What's my next class?

What class should I roll?

  • Druid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mage

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paladin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Priest

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Warrior

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What do you guys think my next 19 twink class should be asuming of the revealed abilities we are getting in Cata. I am currently working on a Shaman, healer/fc sets for premading. I already have a Druid and a Hunter. You could still convince me to re-roll another Druid because my first I'm not going to finish.

PS: I have rolled other 19's before but on different accounts that I will not play again, so the only classes that I will not roll again are Shaman and Hunter.

PS2: Please specify in your post what spec I should go in Cataclysm.

Thank you. =)


Edit: Some smart kid voted as number 51, good thing I have a SS of 50. <3

Edit2: Top three: Mage, Paladin, Warrior
Any specific spec for when Cata comes around?
I can't really tell you for warrior, considering I've never played one, but Mortal Strike seems like it's going to be pretty useful.

Paladin is pretty much any spec, considering you can roll any roll and still be successful in combat, and I've seen pallies run around with points in this and that, and still pretty much pwn. My personal choice though, would be Ret.

For druids, cat form is going to leave open the option for feral, which will finally give druid a succesful melee class, and looks like it might be fun. I would probably gear as a survival dps cat, but spec in resto.




Read the notes but warriors dont seem THAT favourable now.

If you ever played a warrior, you would realise how useful a demo shout to keep a kiting rogue in combat, or a disarm can sway the game.

They removing those two AND shield bash. The one move which gave you some edge on casters.

Removing this is just gimping warriors and i dont think a 50% healing debuff will help vs a lock / druids Natures grasp, or mages polymorph etc.

We are geting a DPS buff but the utility wise i feel we are getin the short end of the stick.
Destroy, that goes for all melee classes. Rets, Warriors, Rogues(as usual, unless they get shadowstep?) hell, even enha shamans.

But we still don't know how the game's changing, so it might all be balanced, it might all be so OP that casters have no chance, or it might be so ret*rded that only casters can win matches now (I'm guessing the last one). Holy Pala + Warlock anyone? :p
It's a 20% healing Debuff in Cata isn't it? Anyways, I'd say Fire Mage... I'm curious if Pyroblast will be their goody, and if so, how entertaining it would be at 19 to Poly someone in preparation for.

Enshams are probably going to be the best off of the melee classes at 19 come Cataclysm if they get to spec into Imp Ghost Wolf.
Pyro won't be mages level 10 Fire spell but they might learn it at around 16. And even if Shamans can't get Imp GW at 19 they'll still be ontop because other Shamans can't get it either. But for 2v2's in Cata I'd love to see a Holy Paladin/ SS Rogue combo; or even a Resto Shaman/ Destro Warlock.

Edit: I'm surprised Warlock only has 1 vote atm.



Twinkin said:
Pyro won't be mages level 10 Fire spell but they might learn it at around 16.

Then what do you suppose their lvl 10 ability will be then? Blast Wave seems unlikely seeing Blizzard's decision on DS for Retadins on the grounds that it was an AoE attack. Dragon's Breath falls into this same category. God forbid they receive Living Bomb though, lol.

And even if Shamans can't get Imp GW at 19 they'll still be ontop because other Shamans can't get it either.

I'm talking about Best Melee Class, not best Shaman Spec... and I guess even if they lacked Imp Ghost Wolf, the Shaman has a much better distance closer than the other melee classes by 19 still. If they do recieve it, their dominance will be that much more complete. My question about Primal Strike is will it do DW damage or will it simply use MH weapon (And therefore make it better to use 2H at 19 instead of Dual Wielding)
I'm pretty positive it will do DW because they are giving DW away so Daley along with PS just Imho I think it will be DW.

I also doubt Enh Shams will be the strongest, I thin they'll be on par with the other classes but probably not in the lead too much, except maybe in the first few patches after they release PS DW etc for -19 Shamans. It'll be interesting to see. But Shamans are kinda OT ATM b/c I'm not going to make another one as I am making one right now haha.
I wouldnt have thought they would give lvl 10s pyro, since it only really becomes good when you get to deep fire. And although blastwave is an AoE its used by a fire mage pretty regularly, pretty much as soon as its off CD, while leveling. However that said, the same could be said about divine strom.

Anywho, on thread: Druid, cos they're cool, though warriors are fun too, and ive always wanted to try a mage.

Edit: schweet, someone quoted me in their sig. I feel special
Twinkin said:
I'm pretty positive it will do DW because they are giving DW away so Daley along with PS just Imho I think it will be DW.

I also doubt Enh Shams will be the strongest, I thin they'll be on par with the other classes but probably not in the lead too much, except maybe in the first few patches after they release PS DW etc for -19 Shamans. It'll be interesting to see. But Shamans are kinda OT ATM b/c I'm not going to make another one as I am making one right now haha.

Well, they might not be quite as OT as you might think, you could probably grab some of the current BiS Agi gear for your Shaman while waiting for Cataclysm... also, Stinging Viper does not appear to be Unique.

@Kore: With the redesign of the Talent System, they could build in alot of the Pyro specific talent buffs right into Pyro without concern that other trees would be able to grab a very impressive ability after topping out their own tree since Pyro would become inaccessible as a Specialized Ability.
Edit: schweet, someone quoted me in their sig. I feel special[/QUOTE]

xD I was reading an old thread and I came upon what you said and I knew I had to Sig it haha.
Conrose said:
Well, they might not be quite as OT as you might think, you could probably grab some of the current BiS Agi gear for your Shaman while waiting for Cataclysm... also, Stinging Viper does not appear to be Unique.

@Kore: With the redesign of the Talent System, they could build in alot of the Pyro specific talent buffs right into Pyro without concern that other trees would be able to grab a very impressive ability after topping out their own tree since Pyro would become inaccessible as a Specialized Ability.

1. That's what I was thinking about doing to my Shaman, but after some thought I decided to stick my Shaman to Heals and an off/FC set.

2. Even if mages do get Pyro at 10 (which is unlikely) and that they do put the +dmg for Pyro talents near the top you have to keep in mind that we'll only have around 4 talents points, but then again each Tier will probably only take 3 to open up the next Tier.
Twinkin said:
1. That's what I was thinking about doing to my Shaman, but after some thought I decided to stick my Shaman to Heals and an off/FC set.

2. Even if mages do get Pyro at 10 (which is unlikely) and that they do put the +dmg for Pyro talents near the top you have to keep in mind that we'll only have around 4 talents points, but then again each Tier will probably only take 3 to open up the next Tier.

Well, let me try to explain what I meant a little better then.

Because a "Specialized" ability is now exclusively available to a specific talent specialization, they won't have to worry about other trees grabbing it to gain a tremendous boost in power for a field they are weak in under their own tree design for a minimal or moderate amount of talent point investment. The current design has been that an ability placed at 11 or 21 talent points is mediocre (Even laughable) until you start investing a few tiers deeper into the tree so it can prevent other trees from investing 11 or 21 points into a tree, pick up the ability and use it to throw off the balance of their spec (An extreme example of this was the rogue HARP spec back during early TBC). Because these "Specialization" abilities will be exclusive to a tree, Blizz can take talents that currently make them impressive that are placed deeper into the tree and instead bake them right into the ability itself.

At present, one such ability they've confirmed is getting this treatment is Mortal Strike:

Ghostcrawler said:
When the talents that effect specific abilities (increase damage, lower mana cost, lower cast time) get removed, will they be baked into teh base abilities or rolled into prime spec bonuses at level 10


It depends. Improved Mortal Strike for example is gone and that's just the way Mortal Strike hits (we added the damage and cooldown into MS).

They could take a similar approach to other "Core Abilities" that originate from the early tiers of the current talent tree system... additionally, some "Late Tier" abilities may receive a similar treatment regarding early tier talents that provide ability defining aspects such as Mutilate receiving a +15% crit chance upon speccing Assassination.
Many people seem to be picking Warrior. Do people think Warrior's will be OP with MS or Bloodthirst or what? Kinda lost on the Warrior thing. I wouldn't expect it to be highest vote atm. (I hope this vote doesn't swing the vote, haha.)

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