are you an achievement hunting pure f2p account if so i can see how that could be fun, but if you are a vet you could just farm on a higher lvl toon and it would be way faster and easierI'm strictly a PVE twink as of current. PVP is not my thing anymore, so I don't really que up that often in anything. Just camping certain mobs to collect mounts/transmog. Least till Halloween/Anni drops by.
don't dungeon q times take like 20+ mins?So I created a level 10 MW twink to get certain TW gear. Specifically, dungeon drops in Chromie Time, which aren't so easy to get.
11.0.5 is killing TW gear so there's really no point in this toon anymore. Plus they got nerfed in the TWW prepatch (WoD warforged drops went from ilvl 56? to 29).
I do have a level 30 paladin I've been twinking just because it's fun to fill him up with ICC gear and SL gems, like healing for 40-50% health every 10 seconds. I'm working on Shadowmourne and Thunderfury but it's taking awhile.
What will I do with it? So even though the 11.0.5 TW changes will mean the end of TW gear, it will be a boon for twinks because the same gear twinks get will still be OP in TW when it's level-appropriate.
Im purely f2p, too brokie to pay a sub. And no I'm not hunting for achievements strictly. Moreso just vibing ig, getting whatever floats my fancy.are you an achievement hunting pure f2p account if so i can see how that could be fun, but if you are a vet you could just farm on a higher lvl toon and it would be way faster and easier
Lord, i've played the ever living fuck out of Stronghold many ages ago. I still despise the Abbot and the "INFIDEL" guy most of my playthroughs. Made a lot of custom maps like survival and tower defense ones.
On EU we sometimes have instant BG que from 20:00 to 23:00. And then there is allways hanging out in Goldshire ofc. Other then that farming 22 stat rings with gem and 3gem head/belt.dungeon qs take 20-30 mins to pop and bgs take longer to pop what the hell are you guys doing, i miss the days when you could q for a bg at 3 in the morning and have 5-10 min bg pops.
outside of @Life organizing pvp events there really is not much to do with retail twinks anymore
And yes. It is not a warcraft unless it looks like it has 3 pixels.
/console renderscale 0.6942069
Times like this is a Great Divide that separates a f2p from A F2P.
Free To Play is a state of mind.
You are in control of what you do and achieve. You are free unlike some 29 graveyard farming goons who unable to comprehand its existance without a battleground or arena to ruin.
- Proffesions to never think about enchants, gems or any other consumable ever again on your entire account.
- Work towards building a solid material collection of few thousands of each crafting material to sit on like a dragon.
- Work towards unlocking more account wide tabs.
- Create & gear more alts for the sake of it.
- Ensure every alt has full crafted 30+ slot bags and use bag addons to find layout you like (skip bank as it will be replaced in future).
- Full upgrade to garrison, folowers, buildings to 25+ alts to cready few k blood cards each week for free.
- Find what mounts are possible to get for you that you missing.
- Work on setting up solid foundation for your UI and Macro layout for every spec of every class you got. Ensure any future spell/talent changes are easily negated by copy pasting settings from your primary alt for that class. Look in to Myslot addon.
- Look in to valuable boe drops to collect and sit on it like a dragon on gold pile.
- Go look at entire uncollected tmogs for every armor type to see what you want to have at any point in future and work on that.
- Get addon TransmogOutfits and TransmogRoulette and spend hours building hundrets of tmog sets for different classes.
- Work on getting the most of travel log every month.
- Go after toys you wish to get.
- Finish quests for achivements, story and tmog. Next patch retroactively add every single tmog from any quests you ever done.
- Place 30+ alts at the entrence of caverns of times to prepare for next patch.
And ofc. How can we forget!