Whats the best 2v2 class team and why?

hunter shaman / shaman lock. good locks/shamans/hunters don't exist in EU though ;o

3.3 with this stoneclaw/earthbind CD reduction talent will only tip the odds further i guess.
Rezist said:
hunter shaman / shaman lock. good locks/shamans/hunters don't exist in EU though ;o

According to you maybe ^^ But I know a FEW fucking good ones.

I know that being 2v1'ed by you and beating you is not really a show of skill, but hey, there's your 2v1 screenie Xil.
you're fucking terrible. any idiot can play a lock, even with shit keybinds like yours. warlock/anything is an op combo.
blazin said:
you're fucking terrible. any idiot can play a lock, even with shit keybinds like yours. warlock/anything is an op combo.

Show me your 39 brosef ^^

Edit : those keybinds are what I am comfortable with D:

Edit 2 : Anyone know why my Quartz hates me and keeps giving UI errors EVEN though I have updated the bloody thing ? -.- I am forced to play with standard UI :<
Mortox said:
According to you maybe ^^ But I know a FEW fucking good ones.

I know that being 2v1'ed by you and beating you is not really a show of skill, but hey, there's your 2v1 screenie Xil.

I don't understand the remotest bit of relevance in that picture :s

2v1'ing a firemage priest, with scorch glyph + felpup glyph, do the math ;o

Like I said, no good locks/shamans/hunters in EU :/ they all quit ;o
chomans said:
Nobody thinks hunter-X is good for 2v2?

Doesn't have to be a hunter, I'm awesome with any partner class ;)

On a slightly more serious note, good hunters are rare. A shaman combined with a hunter who are both amazing with their class can do some incredible CC and damage though. Priests work well with hunters as well.

Paladin / Hunter my boy!

Shaman / Hunter is nice... But, if the hunter gets focused and the shaman is forced to heal, you will Oom pretty quick.
Rez, overload is back. I'm sure we can agree he's a top notch hunter. Stunted on alliance side has come a fair way also. Rez, any chance you are gonna log at some point (39 ravencrest).
elesian said:
Rez, overload is back. I'm sure we can agree he's a top notch hunter. Stunted on alliance side has come a fair way also. Rez, any chance you are gonna log at some point (39 ravencrest).

<3 Overload, always good arena games against him on my lock! Stunted is a rogue in hunter form: Scatter to Trap to Ravager Stun to Tidal Charm to Scatter again... Bloody Stuns! :mad:


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