Whats the best Shaman for lvl 39??

Bottom Line for WSG: Have 2 sets of gear for your enhance spec. Change with the situation. You will become the utmost in versatility then. Yes, i can understand how waiting for that fat WF to come around gets boring, but you are talking about the BEST burst ability in the bracket. RNG ftw. I switch between spellhance and conventional enhance gear multiple times in a 25min wsg nowadays, although, spellhance is absolutlely superior for most situations.
yeah, I carry a 2h wep around in mah bags, but dont use it often tbh.
Alteffour said:
yeah, I carry a 2h wep around in mah bags, but dont use it often tbh.

If im chasing the EFC (say a mage), and i have a healing buddy, it would be downright moronic not to throw on your ap gear/2her and try to return. The situations are ALWAYS changing, thats why i believe a shamans gear choice/playstyle should be constantly changing.
Arguing about 1 or 2 situations in a wsg is silly when we are talking about overall spec and play.

Yes there are situations when 2h and elemental might be better...but overall they are not nearly as good.

Guess what? 2h is better against dual healer in arenas too.
Alteffour said:
Arguing about 1 or 2 situations in a wsg is silly when we are talking about overall spec and play.

Yes there are situations when 2h and elemental might be better...but overall they are not nearly as good.

Guess what? 2h is better against dual healer in arenas too.

I *cited* one instance, and thank you for agreeing with me. If you can not remember, my original point is that you should change your gear and play depending on whats thrown at you. Going with an "overall" approach with shamans, is gimping the class. Shamans have a unique ability to adapt to their surroundings, so why not? You said you have a 2her, but it doesnt get much use. By saying that, you are giving me the impression you are not playing your shaman to the fullest. I will say it again, YES spellhance is a far superior playstyle overall(better?), but be willing and ready to change gear and playstyle upon the proper situations.
Bromrotama said:
If im chasing the EFC (say a mage), and i have a healing buddy, it would be downright moronic not to throw on your ap gear/2her and try to return.

no, keep your shield on pleease
If you are going in at an FC with a healer spam healing you fine, thats a once in a while small option. More often than not the added survivability of staying in your 1h setup will not only still get the job done, but will help because your healer doesnt have to keep you up nearly as much, youll live longer on your own, and your healer can keep up other dps on your team. Maybe you get a lucky WF hit, maybe you dont, if you like playing that way Im not going to stop you.

Im not saying I dont put my 2h on from time to time...but the situations where its truly better are extreemly limited and you are overvaluing its effectivness. I say my 2h doesnt get much use because probably more than 95-99% of the time the 1h is a better option. You argue 1 tiny part of the whole, great we get your point, move on.
Returning flags in WSG is a tiny part of the whole?

Yes, if youre spellhance your healer is going to have an easier time keeping you up, but that means nothing if you cant burst your target down.

My estimation would be more like 75% spellhance.

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