what the hell do you guys do on your twinks

On EU we sometimes have instant BG que from 20:00 to 23:00. And then there is allways hanging out in Goldshire ofc. Other then that farming 22 stat rings with gem and 3gem head/belOMG, t.
OMG, are you level 20 or 29 now? I remember you, you were so good as level 20 druid. I've played with you many times... I'm a level 20 and I will join BGs, if you are too... I miss PvP so bad! I have stopped PvP when 29s are merged with level 20s. But I still waiting for the return! I'm an alliance healer in EU, I want to come back so bad!!! What is your advice???
In the upcoming

Patch 11.0.5​

Timewalking will be available starting at level 10 and the mobs will be scaled to your level. So twinking 10-20 will make farming Timewalking a breeze on F2P characters.
They will also be giving us WoW Cataclysm Timewalking for older dungeons with vendors providing older Azeroth rep and even Deviate Fish for badges.
If you are a Deviate Fish seller I suggest liquadating your inventory before the over saturation.
OMG, are you level 20 or 29 now? I remember you, you were so good as level 20 druid. I've played with you many times... I'm a level 20 and I will join BGs, if you are too... I miss PvP so bad! I have stopped PvP when 29s are merged with level 20s. But I still waiting for the return! I'm an alliance healer in EU, I want to come back so bad!!! What is your advice???
Awesome mate, im 20 naturally ! Add me on bnet and we can talk
honestly this post makes me want to be a pure f2p, i might try to gear up my rogue on my pure f2p acc

Those who played trial accounts since cata are practically indistinguishable from vet accounts by this point.
Planing around possible free gametimes is a universe of its own.
Getting https://www.wowhead.com/item=45591/darnassian-nightsaber before warbands within 18 hours was a sanity test.
So both categories have roads to travel on for those who can see.

For what purpose?

To buy entire stock of new Feets of The Lynx.
Bound to be repeatable daily/weekly timewalking badges.
Possible broken repeatable new event currency.
Crummy repeatable quests and Herbalism. I don't dare try a battleground using the machine I'm playing on. Especially not against 29s.
So another thing I do while waiting for a BG to pop is perform rogue booping duty.

Mathias Show (Pook's C.O. in the Alliance Militia for Low Level Immortals) came up with the Rogue Booping program, designed to combat incursions of Horde gankers in the city of Stormwind. When the Pook pulls rogue booping duty I patrol the city looking for stealthies. When I find one I give them a boop, if they don't do anything I let them continue on with whatever stealthy nonsense they're up to. If they stab me then I know they're a bad guy. Then I help the PvPers in Stormwind hunt them down.

I've discovered I can be effective against Gankers by keeping out of their range and pistol shotting them until I have five combo points. Then a grappling hook in and cheap shot them. If they haven't popped their trinket it will give the level 80s fighting them a chance to wail away on them while they're stunned. It's a pity Sheep Bombs won't work on anyone over level 50.

I usually die in the process but hey, the Pook is immortal so it's all in a day's work.

Frankly I think this is just busy work Mathias comes up with to keep me from yelling at him for sending FIVE of us into the Seething Shore against EIGHT Horde. Seriously Mathias... LEARN TO COUNT TO TEN!!!!!!!
don't dungeon q times take like 20+ mins?
I have 2 accounts. It's ridiculously useful for so many things. So when I was farming WoD gear at 10 I'd queue with 2 XP-locked Monks, one queueing tank, one healer. So that was 1 minute queues tops. It was kind of tedious because once zoning in, I'd have to change my tank to MW spec and set the other on auto-follow and then just spinning crane kick the entire dungeon. I got accused of botting more than once.

I twinked a 30 Paladin just because I can queue any spec and I don't mind playing Prot.

As an aside, I did the exact same thing on Remix. I got a 3rd (free) account for a 20 Holy Priest to run toons through Heroics so I'd level 2 at a time by just having them on auto-follow while I Holy Novaed the dungeon. One of the 2 boostees always had a tank spec so I could queue tank, healer and dps for instant queues. It was also good for doing daily scenarios, specifically the Brewmoon Festival one, which is trivial. Some scenarios required coordination but Brewmoon was easy.

I miss Remix.

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