Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days


IT's like it is nothing as it was. Movement counts like 20% no and pure luck 50% What am I missing, or am I just bad? Reason for questioning is that I really never lost a series of battles pre dodge nerf, except to Vaj and Trickery.

Sup with the new shit? :)

Whats the key in RvR now?
Imp. stealth (cloak+talents?)-> Sap -> Profit.

Think that's how it works. Maybe get a pair of x2 +20 spirit weaps for those extra long fights.
the old days of RvR are gone, this new "RvR" we are seeing is an absolutely boring CD war thts based on timed stealth resets. You need to incoorperate hit and expertise where possible gear wise and keeping as much agility as you can helps too. Its not as much of a dodge fight and I haven't seen any1 throwkite in a very very very very long time.
Most rogues, even the most experienced in my guild still have the old mind set of how RvR works. There are however a few tricks that won't necessarily change your game style but can easily win you a duel. However I won't share these tricks in this thread ;)
mehh, its not even worth "through gouging" anymore. I lost to 2 rogues only since 3.1 and ones my friend, the other who quit soon after was probly in the top 5 best on Vengeance. Most people gear more towards Arena's or WSG. Neither sets would incoorperate much of the same gear.
Be bursty while playing smart and staying alive... no idea how just do it.
Crilicilyn said:
throwkite in a very very very very long time.

It still is a very viable tactic...

get a garrote off make distance and throw, simple and effective
Duelled a few rogues after all the changes and I spent most of the time in stealth. Not as fun as it used to be ><
Yea RvR used to be legendary, i rly miss the late hours dueling blackout :)

I guess the key now is to BoA n herb hot :eek:
Bragh said:
IT's like it is nothing as it was. Movement counts like 20% no and pure luck 50% What am I missing, or am I just bad? Reason for questioning is that I really never lost a series of battles pre dodge nerf, except to Vaj and Trickery.

Sup with the new shit? :)

Whats the key in RvR now?

It depends on what you mean with movements, dodging or getting behind your opponent? It still requires a lot of knowledge how to move because some peopels can't really make the imporant movements in RvR.

It really depends on your play style, I can actually give you some tips how to play as a defensive rogue. (If you win the sap) you garrote your opponent reverse strafe (jumping backwards) and throw kite (use auto attack as well)

When the garrote is over you gouge and hopefully (if the opponent are dumb enough) he'll burn his trinket cuz he obviously thought that you were going for a bandage. If he is not attempt to restealth again, and if you are a good sap spammer you'll win the sap garrote him (his trinket are on CD) play offensive make him use lifeblood, you gouge, bandage, bam you won.

It really depends on your opponent it is really hard for a player to counter this tactic most of the rogues nowadays play like this.

If you fight an offensive rogue with this tactic and if the rogue is a good one he wont let you restealth sadly. You must be a hardcore leet restealther if you fight a good offensive rogue. If he win the sap and gets in the garrote you just gouge and attempt to restealth you're screwed if he garrotes you and you attempt to play offensive against him. A known rogue which play this tactic is Omgmom and he is damn good at restealthing.

To counter this as an offensive rogue (If you win the sap) you garrote him turn slice and dice SS him, OBS: (When the garrote bleed is over he can instantly restealth if you dont throw at him) he'll gouge you (six secconds until leaving combat) you throw him he still has the garrote bleed at him. He'll obviously be at 70 % left when you throw him and garrote, the deffensive rogue will just attempt to restealth that's all he can do, he'll soon or later will get tierd of attempting so he runs towards you attempt to gouge (you wont burn your trinket) I think gouge is a 3 secconds stun for nineteens you got three secconds to catch him up, if you're lucky you'll make it in time if he restealths you do the same and redo this again. If the defensive rogue would win the sap he'd throw kite u and jump backwards, all you do is to do the same, go for the restealth.

The best race to counter an defensive rogue is as a nightelf, you can gouge, shadwomeld,garrote him so it will be more difficult for him to restealth.

As a human you got two minutes CD at your racial trinket, you can actually use it in unnecessary situations.

If you are not a human or a nightelf you got an disadvantage in RvR (if you're opponent is a race of these two races) Humans got increased stealth detection, nightelfs got increased stealth. So those two races got an advantage in RvR.

TIP: I always use my Lifeblood when I got 300 HP left, I think that is the perfect time to use it.

TIP: I always change to dagger when my opponent pops evi cuz he'll make offensive moves at me, and he will not be prepared that I'll change to a dagger so I'll just BS the shit out of him.

TIP: Always use your strafe keys when you make evi (common sense).

TIP: If you use a procc enchant at your weapon as Lifestealing,Fiery weapon change it to a +15 agillity weapon in 1v1 because when you sap turn garrote your target the procc of those two enchant can break the sap when you make garrote.
Amiable said:
TIP: I always change to dagger when my opponent makes evi cuz he'll make offensive moves at me, and he will not be prepared that I'll change to a dagger so I'll just BS the shit out of him.

You must fight bad rogues.
Kaoslol said:
You must fight bad rogues.

No, I fight the best rogues at Europes best alliance realm. As I said, it exist many rogues which doesn't know how to move not to brag but I'am pretty good at getting behind my opponents, thats why I love evi fights.
Amiable said:
No, I fight the best rogues at Europes best alliance realm. As I said, it exist many rogues which doesn't know how to move not to brag but I'am pretty good at getting behind my opponents, thats why I love evi fights.

But if your opponent has equal or better movement than yourself it nullifies the dagger and just makes you at a disadvantage.

So unless your movement is like double that of most of 'the best rogues in Europe" daggers are pretty damn retarded.
Kaoslol said:
But if your opponent has equal or better movement than yourself it nullifies the dagger and just makes you at a disadvantage.

So unless your movement is like double that of most of 'the best rogues in Europe" daggers are pretty damn retarded.

I don't know about the best rogues in Europe, but the best rogue at the best 19 alliance realm. When I had started evi fights versus the peopels I've fought, they've forgot to use their strafe keys, so it's so easy for me to get behind em. Some peopels has actually forgot to play defensive when you pop evi and had started to run straight towards me, then it is very easy for me to get behind them. This is just tips ofc from my own pov you can play however you want, I'm just giving simple advices that I find good.

Btw, I don't play with daggers 24/7 I just swap to an assa then and then.
Amiable said:
I don't know about the best rogues in Europe, but the best rogue at the best 19 alliance realm. When I had started evi fights versus the peopels I've fought, they've forgot to use their strafe keys, so it's so easy for me to get behind em. Some peopels has actually forgot to play defensive when you pop evi and had started to run straight towards me, then it is very easy for me to get behind them. This is just tips ofc from my own pov you can play however you want, I'm just giving simple advices that I find good.

Btw, I don't play with daggers 24/7 I just swap to an assa then and then.

Sorry to break it to you but it sounds like your "top rogues" are trash.
Pymius said:
Sorry to break it to you but it sounds like your "top rogues" are trash.

I don't mean all good rogues like two of ten had made these misstakes as I wrote above. When we are speaking about top rogues I'd mention Omgmom,Bláckóut, they both beat me and they never make any misstakes.

I overdid a bit when I said top, like average rogues on Al'akir, I can't define ''top rogues'' really but Bláckóut and Omgmom are good examples.
Amiable said:
It really depends on your play style, I can actually give you some tips how to play as a defensive rogue. (If you win the sap) you garrote your opponent reverse strafe (jumping backwards) and throw kite (use auto attack as well)

When the garrote is over you gouge and hopefully (if the opponent are dumb enough) he'll burn his trinket cuz he obviously thought that you were going for a bandage.

Why would he possibly think you're going for a bandage when the duel hasn't even started yet?
The dagger thingy should work fine on our server considering 80% of the well geared rogues are pretty bad in various aspects. I guess that's what you get when you gather everyone from EU 19 alliance to one server.

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