Whats the best Shaman for lvl 39??

Hi, i'm new here...

Well i have a lvl 39 tauren shamman and i wanna do bg for a month or so, so i just wanna know whats the best kind of shaman for lvl 39 maybe elemental or enhaced coz i wanna kill not just heal my friends...
Hi Aerosoldier -- to translate what the above two people said: you'll find a lot of good info in these forums and on guides around the internet. After you find some information that interests you, people will be more inclined to answer more specific questions you have. A hybrid class like shamans provide too much versatility to answer your original question with any relevance.

Ill answer that question.

Play 1h spellhance and roll face with it. This spec/class is probably one of the top 2 or 3 possible in the 39 bracket currently. The ability to purge, deal a pretty solid amount of damage and have one of the most powerful defensive capabilities (insane kiting mixed with the ability to heal quite well) makes this too damn good to pass up. My shaman is a good example, but here are a few armorys.




Elemental and 2h enhance are cool, but not versitle enough for my tastes. Resto also is somewhat underpowered as a spec overall.

The main thing to keep in mind is that Purge is amazing for wsg so whatever you end up rolling get used to spamming it as much as possible ;p
2h Enhance is great for burst

spell enhance is good for versatility for DPS

elemental is good for when you're not being focused

resto is good for a versatile healer (although only the well played ones stand out)

just a general view of what i've seen from those 4 types of shaman
Aerosoldier said:
So it really doesn't matter if i use some cloth items?

there are a lot of cloth items that provide spell power as well as stam and/or int, so a lot of your slots may be filled with cloth even as a paladin, shaman, or druid.
How exactly does this 'spellhance' spec work? Do they go to 2h's in fights or just rely on WF procs with their 1h/shields? Are the small amounts of spell power enough to make a noticible difference compared to just rolling with melee dps gear?

I've seen PoD enhance with the same spec as the linked 'spellhance' ones being pretty crazy, even without a WF proc they still are hell to deal with on a good team. And ofc come WF it's game over ;x

Would appreciate some knowledge on this matter :)
1h spellhance are the most versatile shamans out there in 39s (IMO).

they can freeze with frost shock

they can heal well

their shocks do good damage

instant ghost wolf

they have good survivability and armor

windfuries still hit for a high amount (although not as much as 2h of course)

and of course all the other BS that comes with shamans (grounding, cure poison, stoneclaw glyph, etc)
1h spellhance are the most versatile shamans out there in 39s (IMO).

they can freeze with frost shock

they can heal well

their shocks do good damage

instant ghost wolf

they have good survivability and armor

windfuries still hit for a high amount (although not as much as 2h of course)

and of course all the other BS that comes with shamans (grounding, cure poison, stoneclaw glyph, etc)

Still not really answered my question though :p Yes on paper they look to be very versaitle, As for healing I can't help but think they would be like a ret Pala stopping mid fight to heal, as they do that they're offering nothing else and if their team is that far behind it's game over anyway for the most part. The small amount of spell dmg that they get I can't see making their shocks worth while either ;s

All in all spellhance looks like a useful spec but I can't think of any class I'd drop to take one on board, or for that matter have a team built around one. It still looks like an enhance shaman with the pieces of melee dps gear (holy might gloves, basi legs, worn running B - etc etc) would benefit a team far more, as I questioned earlier they can do everything that you listed a spellhance Shaman can do, only once they get on their target you fear for that players life :cool: The heals are still there also, and the option to swap to a 1h shield + belt heal makes MELHANCE! more than a 1 trick pony.

Again a bit more about spellhance and some answers to my previous questions would be appreciated :)
the benefit of the spellhance shaman is multi-fold...it shouldnt take a lot to explain this to people, however there are those who for some reason still think lucky WF crits are good and some people that love their 3 second lightning casts...to each his own I guess.

Why is spellhance good?

First off you can deal a shit load of damage. True it isnt quite as high as 2h or maybe even elemental (if the elemental shammy is good at not being the center of attention) However, with a high amount of SP where the shammy truly shines is from all the small things. Considerably higher shock damage (frost and flame) more damage from totems and shields and the still potent use of a 1h melee weapon (with a combination of weapon swapping from flametongue to wf to frostbrand etc etc) will give you an incredible amount of damage. While this damage might be slightly less bursty than its two counterparts, you get something amazing in exchange....one of the most durable best surviving builds in the game (maybe 2nd after an sl lock, but maybe even better depending on matchups). You are foolish to suggest that a 2h enhance player with no mana or a 1h enhance with no sp can heal itself even remotly as well as a 1h spellhance shaman.

Why spell gear instead of agi/str gear?


not only do you get more mana to continue to cast shocks and totems and purges....but you get SP to go with it that makes them actually do damage. Hey guess what? Your healing is also much better.

Im not going to go into it more, I dont have time, there are a lot of older threads about it, and the best way to find out is to go out there and try it yourself. It might take some skill I know to get beyond those lawlwfcritonautoattackzomg moments...but if you try it and learn it you will be much happier.
Thanks for the explanation, so average damage shocks (with just shy of 200 sp my alt shaman crits 500 shocks) Average-ish heals, you can get tons of mana but then your heals would be considerabley weaker as would your shocks. WF procs I've seen melee geared enhance hit with 1h shield WF crits for around 1k. So no idea what it'd be like with spell power gear, and still i guess you can't rely on those to win games :p

Unless i'm wrong spellhances saving grace for competitive arena would be the ranged root, which is pretty insane, other than they seem like a jack of all trades master of none type of build. I wouldn't take one over a priest for healing/support, nor would i take one over a dps class. I don't see them working with a healer/dps class in 3v3 either ;x Not half as well as allot of other setups anyway, the reasons as you know are fairly obvious.

But I guess untill otherwise enhance will only be good with a priest on their back. Otherwise gogo resto heh :cool: Still I will be testing out this spec in the near future, they might be killer in WSG and from the looks of it they take duels in their stride.
spellhance shaman are as stated before easily top 2 or 3 best 1v1 classes currently in the bracket....no contest there (rogue and sl lock being the other 2)

Id gladly take one in 2s or 3s.

Also, I was playing my spellhance shammy (with slightly more int over a touch of sp) as heals in our 3s comp (shammy, lock, hunter) and we were doing extreemly well with it (beating teams from Pro and ATW in cyclone). We also run the comp with my priest instead of my shaman and the results are similar, with the exception being Rogue teams are much easier with the enhance shammy healing. I think you are vastly underestimating the healing and damage potential of a well played spellhance shammy. Beyond that there are very very few classes/specs that match up well vs a properly geared shammy like this, most matchups are very easy, which creates bad mismatches for a lot of teams.

Ive hit 1200 WF crits with my shammy. Rare, but it happens, tbh im normally using flametongue wep anyways.

People have argued this with me...from a theorycrafting view of things, I guess I can understand why it might be hard to imagine just how amazing this spec is...As I said before, the only way to really know is to go out and either play one yourself, or group up with one for wsg or arenas and just find out for yourself what they are capable of.

I made THIS THREAD a while back, it might have some more information for you. Try to ignore the sheer number of trolls that posted though. The spec was good then, and 3.2 brought a lot of buffs to shaman in general making it even more viable.
Believe you me I'm not underestimating the healing or damage, The straight up heals will be fine as resto only gives you're healing spells additional perks and benefits. From the start I understood their role, they are the jack of all trades but unlike say a shadow specced priest or balance druid they can bring allot more to the table, thats the nature of the shaman.

That 3v3 comp looks pretty mean, lock hunter based teams are insane no matter what healer :< I guess your only chance of losing with that setup is if you got put too far behind on healing (I can only assume that if you're made to stand still and turret heal then you'd be on the back foot in terms of winning?), still hunters and locks can take care of any classes as far as CC goes.

I get that people might have e-raged at you in the past regarding spellhance purely due to their inexperience with facing good shamans, I'm not one of those people though ;o
The only losses we really had when we were running that comp were in the first game or two against a few teams..Once we adjusted we won and won again. The original idea was a sheer number of damage combined with the mana drain abilities of all 3 classes (when running it with my priest) Once we realized we didnt really need to worry about the drains quite as much (the hunter and lock can still drain darn well without having a priest to help with the drains) it was an easy adjustment to make swapping in the shaman for help vs melee.

From there we decided to try the shaman due to the number of rogue and general melee teams we were facing. The ability to get rid of poisons and the general help with kiting damage more than makes up for the bit of extra healing my priest can toss out. I was also able to dps about on par with my priest for when we needed to finish a target.

What makes the comp nasty is that even if they get one of us down, usually the other team is low enough that the remaining two can finish the deal, although usually all 3 of us stay up. (fear mixed with hunter cc and earthbind/frozen power makes for some pretty nasty cc)

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