What the eff....

m'eh, it'll be more than that...that's my mana pool now with feral spec & my healing gear...with no buffs.

noooooo......2k mana will be gone.

Dam healers will go oom or have to be REALLY efficient. Hmm fast spirit regen anyone.
Look on the bright side. Maybe when Blizzard have reduced the number of talents and abilities so that each class has one of each, and they're all the same, perhaps by some miracle they might then be able to balance classes. Except for hunters of course.
Am I the only one seeing many/all hunters abilities got reduced dmg?

  • Arcane Shot - Now causes 50% (down from 100%) of weapon damage plus 150 (down from 327) as Arcane damage.
  • Steady Shot - Now causes 50% (down from 100%) of weapon damage plus 145 (down from 316).
  • Aimed Shot - Now deals 80% (down from 164%) ranged weapon damage plus 641 (down from 1438).
  • Trueshot Aura - Now increases melee attack power by 10% (down from 20%) and ranged attack power by 10%.

They also commented on this.

"Why did attacks using % weapon damage drop so much?
We are in the process of recalculating the way damage is dealt. Individual weapon damage is going up by the same proportion in order to keep DPS at level 85 about the same. This should ensure that, at lower levels, these abilities aren’t overpowered."

Still doesn't change the fact that hunters got a whole tool box of abilities that still can make them OP in the right face, err, hands
No Pushback on heals for rdruids looks nice :)

also incoming pro rdruid wild charge montage

I can see the lolz where i jump off roof and cat charge back up rofl.

moonkin disengage
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A good hunter that can backstrafe and use their pets abilities and focus macros etc to kite and deal damage will always shine above other classes being played at their best. Nerfing damage will at least make it so that s keying all-star hunters I see in every BG will no longer be ridiculous.

Now if we can get conc shot to have a 3 second duration with a 10 second cooldown in pvp we will really be headed in the right direction.
Hunters currently have the highest DPS, range and the most CC. If they're at least addressing one of those things, then hunters won't be such a problem since they actually will require skill to use effectively. This will eliminate 90% of them.
You all are crying about druids and hunters...
LOOK WHAT THEY DID WITH ROGUES :(((((((((((((((((((:)(

They did nothing to rogues since last talent preview. Which is funny because I saw blue posts alluding that they were focusing on rogues now. Meanwhile, everyone else changed 0.o

My trying to say is that Spriests are going to have a grand total of 7 abilities useable in combat, Disc/Holy get 8.
Yah, priests are going to be the new lock/resto druid. No one will roll them except die hards and 24s for stam buff. Shamans losing earthshield kind of sucks, it's like the only reason I tolerate them on my team (jk, but sers). Gaining riptide might help, but it's kind of crappy. Gaining instant ghostwolf is major success after 7 years of denial. Guess I'll welcome my paladin overlords (oh wait, they already are). Hardly anyone will play shaman/druid since you can't be belf/human, which is really just a continued trend. So really, nothing will really change.
Am I the only one seeing many/all hunters abilities got reduced dmg?

  • Arcane Shot - Now causes 50% (down from 100%) of weapon damage plus 150 (down from 327) as Arcane damage.
  • Steady Shot - Now causes 50% (down from 100%) of weapon damage plus 145 (down from 316).
  • Aimed Shot - Now deals 80% (down from 164%) ranged weapon damage plus 641 (down from 1438).
  • Trueshot Aura - Now increases melee attack power by 10% (down from 20%) and ranged attack power by 10%.

They also commented on this.

"Why did attacks using % weapon damage drop so much?
We are in the process of recalculating the way damage is dealt. Individual weapon damage is going up by the same proportion in order to keep DPS at level 85 about the same. This should ensure that, at lower levels, these abilities aren’t overpowered."

Still doesn't change the fact that hunters got a whole tool box of abilities that still can make them OP in the right face, err, hands

I don't know if this has been clarified in that informative post, but the notice that all attacks using % weapon damage are going to be nerfed not only apply to hunters, but to all classes.

For example, regarding Shaman's Lava-Lash, its damage dealt will be reduced from 260% to 130%; Retadin's Templar's Verdict will be reduced from 200% to 165% weapon damage; and so on.
So let me get an opinion (or if anyone wants to throw in proof or whatever to make it a fact, go right ahead.)

Based on the new MoP talent calc (2/15) what would be the ultimate counter for hunters? I didn't do enough research to decide that for myself, but I'm thinking pretty much any spec of paladin.

Also, I did not see anyone mention this before, but for all of the hunters ranged abilities in the calc, they all say '40 yd range' while currently ingame, they all say '5-40 yd range', even autoshot. Does that mean what I think it means?

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