Whats up with the Rogue vs Rogue now'a'days

Shazzrah said:
ah ye, I was always pissed about losing that one/two series against your druid lol.

On the RvR side I don't recall there being much of an issue with bandages but you might remember it better than I do.

I might end up FCing to Draenor soonish so it would be cool if we could pick up where we last left of.

That would be sexy! I'm considering FC'ing to ally on my druid, to test it out, I do believe that the Alliance base, is better suited for FC'ing. Just my opinion thoug :D
Bragh said:
That would be sexy! I'm considering FC'ing to ally on my druid, to test it out, I do believe that the Alliance base, is better suited for FC'ing. Just my opinion thoug :D

Bragh I would love to help you to get back on track, seriously. Do you got skype or something? I could learn you everything I know about the new play styles. Tell meh bro , I'll help you out , dw.
Amiable said:
Bragh I would love to help you to get back on track, seriously. Do you got skype or something? I could learn you everything I know about the new play styles. Tell meh bro , I'll help you out , dw.

Add WernerLOL

I'll log on Skype now
Bragh said:
Add WernerLOL

I'll log on Skype now

Man, sadly I can't play atm =/ not home atm, is at my shitty laptop with no WoW =S I can still speak skype tho, can you practise RvR tomorrow?
Amiable said:
Man, sadly I can't play atm =/ not home atm, is at my shitty laptop with no WoW =S I can still speak skype tho, can you practise RvR tomorrow?

Well If you're able to get online like early, as like 10:00 gametime -> 12:00 gametime, it'd be good. GOt job as Assistand Manager in a shop, so got allot of work. Had a Swine-Flu break thoug, why you've seen me in the WSG at daytime lately.
Dinkorastamán said:
Come practice and experimente vs a baddie like me brah!

Im on rogue now lolling in tb over the bad weather.

BADDIE IS pro, as FUCK man!

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