favorite level to twink at?

Everybody should go 24, eventually the bracket will be filled with almost all 24 tinks making the games much more fun and even :)
I like 20s. 39s was fun but only Wed/Fri nights.


  • one.jpg
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besides 20s what has the best queue times/least amount of GFed items? i've been wanting to explore other twink brackets, but have been wondering if it's even worth it because of the slow queues/people running around in nasty gear i will never has :( . mainly interested in rolling a 70 twink, but i heard that scene is all but dead
19 is cool for the simple fact u get a talent..but no mounts, so run speed is a definining factor...but personally, i mosty end up playing my twinks that can actually do raids, so at least 59 (even if u cant use gear from them yet)
MoP: 24 & 1
Cata: 70 & 10
Wotlk: 80 & 60
BC: 19 & 39

Because every bracket changed so much. Played on all of them. Mostly nostalgic of 60 and 39 though :(. RIP good old brackets.

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