Whats the best 2v2 class team and why?


Kinda bred cus my friends in guild are all making mages -.- :D so I thought Id make this thread:)

IMO I think rogue and ele shaman is pretty good. Purge agm and other enemy buffs, tremor totem for fears, cleansing totem for helping both get away from crippeling and bandaging, awsome burst, nice CC. Shaman starting with shield can have over 3k HP and allot of armor for a opening burst by opposite team, then swich to 2 hander for dmg. And shaman beeing able to offheal litle on the rogue if he takes the nuke maby with yet another wep. Rogue with his dps, disarms blinds, sap's, stuns. Both having good silences, kick and the imba sock from shamans on 6 sek CD.

Lemme hear your favorite comp and why:) Would be cool to have a 2v2 dueling tacts off the different classes.

Like shaman rogue v priest rogue.

Sap priest, purge him, both open, rogue cheap shot and vanish, trying to find other rogue. Shaman continuing on the priest, laying down a tremor totem right before stun ends.

Im no expert, tell me your strategys on your combos:) Could get a cool informative thread (if theres already a thread like this, plz link, I couldnt find)
queue with shaman

get carried

Trêêhuggêr said:
in 39? resto druid/warrior, its so FOTM.

more info plz! Whats your tact against other combos. Whats your hardest combo/easyest. Any combos u cant beet (skilled players).

Would be fun getn some more info like this. With the private server coming up we get to fight many good opponents and many cool settups.

What spec are you and your 2v2 mate prefering with your class? (saying this to everyone)
Holy paladin/sl warlock. We didn't lose a game. It's prolly the most OP comp in 39's, played well, anyway. I think the teams that could possibly beat it would be priest/rogue if the priest is super agressive, not easy considering the cc the lock can put out. Or a priest/hunter team if they can cc well with fear/traps.

Edit: I should also mention that playing mirror is a laugh. 15 minute games ftw.
I find that Hunter / Rogue can beat most setups: but theres no room for mistakes, just 1 can lose the match for you. Still, the combined cc with: Sap -> Scatter -> Freeze trap -> Blind -> Then some tidal's / Gouge / Kick, means that you can take out the other player so fast, as both hunters and rogues have huge burst potential.

I also play alot of Resto Druid / Hunter, which i wouldn't say is the strongest but its definately a competitive setup. The fast heals + Double hot's (when not vs dispell / Purge) combined with roots and FF are perfect for complimenting a hunter.
Priest / Rogue just has a lot going for it. Very strong CC on short cooldowns, MS effect, and removing magical debuffs on your target (allows a lot more rogue re-stealths).

My personal favourite is still Hunter / Shaman though, but it requires 0 mistakes or you're done for :(

Boostz said:
Holy paladin/sl warlock. We didn't lose a game. It's prolly the most OP comp in 39's, played well, anyway. I think the teams that could possibly beat it would be priest/rogue if the priest is super agressive, not easy considering the cc the lock can put out. Or a priest/hunter team if they can cc well with fear/traps.

Edit: I should also mention that playing mirror is a laugh. 15 minute games ftw.

THIS ! I was going to tell you the exact same thing Medan :p Me and Pewi haven't lost a 2v2 yet :eek:.

I think the main problem is that if the opponents go for the lock , they will never manage to burst a decent one down , and if they go for the pally I(the lock) am free to unleash all the CC and pain I possibly can on em :p

Sl/WL + pally Eats mage + rogue or rogue + priest tbh.

Its just that you don't often see a SL warlock and holy pally. All locks go Aff(which is a shame really , makes us all look like noskilled tabdotters,even tho that's what we are xD ) and 99 % of pallies are Ret because it takes UBER1337Skeelz to play one amirite ?

I honestly haven't met a team where I thought'' Fuck this game will actually be somewhat challenging if we don't get our shit together'' Well , apart from spellhance shammy and rogue anyways.
Mortox said:
THIS ! I was going to tell you the exact same thing Medan :p Me and Pewi haven't lost a 2v2 yet :eek:.

I think the main problem is that if the opponents go for the lock , they will never manage to burst a decent one down , and if they go for the pally I(the lock) am free to unleash all the CC and pain I possibly can on em :p

Sl/WL + pally Eats mage + rogue or rogue + priest tbh.

Its just that you don't often see a SL warlock and holy pally. All locks go Aff(which is a shame really , makes us all look like noskilled tabdotters,even tho that's what we are xD ) and 99 % of pallies are Ret because it takes UBER1337Skeelz to play one amirite ?

I honestly haven't met a team where I thought'' Fuck this game will actually be somewhat challenging if we don't get our shit together'' Well , apart from spellhance shammy and rogue anyways.

Would be realy fun to 2v2 u with Marrykate
Hunter / Rogue did allright vs u and pewi kutty, well we won some ^^. During stuns the pala's squishy forcing early bubble then we just controlled u for bubble duration then rog agm vanish's for re-open on the pally who we nuke down.

It's really hard to pull off and LoS can seriosuly fuck it up: so much relies on positioning. But me and medan definately got some wins vs u and pewi when we pulled it off right.
2 rogues could also burst the paladin down and reset on the bubble, with two tidals, sap, kick, blind, you won't be getting any fears off.

Same with rogue/mage also priest/rogue. Presumably you are using felhunter, sap is a given, two rogues, a priest rogue, or mage, rogue nuke the paladin to bubble very quickly. The difficulty is in the reset, but if the rogues can agm vanish in a gouge, it's just a nuke again. Priests can reduce the damage, mages can dispel COA - you don't actually have a lot of damage against these comps. The reason why you are winning each game is because people are fooled by the lock - melee are trying to burst down a 60% reduction target, and the paladin keeping good distance + aura mastery = uninterrupted heals.

It's just the tactic :p.
elesian said:
2 rogues could also burst the paladin down and reset on the bubble, with two tidals, sap, kick, blind, you won't be getting any fears off.

Same with rogue/mage also priest/rogue. Presumably you are using felhunter, sap is a given, two rogues, a priest rogue, or mage, rogue nuke the paladin to bubble very quickly. The difficulty is in the reset, but if the rogues can agm vanish in a gouge, it's just a nuke again. Priests can reduce the damage, mages can dispel COA - you don't actually have a lot of damage against these comps. The reason why you are winning each game is because people are fooled by the lock - melee are trying to burst down a 60% reduction target, and the paladin keeping good distance + aura mastery = uninterrupted heals.

It's just the tactic :p.

Stunted said:
Hunter / Rogue did allright vs u and pewi kutty, well we won some ^^. During stuns the pala's squishy forcing early bubble then we just controlled u for bubble duration then rog agm vanish's for re-open on the pally who we nuke down.

It's really hard to pull off and LoS can seriosuly fuck it up: so much relies on positioning. But me and medan definately got some wins vs u and pewi when we pulled it off right.

Med'an said:
Would be realy fun to 2v2 u with Marrykate

3 rogues , 1 Dottz and only 1 survivor !!! xD

But ye you each make valid points but you must remmeber pewi has just got back from a long break at 39... hmmm that sounded a bit like an excuse really. Lets test your theories tomorrow @ arena :p
Well against 3 rogues its just a matter of time. I mean some of the rogues might try a restealth get caught out, and dead before they do the damage.!
Just a heads up. Vs any non double stealth team, sending the pet will put the warlock in combat, then the warlock hellfiring for 1 tick and paladin healing will put the pally in combat. Failing that, just go with DS and rush in =P
Warrior combined with a Rogue can be a very good team too. It's very demanding and challenging because you have to rely on burst.


[video=youtube;PcTfsVblbXE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcTfsVblbXE[/video] (against Resto/Survival)

[video=youtube;Sts59Xh3Psw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sts59Xh3Psw[/video] (Disci/Rogue, Resto/Rogue,...)

Watch them in an extra window if you cant see them in HD as me, then it'll look correctly.
Warr rogue is a decent combo, but definately not the best, much too easy to nuke 1 down, namely the warrior.

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